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My latest anime acquisitions (which I haven't gotten around to watching yet):

Bought Saturday:

Ai Yori Aioshi volume 1

Blade of the Phantom Master movie

Bought today:

Ai Yori Aioshi volume 2

School Rumble volume 1

The store has two sales going on: 1. Buy any new anime, get a DBZ double feature steel box for $5. 2. Buy 3, get 1 free sale on used anime. But I was short on cash and didn't see anything else I wanted that I could afford or that they actually had the first volumes of....and I'm not a big DBZ fan.

(Still kicking myself for not picking up the Black Lagoon boxed set a few months back before my financial situation went down the drain)

P.S. Is Beck any good? Someone I talked to who was also browsing the anime recommended it.

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Highschool of the Dead Episode 3!!!

Still hate the super smart chick....and kinda liking the idea of zombies not being able to see, only hear.

At fight sight, I loved Mr. Shido....then when he kicked the kid in the face? Perfect heel turn....I think I will enjoy hating him :D

Aww, the skinny scared kid from the new group looks like he will be neat...so that means he will probably die. Kinda getting tired of the Medic's boobs though >_>

Oh shit zombie bus blocking them in the tunnel :o Poor zombie with the helmet, he is just hungry :(

Norro: I am enjoying the fat guy, he would seem like zombie bait but then...BAM! He breaks out badass mode that can snipe. Really enjoying this show ^_^

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E DOUBLEYA BEE! I surrender myself to your will!

Tomorrow I am back in a place of my own with totally abusable internet and I intend to treat it with sexy disrespect. I want to download some anime, now all I've ever watched are DBZ, Digimon, Pokémon, Card Captors, Yu-Hi-Oh... you know, the old ones everyone and their mother had cards/devices/buttons for. I also enjoyed Kirby last year (dealing with the subs issue, which was less bothersome than I anticipated). Now I'm looking to expand my horizons into something else, I intend to get my hands on some TV that doesn't air over here and is unavailable to DVD without import so I want your help. Suggestions?

I seem to recall something not so long back about some kind of secret prince that sounded quite good, Geiss or something to that effect? I might be mixing up shows there but maybe someone will have a clue what I'm rambling about :blush:

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You would be referring to Code Geass (full name 'Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion'), which would indeed be a very good choice.

It has two 25 episode seasons, the second of which is named 'R2' for reasons I still do not fully understand. Just so that you're clear on what you're downloading...

P.S. Is Beck any good? Someone I talked to who was also browsing the anime recommended it.

My experience is that people who really like their music (by which I mean rocky/indie types...but that may just be coincidence with people I happen to know) like Beck. People who don't can pretty much take it or leave it.

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yay Benji!

Code Geass is great, you should totally get that. Same with Gurren Lagann, Haruhi Suzumiya, Azumanga Diaoh, Cowboy Bebop...and you can join us in watching Highschool of the Dead (3 episodes in, generally released Monday/Tuesday)

As for Beck, I quite enjoyed it.

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yay Benji!

Code Geass is great, you should totally get that. Same with Gurren Lagann.

That's one (f many) that has shitloads of mech stuff isn't it? I seem to recall seeing bits and bobs of it previously. I'll make that and Geass my first two, probably along with Highschool of the Dead so I can enjoy something from the ground up :)

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So along with downloading this new series of Digimon, I'm downloading a torrent which has every series and I plan on eventually watching all of it. :P

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"Have you ever used a gun?"

"Well, I've seen some cop shows...."


Did he seriously not pick up his baseball bat after shooting the guy? Moron!

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I laughed when the high school punks got water blasted off the bridge.

After komuro gives Hirano the gun, Hirano: Where are the extra bullets?

Mr. Shido just gets creepier


Also anyone still watch Detective Conan? 

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Finally got my hands on the Highlander anime movie and watched the first 8 minutes or so. Too bad they didn't/couldn't use "Princes of the Universe", but I guess it probably wouldn't really fit the movie anyway. Plan on watching the rest of it later tonight.

Also managed to get a copy of Otaku No Video.

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