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Queen's Blood (Final Fantasy Thread)


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I have a theory, but I'm not 100% yet.

Haven't played since last weekend....got pissed off at fighting....


So I am gonna skip fighting him for now and go to the desert area, find...

Sazh's son's soul pieces

and do the main quest, get stronger, and then eff him up. RAWR!

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Yeah from what I understand...

... Caius...

...is the toughest bastard in the game. I fought (Luxerion quest ending spoiler)...

... Noel and he was insanely easy, I was kind of disappointed...

... but I think the highlight so far has been (Wildlands sidequest spoiler)...

... Mog's appearance. That entire moogle series of sidequests was hilarious and fun.

I'm currently on day three and have Luxerion main quest done, half of both main Wildlands quests done, and Dead Dunes I've not really touched yet. I'm basically following the guide except for where I've decided on quicker routes.

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I have a theory, but I'm not 100% yet.

Haven't played since last weekend....got pissed off at fighting....


So I am gonna skip fighting him for now and go to the desert area, find...

Sazh's son's soul pieces

and do the main quest, get stronger, and then eff him up. RAWR!

I go to the desert and bam! Theory disproved. So the Chocobo can really only be one other person.

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Main quest-ish!

Got all but one of the soul fragments! And I imagine if I continue in the Dead Dunes I will find the item I need to go fight the Cactaur! After that, I just need to beat whatever monster is at the end of this quest line, kill Caius, and then proceed to, what I imagine, is the end game.

Also found a bunch of items, turned in quests. I feel like I've made progress ^_^

Also? The Artimis Arrow ability? Freaking powerful! And I love it. I think it does around 26k on some monsters when they are staggered.

Edit: And just finished one of the requirements for a 3 star task (get three status ailments and use a potion). Now I just gotta turn that in :D Rocked the fuck outta that day.

Edit 2: Apparently I have one mroe thing I need to do in that quest line (arena battle), and the arena is closed. Boo!!!!


If you;re ever running around the Dead Dunes and you see a small, smokey, electricy cloud floating around....DO NOT ATTACK IT! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. IT IS A GIANT DRAGON YOU CANNOT BEAT. It's a super boss. :crying:

Edit 4: Two 3 star quests down, a handful of boards, one of the main quests done....day 7 has been productive. 4 days left, currently. But I imagine that will stay at 4 or go up to 5 at the end of this day. I am gonna get all 13 days!

Edit 5: Day 8, 4 days remain. Woo! Also, got the Helter Skelter garb (got it from the Outworld Service)....holy shit that thing is powerful. Comes with Attack Level 4. Does so much damage.

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I just finished day four and now I'm kind of worried I'll run out of quests before day 13.

Seriously, I've finished Luxerion and Yusnaan main quests, I've just got to beat the main boss of the Wildlands, I'm one fragment away from the second Wildlands quest (and that will take literally 10 minutes) and I've completed 2 parts of the Dead Dunes main quest. I've not got a lot of side quests available because I've done most of them. I've gone from being concerned at having not enough time to worrying that I'll be stuck standing about >_>

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I just finished day four and now I'm kind of worried I'll run out of quests before day 13.

Seriously, I've finished Luxerion and Yusnaan main quests, I've just got to beat the main boss of the Wildlands, I'm one fragment away from the second Wildlands quest (and that will take literally 10 minutes) and I've completed 2 parts of the Dead Dunes main quest. I've not got a lot of side quests available because I've done most of them. I've gone from being concerned at having not enough time to worrying that I'll be stuck standing about >_>

How the fuck are you done all of that on day 4?

I am on day 8 and I just....

Finished the Dead Dunes! This is after getting the soul fragments, and doing the main quest of Luxerion and Yusnaan.

And I am on my way to fight


He is going to kick my ass, and I am going to cry.

BUT! If I do beat him? I don't know what will be left. I don't want to spend the next 4 days doing fetch quests.

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Wooo!!! I did it!

I beat Caius!!!

It took 9 minutes, and I was cheap as hell (had one garb that protected 100% physical damage, one that protect 100% magical damage, and then used Overdrive + Artimis Arrow)....but I did it!

Edit: Oh! So that's who the chocobo is. I'm not very smart.

And now? Now I don't know what to do! All the main quests are done. Do I just wait for the end of days?

Edit 2: Since I don't wanna wait for 4-5 full days, I am just gonna save and then sleep until 6am every day! Let's see if I am prepared.

Edit 3: I lied and ended up doing four different fetch quests (one involving ghosts, one involving a flower, one opening gates, and one reuniting a family). NOW I am going to fast forward to the end of the game!

Edit 4: Last day spoilers

Apparently I saved enough souls to get the secret dungeon. Cool. But I'm not going in it! No grind for me! Fuck fighting a super boss

Edit 5: End game spoilers...

Oh man...Snow's entrance was magical!!! Although, I am worried. Final boss coming up....I only have 3 Pheonix Downs, an X Potion, and 2-3 Hi-Potions left.

Yay Mog! I can now buy things! X-Potions for days! Also? Fuck those trials....the bosses there were tough (especially that Earth Eater). The spells? Not worth it. But hey! Doing all four got me Ultima Weapon, so that'll be nice :D

And Lightning The Goddess of Death. Badass.

I think Lightning is one of my favorite FF protagonists.

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So....I cannot beat the final boss. Fuck!

I just can't stagger the asshole in his fourth form. I can get through the first two forms no problem (usually only having to use an X-Potion or two), but the third one wears me down...and the fourth? I can't even get close to staggering.

Might have to follow a guide for garbs and stuff.

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Let's start a Lightning Fanclub! :D

First order of business: Beat the fuck out of the final boss. Rawr. I don't want to restart the game (even though I'd have all these fancy stats and weapons), nor do I want to re-load a save and do the boring fetch quests for miniscule stats upgrades. I am going to force my way through this! Hope I have the items/weapons/garbs that some guides recommend.

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FFX/X-2 HD reviews are coming in good; glad to hear it wasn't another half assed port. I was pretty concerned about the state of the Vita version, but it sounds like it works pretty well. Few frame rate issues here and there, but for the most part it apparently works and looks good. Hooray!

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Fuck it, I tap out. I can't beat the final boss.

I use all my EP to Overdrive him, and no matter what I do, what spells I chain, I can't even get him close to staggering (I can't even get it to the orange/red line)

So I say: fuck it. I can't do it and I can't be arsed to put another 30 hours into this game just to TRY and get stronger and beat him.

Overall, I enjoyed the games and had no problem with it at all until the final form of the boss (the first three were perfectly acceptable)....but when you make it so the only way to beat him is to stagger him, and the only way to stagger him is damn near impossible (at least for me), fuck you. The stagger gauge goes down far too quickly for my liking.

I hope that in future games they do away with the stagger system. I want health, I want damage, I want status effects, and if you're feeling nice, a class system. Keep it simple, for the love of Lightning.

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X-2 was awesome. It's fucking baffling that people call it out for having a nonsensical story when nearly every Final Fantasy ever is the most nonsensical bullshit I've ever played. It always came across as people taking this franchise - that's best moments come from riding giant yellow birds and melodramatic villain monolouges - way too seriously. X-2 is just a ton of goofy fun.

Don't get me wrong, there's some general criticisms of the game that're spot on - everything is just reused art assets, for example. But there's a really great Final Fantasy game in there that never got a fair shake.

I'm hoping that in a post-XIII world, people might give it a fair look this time around and say "Well, shit, this was pretty great!"

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Eh, given the eighteen-month turnaround, I think reusing X's assets is forgivable considering that with the (admittedly fuckhuge) exception of Wakka and Lulu, every central character received some sort of update to their model. If they weren't clothed differently, they looked clearer/better. Part of me's hoping that they fixed Wakka and Lulu's models to fit their circumstances, but I'm not holding my breath.

And yeah, anyone who takes X-2 too seriously is giving way too much credibility to a series full of weird stuff. Do they forget that IX featured a short segment where you controlled Regent Cid - as a frog - to complete a weight puzzle so you could disarm Kuja's Bond-villain-caliber trap? Or that VIII - as much as I love it - featured the protagonists surviving an apocalypse with the power of friendship? The Final Fantasy series isn't exactly a beacon of self-serious gameplay. X-2 just jacks that up to eleven. I've never beaten it, but I've never had a bad time with it either.

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