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I don't particularly mind Corden in it as long as they don't play up to his 'HAHA I'M FAT' character. The few emotional bits in Gavin and Stacey he got showed he's certainly not a bad actor.

I loved that episode though, if they can keep up that quality it's going to be an excellent series. In RTD's episodes there were always those moments that seemed incredibly cheesey, especially during the quiet, emotional bits. They seemed to avoid that this time, which is promising.

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I've got to admit, I loved Amy even more than I loved the new Doctor, and considering I absolutely fucking loved Matt Smith in this, that's saying a lot. I'm guessing that they won't go the route of her fancying him and more seeing him as an uncle/big brother kind of protector this time, which should create a nice dynamic we haven't seen in a long time from a companion if I'm right.

The one thing that stood out to me was just how old school this felt - and that was always my biggest issue with RTD, I liked his writing, but his approach just felt more like "Russell T. Davies Presents... Doctor Who" rather than simply Doctor Who written by Russell T. Davies. The pacing was fantastic, the writing was good, Matt's facial expressions are perfect (which is generally the key to a good Doctor) and the overall product just felt more like I was a kid watching a much better looking Doctor Who.

I didn't even have any issues with the episode, not a one, and believe me I tried to find one. If Moffat can keep this level of quality we're in for a damned exciting era in the Whoniverse :wub:

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I like the episode. I didn't love it - but I thought it was pretty good. Matt Smith has won me over as the new doctor; I thought I'd like him, and I thought he was pretty damn good. I agree with Benji, I thought Amy came off really strong - definitely rivalling The Doctor. I'm looking forward to the new series quite a bit, I think it has a lot of potential. I just hope they keep using the side characters that Russel T. Davies did create. I want Captain Jack back on my screen, mostly.

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Great stuff, lots of little funny bits, a great flow, smooth introduction of a new Doctor and companion, very enjoyable. Also, as much as I totally, entirely, completely loved David Tennant, I didn't "miss" him. Matt Smith was good and looks like he could be great as he settles into the role more.


I know it's been said, but again BILL FUCKING NIGHY!!!

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I thought it was good. Matt Smith put his own spin on the character and, as with when Tennant took over from Chris Eccles-cake, I didn't find myself wishing for the good-ol' days!

Plus it had a Mini in it. Can't argue with that!

Amy Pond is hot as well. GINGERS SHOULD NOT BE THAT FIT! :-)

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Amy Pond is incredible, simple as - and I actually loved the "I'm a Kissogram!" line, considering practically all the rumour and speculation about her character that I'd seen beforehand was "she's a policewoman". I love the dynamic of having her already know about the Doctor too, it's a new twist on the companion, and we've already seen the odd character here and there that's obviously been affected by having met the Doctor just once, so having one of them grow up to be the next companion is nice, especially when it also ties in to his own fairly flexible ideas around the passage of time - five minutes turning into twelve years, say.

Matt Smith still seems a bit "Tennant-lite" to me, but that might change as he grows into the role, and the episode was a tad melodramatic in places - though nothing compared to RTD's writing. As much as I can't stand "fate of the world lies in the balance" storylines in Doctor Who, I mostly really liked this episode - I think the way it was shot, the pacing and the way the character of The Doctor was (re)introduced means that this was the Doctor Who revamp that the BBC should have given us in the first place.

Two more things - return of the Steampunk TARDIS, and PATRICK MOORE~!

Curious what the Doctor firing a gun bit will be - guns have always been the one thing he'd never use, and when I first saw that shot, I assumed it would be a feint, some kind of swerve - but considering we've now seen him actually use the gun...interesting, to say the least.

Edited by Skummy
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My dad brought up an interesting point - we had the Multiform in this episode and he seemed to be referring to the overarching "silent menace" that the writers have mentioned, so what if that isn't The Doctor firing that gun, but the Multiform again?

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Also in that trailer - the Dalek was camo green, with a Union Jack painted on it. The fuck? Allegedly a story set in World War 2, perhaps.

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Also in that trailer - the Dalek was camo green, with a Union Jack painted on it. The fuck? Allegedly a story set in World War 2, perhaps.

There are also spitfires having laser battles with Dalek ships in space. Looks fun. >_>

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My dad brought up an interesting point - we had the Multiform in this episode and he seemed to be referring to the overarching "silent menace" that the writers have mentioned, so what if that isn't The Doctor firing that gun, but the Multiform again?

the whole Doctor using weapons is a mixed bag, it tends to come down to each personality of the doctor cause i remember Peter, Colin and Christopher all using a gun like weapon in one way during their time in the series its just generally looked on that the Doctor doesnt see the need to use guns he uses other means but doesnt mean he wont use them if severly pushed

Also in that trailer - the Dalek was camo green, with a Union Jack painted on it. The fuck? Allegedly a story set in World War 2, perhaps.

Their was also a white "Imperial" dalek although you only ever really see its dome and eyestalk but the dome is white with a gold eyestalk

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Ye, I really enjoyed it, the whole issue with the gun needs to be seen in context before I get too worked up about it, and He's shot guns a few times, Earthshock springs to mind, so it's not that big of a deal.

Matt Smith is brilliant, has quite a bit of Pat Troughton to him, I'm loving the whole manic energy. And Amy Pond has just become the best looking companion EVER. And I love James Corden in Doctor Who, I've wanted it for ages

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