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Heath Ledger is Dead

GoGo Yubari

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This is a terrible tragedy. It's all speculation right now, but I did read he had been reported as being out of sorts since he isolated himself in that hotel room to get down the role of the Joker. So possible suicide, or a quickly spiraling drug addiction. Nonetheless, it's only speculation.


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I also feel sorry for Michelle Williams, mother of his daughter and Heath's Ex Fiance, it would be such a heartache for her to know he is gone and now she has to raise her daughter as a single mum. such a big shame

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A complete shame. A vastly talented actor and now one daughter who has lost her dad and a family who have lost a loved one. It will make watching any of his films surreal, for sure. However, at least he will always be remembered, in a sense. His legacy lives on in his films, and I'm sure, from seeing the trailers of The Dark Knight, that his final performance will cast a final shadow on a bright career.

My heart and prayers go out to his family and especially his daughter.

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RIP Heath.

He was one of my favourite actors. Not just because he was Aussie, but simply by the variety of roles he could play, from Medievil (in The First knight) to a Soldier (Four Feathers) to a Drug Courier (Two Hands) and lets not forget the Cowbay, who just happened to be gay (Brokeback Mountain). Ledger will always make me laugh when I watch 10 things, and I can't wait to see how he played The Joker, simply because I've been telling everyone I know for so long that Ledger will be an infinitely better Joker then Jack was, and now with his death, its going to be one hell of a way to say goodbye to his fans.

I'll miss you Heath, and the fact your from Perth made sure you were my favourite Aussie Actor. The fact you were an awesome actor just made you one of my favourites full stop.

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Guest Mr. Potato Head

1) I really couldn't care less about this. Shades of "Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?"

2) Well at least it was only a Soho hotel room. If he was walking in the streets, he'd have run into werewolves.


A waste of talent and a life.
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What the fuck.

My thoughts also go out to his surviving family. It's awful for someone to die this young, but a child no longer has a father, and that's downright depressing. I haven't seen a great deal of Ledger's stuff, but I for one did enjoy his role in Brokeback Mountain, and I am looking forward to The Dark Knight, as surreal as it's going to be.

R.I.P. Heath Ledger

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I first heard about this in screenwriting class today. Eerily, I got a text from my good friend during the class and didn't check it cause the teacher nails us for that. However, as soon as I saw that he sent me the text, someone in class mentioned that they had just gotten word of it. It's really a shame to see an actor in his youth and prime go in such a way. Jesus... Rest In Peace.

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1) I really couldn't care less about this. Shades of "Is Anna Nicole Smith still dead, Wolf?"

2) Well at least it was only a Soho hotel room. If he was walking in the streets, he'd have run into werewolves.


A waste of talent and a life.

A waste of a life? :blink:

Edited by Mind Games 96
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Settle down, people. No need to get into fights in here, I don't want this thread ruined or spiraling into a war between posters.

(That wasn't directed at you, Summers, you posted as I was posting it seems)

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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