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Shitty musical genres


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Somewhat off topic now, but this is the first time I've seen PIL mentioned on EWB.

PIL > Sex Pistols

The first two PIL albums (Metal box particularly) are among the finest albums of all time. The bass on that bad boy is fucking insane.

The later, 80s style, dance-esque PIL does suck hard though.

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I like most kinds of music. Honestly. With the exception of mainstream country, which even has some ok stuff (Keith Urban is alright), and mainstream 'rap', which is ok if I'm out at a club, I don't actively dislike anything.

Country was good until Garth Brooks stopped making music. Garth Brooks was the last country artist who actually made me want to listen to his music.

Bah, I thought he had, but didn't realise Garth Brooks had stopped making music.....thats my country like gone.

As everyone else did it, my family like something like this:

Dad: Favourite band would be Crowded House, but he has stuff from INXS, Manic Street Preachers before they got shit, Oasis, some Britpop stuff, and has kinda got into some of the more modern Indie bands that everyone has shat on in here. Although he doesn't mind some decent heavy stuff when I play it.

Stepmum: Shania Twain....and thats all I know.

Big Brother: Poncey NME stuff....Good Shoes or something?

Mum/Step Dad : Old stuff, and thats it really. Oh, and Garth Brooks.

Not sure about my younger siblings either....my stepbrother seems to like Punk and your basis 90's/00's 'alt' music.

From that, I'm really not sure how I ended up where I did musically.

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Mother: Constantine Maroulis, Daughtry, Carrie Underwood (basically anything American Idol has spawned), Creed, gospel shit, country Kid Rock, etc.

Father: Lynyrd Skynyrd, Kid Rock, Kansas, Deep Purple, Alabama, huge fan of Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Peter Frampton, etc.

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And I also hate stupid dance music, basically anything non-IDM.

IDM has to be one of the most pathetic things in music. Just the name. That's it. I don't mind the music and thank god that some of the artists tagged as IDM share a dislike for the name. How pretentious to call one genre 'Intelligent Dance Music' and insulting too. I listen to Massive Attack, they aren't in that group, neither are Portishead, Lamb, Unkle, The Avalanches, DJ Shadow... IDM would suggest that somebody who listens to Autechre is smarter than me or listens to 'smarter' music (whatever the fuck that means) than me which is just obnoxious.

However, i should of known that down the line somebody was going to split another line through electronic music. I just would never imagine them to be such a dickhead about it and say "this music is smart and that music is stupid, i listen to smart music!" and it actually catched on.

Boo I like IDM but not cos it's called IDM or has the word "Intelligent" in it. In fact the genre name probably isn't one of the better ones around. I enjoy listening to Autechre and such like just cos it's broken up, experimental (in one of the many ways music can be experimental) and generally really polarises listeners. A number of "genres" are along those lines and a lot of 'em I hate. Nothing intelligent about you if you like IDM - it was just a movement that separated themselves from the "repetitive" beats of trance, techno etc (techno especially is excellent when it's actual TECHNO but it's clubbing music - it's the same beat with melodies phasing around over a four hour set). IDM is more broken up and often Lo-Fi. This doesn't make is more "intelligent" but I guess I can see where the "intelligent" part came from in that it involves more changing of beat. Also ironically you don't really dance to IDM so my favourite part of the name is "dance"... Mmmm unintentional irony.

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Because I can't be arsed starting a new topic over a few brief samples, you can here our shitty musical genre songs fully mixed on our page: www.myspace.com/mcvln. A nice big chunk of extreme metal for all you haters :P

EDIT: It's the two at the bottom, the two above are the rough mixes, which you can tell if you hear the drums.

Edited by fourstarfizzle
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Improvosational Jazz. Most of it sounds like they're tuning their instruments, not actually playing them.

My parents both listen to Gospel music, and while the genre itself is not bad, it seems to be more tolerant of artists with little to no talent than any other genre except Punk.

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Not a big fan of country. Otherwise, I'll listen to anything.

My dad loves anything ending in Marley, Gorillaz, Jamiroquai, Beck, Alice and Chains, Pink Floyd, and Zeppelin. RANDOM tastes.

My mom likes radio pop (ala Justin Timberlake, Gorillaz, etc.), some indie stuff (Sufjan, Bloc Party) and Sarah Brightman shit.

My one brother likes "intelligent" music with good lyrics. He loves the Weakerthans.

My other brother has random tastes like the rest of my family. Daft Punk, Dragonforce, blink-182-, Fiddy Cent, Gorillaz.

Our family loves the Gorillaz. We own three DVD's, six copies of Demon Days, and four copies of their self-titled CD. Its hardcore.

Edited by PunkRockPete
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Improvosational Jazz. Most of it sounds like they're tuning their instruments, not actually playing them.

All jazz should be "improvisational" to some extent, I'd just wager you're listening to the wrong stuff; as with all genres, there's good and there's bad. If you haven't already, listen to Miles Davis' "So What" or "Kind Of Blue", John Coltrane's "Blue Train" or "Love Supreme", anything by Charlie Parker or, just for the fun of it, John Zorn and Painkiller.

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Death Metal :shifty:

Most contemporary hip hop that only talks about killing nghs & raping bitches.

I'm with Keith on Black Metal also, although I can listen to a few black metal bands. It's not as bad as death.

House/trance/techno/rave whatever the fuck you want to call it. Chav shite. And no, there are no exceptions.



This right here is basically all my dislikes...as long as Britpop is stuff like Franz Ferdinand? God I hate that shit...

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