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After all the waiting in line at the store I finally play it... and its a real dissapointment. I'll be playing Sim City on my SNES if anyone needs me...

I remember when I use to make 'doughnut zones' with like a ring of residential zones and then put a Zoo or Park in the middle.

Heh, yeah, I remember doing that hoping that all the red squares would turn into luxury apartments.

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I finally got it delivered, but it was in 37 parts. Managed to piece it back together, and played it this morning.

I'm up to the tribal stage, which is nowhere near as fun as the early stages, but it's a decent game. I'll probably only play it through once, but it's a fun way to put in a couple of hours.

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I'd have been more disappointed if I actually put down some money for this. I find it too repetitive and far too much like The Sims. But with animals.

For me it hasn't lived up to the hype. Isn't there a demo so you can try it out?

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I'd buy it. But not for $50 or $60 or whatever computer games are going for nowadays. It's fun, but every stage except space is too simplistic. Creating things is a lot of fun (although vehicles can be frustrating because not everything works like you want, and you have to think outside the box to get some things to work right.), but the gameplay is generally not nearly as fun. Tribal stage is the worst stage of all...it's super easy, and not fun at all. The other stages are ok...but not great. The main thing to me is replayability. For me to buy a game at full price, it has to be fun enough for me to want to spend just hours and hours playing it. This game, while fun...is not -that- fun. Combine that with their stupid DRM, and I would probably feel cheated paying $50 for it.

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Don't buy it. It's nothing more than a little sidetracker throughout the 3 days you will play it. If you've downloaded the Spore Creature Creator then you've already experienced 30% of the fun you'll have from the full game. It lacks depth on a gameplay level, it kinda reminds me of some of the free-web based games that are being made only wrapped up in a multi-million dollar production value. That being said, find a way to play it...it's worth playing even if only once.

I wonder if we'll see a Spore 2...I sincerely hope so, cause all its faults could be fixed quite easily now they have a strong base to build upon.

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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

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Man, I got this texture glitch where my creature and all the other creatures I meet are all screwed up color-wise. Some of them are solid colors and that's it, no eyeballs or anything. If anybody has any advice, tell me.

Anyway, I think this game is pretty fun. I think everyone's dissapointment is just stemming from the fact that we've been waiting 5 years and they expect a masterpiece. I'm so indecisive though, I've scratched countless ideas just on my city hall.

Edited by Raven52
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Really, what were you guys expecting. ZOMG I can play Civ IV in the Civilization's stage? It takes the better parts of certain genres (such as Civilization in the Civilization stage, MMO in Creature, and really fun Space mode that you can spend hours on even if the missions start to get repetative after a while.), adds in a huge amount of user generated content, and happens to be barrels of fun most of the time. If you want to play a game that is based off one of the stages your creature experiences, then go play Civiliazations or some MMO or a much better RTC (as I'll agree that Tribal really is the worst stage of the 5).

I think it was totally worth the 50 bucks, but thats just me.

I want a game that doesn't make me feel like I've got every ounce of fun out of it in only one play-through(which for the record was roughly 6 hours). They do what they do very well, but at the end of the day, for me at least, I have no desire to play through another species' life cycle because it just isn't fun again. Why not compare Spores Civ elements to Civ 4? That is the games competition at the end of the day and if you take all of the different stages and compare them to the genre in which they aim to portray you will find dozens of games that do it better and so, are worth the money more.

I'm being very critical of the game when really I don't care, I didn't pay a penny. My only point is, if I had paid money for this game I'd feel let-down by the lack of gameplay(in terms of both quantity and quality) it offers. If you can borrow it from somebody, do it, it is a fun experience for the 6 hours that you'll play it...just don't expect a deep gameplay experience.

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DRM is Digital Rights Management. It refers to the way the companies ensure that games aren't pirated (See this thread for examples as to how that doesn't work)

Anyway, don't worry about it, people were using amazon as a way to protest the inclusion of DRM, giving 1's to bring the overall score down.

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Also see Amazons page for the books of the woman who said Mass Effect was liable to scar your kids for life if they saw it's hardcore sex scenes.

Amazon is apparently the last outpost for fanboys who have realised their greatest weapon in this war of words is a 1 star review.

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