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Ohhhh, my bad. Personally I'm hoping it's not any big single entity we've seen since the series revival, it's WAY too soon for The Master (especially since his face turn in The End of Time), it's too soon for Davros (though it might explain things, like the voice sounding so similar, plus removing The Doctor destroys all of space and time, just like Davros wanted the last time they met) and I can't think of any single person who'd work. Personally I'm hoping it's going to be Omega (perhaps seeking to re-mould the universe as he did the antimatter universe) or even more preferably - someone totally new. The series wants a new massive big bad that it can come back to, with the lack of the Time Lords we only really have The Master and Davros on an individual basis, and what better way to do it than with such a massive episode?

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Guest Jacob

Yes i was alluding to the voice that kept saying "Silence will fall".

But still, i can't see the Sontarans, Daleks, Cybermen etc deeply involved in negotiations to lock up the Doctor without some sort of "big brain" behind it.

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Black Guardian? Maybe? Though, I think he'd be more powerful than that and it might not be the type of character that Moffat would want to revisit.

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That was really good. I was a little annoyed while watching that it was obviously going to be the Doctor inside the Pandorica, even with the misdirection ("I hate good wizards in fairy-tales. They always turn out to be him"), but I didn't see that ending coming. Great stuff, and props to Matt Smith, who was excellent throughout.

The Nestene Consciousness was a nice throwback, too. Rory showing up was totally inconsistent, implausible and awesome, so the explanation was all the more crushing. Well played, Moffat.

Edited by The Dragon
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Great episode - loved the Rory swerve especially - can't wait for next week now.

Only downside, as ever with these episodes, is that the finale is always far less satisying than the build-up (I'm looking at you especially, Jesus-Doctor working on the psychic network) - however they "fix" this probably won't be as good as the set-up

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Ho. Ly. Shit.

That was epic on all levels. Had me emotionally gripped throughout the whole thing.

I've seen Omega mentioned as the best possibility even though I had to look up who it was. By the looks of it he does seem the best, most awesome choice in the way this is going down.

...Man that cliffhanger has been salivating for next week.

EDIT: After sinking in, I just realised that the Romans were those plastic thingos from the first episode in 2005. My god....

Edited by The Inquisition
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I think next week will be the best episode of the season. The Doctor wrapping things up, going back in time to add to all those odd and off "continuity errors" from throughout the season, ought to be awesome. And I am also leaning towards The Dream Lord thingee as the one talking to River.

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Yeahh, they were introduced in Jon Pertwee's first episode as The Doctor :). Attack of the Autons was it not Benjamin?

Gonna have to watch the episode again because I saw it this morning as I was walking home and I was absolutely knackered. And it wasn't the best quality video. So gonna watch it again later. But hmmm, I am MASSIVELY confused, in a good way, as to why they are saving the universe from him, but we'll find that out next week. Loved it so much, and although Rory being there completely fucks with my mind, I can accept that the Doctor believes that now and then miracles happen.

Gonna go rewatch again now and reply later with more thoughts.

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It was called Spearhead from Space, and it's a great classic Who story. Terror of the Autons is a follow-up which I haven't seen.

Oh, yeah, and that was fucking epic.

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I do have to point something out - just because that Rory isn't the real one, doesn't mean Rory isn't alive. That Rory was based on Amy's memories, and The Doctor said that anyone swallowed by the cracks would be erased from history, including Amy's memory... in other words because Amy can remember him, Rory must be alive in some way, shape or form.

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I do have to point something out - just because that Rory isn't the real one, doesn't mean Rory isn't alive. That Rory was based on Amy's memories, and The Doctor said that anyone swallowed by the cracks would be erased from history, including Amy's memory... in other words because Amy can remember him, Rory must be alive in some way, shape or form.

Yeahh that was my thinking on the matter. They might not have been real but it was all based on her memories so he has to come back. I can't imagine them playing that card and not having an emotional moment with Amy/Rory at the end when The Doctor somehow fixes everything.

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Yeah, if Rory had never existed, presumably the photograph of him and Amy wouldn't have been there for the Big Bad to steal her memories of him from in the first place...

Bloody loved that episode, though. As soon as The Doctor described the Pandorica as containing "a trickster/warrior" responsible for the deaths of civilisations, the blood of millions of galaxies, etc., I knew that it could only contain him, in some way or another, because it's a description that only fits him, but it took me until pretty much right before it actually happened to realise what was going on. Very, VERY good.

It seemed obvious through the whole series that the cracks in the universe somehow link to Amy, not actually to the Doctor - but it's not really clear how yet. Really can't wait for the next episode, though, because I genuinely have no idea where it can go from here.

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I don't think the Rory photo is a mistake but it a plot point maybe if the cracks started in Amy's house then the house and anything in it is not effected by any changers due to them bit like when in "Last of the Time Lords" when The Valiant was not effected when time tuned back as it was in eye of the storm

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I'm thinking about this more and more... I think I kind of want that Auton version to BE Rory, it's been a long time since we had a regular non-human companion and I like Rory and Amy together as well as their group and solo dynamics with The Doctor (not to mention I prefer a three-person or more TARDIS crew), so having an 'alien' who looks human and therefore isn't out of place when they visit places would be great to me.

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Something I noticed re-watching the first episode, will put it in spoiler tags as it might have alot to do with the ending.

As The Doctor is showing Amy around the Tardis, the crack that appeared in the Tardis with River Song in it was already there. If you go on the BBC site and watch it it happens just after the hour mark. Also, when Amy has him trapped in the car door there is a bright light that seems to be shared by them. Not sure what that has to do with anything but the camera does linger on it.

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