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Sure, his character is entertaining, but an entire episode to that shit? No way. Maybe if they take the character in another direction, something a bit more serious, but still keeping his retarded charm? That'd be alright.

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Honestly, if they don't find a use for Excalibur by show's end, I'm gonna be pissed. As a character, they've hyped him even if he's comedic annoyance, and so if there's no payoff for him, it'll be useless. Nothing new for the character since right now, he IS rather useless, but the fact remains that he has potential for something amazing and if they don't use it, well... continued uselessness.

... it's anime, Norro. There will be no payoff for Excalibur.

Also, as for the "sticking with the manga" thing according to my friend who reads the manga they'll almost certainly outpace it unless they take a hiatus or something.

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Geass: Ehhhhh, I didn't love it but given the episodes leading up to it, I didn't expect to think it was that great. On the other hand, it served its purpose, it was alright - was kinda expecting something more between Kallen/Lulu in the final episode.

Also I hated the character epilogues at first, then when they stopped I realised "hang on these were actually quite good" and wished they'd had them throughout the show.

Edited by IAceI
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Which video were you watching? Lorina and I caught SEF subs and only got one ad before the thing started.

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Just some random sub that was added like 10 hours ago...got about 2/3's through, then is started up.....refreshed, waiting for the video to load up again, and get hit again. It lasts like...5-10 mins

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Guest strongarm85

Probably the most Bad Ass Naruto chapter ever came out this week. Pain, the leader of Akatsuki, just infiltrated Konoha and started blowing up shit and ripping out people's souls.

Also while Sasuke thought he'd successfully managed to capture Killer Bee (who is the guy who houses the 8-tails), the 8-tails managed to pull a fast one on them and instead of capturing him, they took a severed tail from the demon that was disquised to look like him instead all so that the 8-tails could escape his own village. So not only did Sasuke not win, but newest and already one of the most popular characters in Naruto is trying to join up with a band of Ninja Enka (folk singers) who wonder the countryside.

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Pain is a horrible, two-dimensional character. He is not and probably never will qualify as a "badass." And really, the fact that the Akatsuki members with actual personality (Hidan, Kakuzu, Deidara) have shuffled off this mortal coil while that giant mess of boring is still around is tragic.

I will say that Killerbee (and really, everyone from that village in general), though, is badass, and the fact that he played Sasuke for a chump will pretty much go down as his Crowning Moment of Awesome. Someone on TV Tropes put it best; it's almost like Kishimoto realized what an obnoxious, overpowered, overhyped character Sasuke had become (his fight with Deidara is the absolute low-point of the entire series, and that's saying something) and opted to have a new character make him look like a huge moron to even things out.

Edited by GoGo Yubari
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So, Witch Hunter Robin and Gilgamesh. I need reasons why I should or shouldn't buy them.

Anime I own:


Final Fantasy: Spirits Within

Final Fantasy: Advent Children

Fullmetal Alchemist Movie

Ghost in the Shell

Ghost in the Shell 2

Ghost in the Shell: Solid State Society

Howl's Moving Castle


Le Portrait De Petite Cosette

Princess Mononoke

Spirited Away

Vampire Hunter D

Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust

Voices of a Distant Star

Bubblegum Crisis: Tokyo 2040

Fullmetal Alchemist

Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex

Ghost in the Shell: SAC 2nd Gig



Anime I'm in the process of buying:

Appleseed EX Machina


Gundam Wing

Final Fantasy Unlimited

Trinity Blood

Black Cat

And I liked Eureka 7 too, but the collection for it isn't out yet, otherwise I'd be all over it.

So, like I said, I need reasons why Witch Hunter Robin and Gilgamesh are or aren't for me. What you liked or disliked about them would be cool. Much appreciated.

Edited by ChiMomo
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What is with all the cousin sister loving incest in Elfin Lied? Seriously....


And at least it's not Angel Sanctuary's "But they're reincarnations of two spirits who were lovers in their former lives! IT DOESN'T MATTER that they're brother and sister!"

... <_<

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Hey, there were overtones of sister love <_<

And I didn't bother with the comical extra episode.

Edit: Also, any new anime worth watching? I'm putting off watching Blackcat and Hellsing.

Edited by Death The RuKid
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Whatever happened to the Hellsing OVA they were releasing? Is that still going? If so, where have they got up too in terms of manga storyline?

There are some fights in the manga I'd <3 to see animated. :wub:

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