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I agree. Figuring everything out would just be blah. It wouldn't really give a point to a second movie except for the fact that the monster came back to kill more people. Leaving it a mystery is what makes it great and I really hope they do a sequel. Anyone know if there is any word on a sequel?

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I'm not sure, but I would assume they're going to wait until it comes out and it's numbers are released before they plan on it. I think a lot of studios will start to do that after The Golden Compass failed at the box office when New Line wanted to make it a franchise and they thought it was sure-fire.

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Then, should Abrams decide to continue on with more on the monster, be it a direct sequel, or a sequel that has characters trying to find out more about the creature, should it ever come back, or there be more of them... then you can flesh out backstory.
Edited by Michael Matzat on a Plane
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Trust me, I've read enough spoilers to know that they hardly explain anything about the monster. The only backstory you will get is that oil rig attack video, which explains why it has awakened.
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How hard is it to get? EVERY review says the same god damn thing; the movie isn't about the monster, it's about the events transpiring through the eyes of regular people. You never know what it is or how it got to New York. I don't give a damn what the director or JJ says, everyone who SAW the film are saying the same thing.

But we are given no information about what the creature is, where it might be from, or any speculation at all about it.


Edited by abundant
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Just got back from it and holy shit was that fucking awesome. The monster is indeed odd and hard to describe. I believe that filming with the handheld cameras, while making it impossible to see at times, made it so much better. I'll probably go and watch it again just to see if I can make anymore sense of what exactly the monster is.

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Having seen it, I'd really like if they did a second movie based around the event but shot from a different perspective, more like a traditional documentary. Much like the documentaries we see made about every major disaster that happens.

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So, I saw Cloverfield today as well and I can say it's instantly one of my favorite movies ever. Some people will say they hated the first person camera mode, but it added so much to the movie that you couldn't help but like it. There really wasn't anything to be disappointed about in my mind as it filled my expectations and much more. What I want to know is if anyone saw the thing land in the ocean at the end when Beth and Rob were riding the ferris wheel. You can see it off to the right it looks like when they are looking at the ocean. I swear it looked like a bomb or something.

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So, I saw Cloverfield today as well and I can say it's instantly one of my favorite movies ever. Some people will say they hated the first person camera mode, but it added so much to the movie that you couldn't help but like it. There really wasn't anything to be disappointed about in my mind as it filled my expectations and much more. What I want to know is if anyone saw the thing land in the ocean at the end when Beth and Rob were riding the ferris wheel. You can see it off to the right it looks like when they are looking at the ocean. I swear it looked like a bomb or something.
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I went with a friend at the 7:35 showing. I had a feeling something was going to happen after the credits, and we stuck around up until the cast credits, but I couldn't take sitting next to this fat geek and his friends talking about Mothera and japanese schoolgirls. So, I'm glad reyrey619 confirmed my suspensions.

I'm of the mind that, the monster doesn't really need saving. If you have half a brain, the monster is obviously a backdrop for the emotions and relationships that the characters go through, otherwise most of the film would be about the military's struggle with putting down the beast. I loved the hopeless loser Hud, and his schoolboy crush on Marlena. I still don't get how she was killed exactly. My friend seems to think a doctor with a chainsaw (?) killed her, but to me it looked like another monster ripping her apart.

The ending was very cheesy and predictable, but it did it's job in my theater. There were atleast 2 dozen teenage girls in the same screening, and they all did the typical "AWWW!" at the end, even though they both, y'know, fucking died a horrible death. What I want to know is, how does a handheld camera survive underneath all that debris? Oh well.

The beginning of the movie spoiled the ending (multiple case sightings of "Cloverfield" in area formerly known as "Central Park"). Told you basically how they're going to die and where, but I guess it's a no-brainer that some yuppies from Manhattan aren't going to survive a monster that came from the fucking ocean.

Oh, and where can I obtain a Slusho shirt?!

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I haven't seen it, but the general reaction I got at my movie theater was that it was disappointing to people who wanted a giant monster movie, but to people unfamiliar with giant monster movies it got a more positive reaction. That said, I was told that all the explanations and pieces are on a website or something of the sort. So there almost definitely won't be a second movie. You're pretty much given the pieces to fill in anyway. They nuked Manhattan, killing all life. This camera survived only because it was under enough debris not to be incinerated. Now I haven't seen it, I'll hopefully get around to that sometime this week and be able to reach my own critical judgments. But that's a little bit more on the plot, for those confused, from someone with a bit more access to the movie.

Edited by damshow
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I'm pretty sure they didn't nuke manhatten, seems more like they just carpet bombed the fuck out out of it. Afterall, nuking Manhatten would probably end up doing alot of damage to the people who had managed to evacuate.

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One of the smaller monsters bites Marlena and the bite causes her to swell up and, eventually, explode.

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