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Bargain Bins


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Oh and Turok, Conflict Denied Ops and The Club? None are worth getting.

Patapon? Brilliant. Revenant Wings? Very good. Lost? Playing it at the moment and it's meh so far.

Wii? Brilliant for drunken parties, if you've got kids, families or Mario fans.

PS3? Brilliant for if you've got the patience for new releases and developments in 2008.

360? Brilliant if you want a console that's at it's peak right now.

PSP? Don't buy a preowned one as company policy on the quality of scratched screens is far too slack for my liking.

DS? Cheat the system. If you don't mind white, by the Brain Training pack for £120 and buy another game on top - works out cheaper than our other "bargain" bundle

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I got Scarface: The World is Yours on eBay (I consider it the world's bargain bin :P) for like $10 + the strategy guide, which I really didn't need, but makes for decent bathroom reading material <_<

The game itself, is great. Controls take a mission or two to get used to, but after that, it's good. Always love taking the Enforcer out for a spin and start shooting random people :P

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What was said about different branches being bad/good isn't entirely true.

After reading about rvdwannabee moving to Swansea I found out he comes from the same place as me. We've both had very different Gamestation expierences and (to my knowledge) there is only one Gamestation in our town.

You had a problem with Gamestation? Hmmm, fair enough, always find them relatively good in Brighton. And yeah, only one shop.

I'm glad Cex problems are universal, as it does take a fucking age to get served, no matter how busy it is, it seems. Though they did give me £31 credit for some games yesterday when Gamestation were willing to give me only £18.

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We got told off if we disouraged a sale in GAME.

"Hi, my son would like this game (PS2), we have a PS1 and an X-Box will it work?"

"I'm afraid it won't."

"Oh, thanks anyway."

"Ryan, Sean wants to see you upstairs, now."

" <_< "

What the fuck? That's awful sales technique, so instead of giving good and logical advice and potentially getting more sales in the future for it, they want you to sell one game and almost certainly get a returned item and definately not get any other sales out of it?

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Tomb Raider is pretty good on 360 so I say yeah go for it.

If you weren't freaked out by Killer 7 (same as me) I'd suggest that for PS2 at the bargainous £3.99 that we're knocking it out at preowned at the moment.

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Meh, I'm grumpy as our stores are getting the shelves changed around AGAIN. A complete change this time cos Microsoft have decided to pay us money to ensure they've got the aisle closest to the front door in every store. It used to be Sony one one side (where the door was) then Nintendo and then Microsoft. Now Microsoft goes near the door and the others shift over....Which is annoying to change around as well as the current layout suiting every console pretty well actually.

But then Microsoft need to do something along with their price drop as I know that in the US both the PS2 and PS3 beat 360 hardware sales for the second month in a row and it's the same in the UK.

I just wish they'd think about a plan that didn't include me getting extra stressed by having to mess around moving shelves and shelves of games around when I've got far too much work to do already.

Cheers Bill. (Y)

Just found global figures...Supports it:

November 07: PS3 1.37 Million vs 360 1.4 million

December 07: PS3 2.04 million vs 360 1.94 million

Jan 08: PS3 1.02 million vs 360 0.69 million

Feb 08: PS3 0.93 million vs 360 0.67 million

Edited by ChrisSteeleAteMyHamster
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Best game purchase I ever managed was Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus for the PS1.

It was £19.99 in GAME (Electronics Boutique at the time), and they had a price-match scheme going on.

Currys were selling it for £9.99, and they agreed to match the price.

I then gave them a "£10 Off Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus" promotional voucher that they had sent me through the post.

I left with the game and a penny (change).

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Yep. Retro massacre sadly although staff are grabbing carts at 5p or whatever each. I've rescued a NES copy of Punchout (don't even have a NES but I refuse to see it destroyed), loads of PS1 (Oddworld, X-Com - OH YES, Destruction Derby etc) and loads of N64 carts. My workmate left with so many SNES boxed games it was crazy.

It's a big matter of upset between staff worldwide. I've suggested that all the stock we've got that would be destroyed (the "better" stuff is being held on to mind you) be put onto the shop floor on a stupid 5p/10p per game sale so we'll have to see what happens there...

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Yep. Retro massacre sadly although staff are grabbing carts at 5p or whatever each. I've rescued a NES copy of Punchout (don't even have a NES but I refuse to see it destroyed), loads of PS1 (Oddworld, X-Com - OH YES, Destruction Derby etc) and loads of N64 carts. My workmate left with so many SNES boxed games it was crazy.

It's a big matter of upset between staff worldwide. I've suggested that all the stock we've got that would be destroyed (the "better" stuff is being held on to mind you) be put onto the shop floor on a stupid 5p/10p per game sale so we'll have to see what happens there...

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