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What was the River Song storyline conclusion? I mean it was obvious that she was his wife, but that aside...

She was also the daughter of Rory and Amy.


At the end of "Closing Time", on the day she receives her doctorate, the Silence and Kovarian recapture River and place her in the space suit to kill the Doctor as history records. In series finale "The Wedding of River Song", River resists killing the Doctor, creating an alternate reality. The Doctor marries River and convinces her to return to the established course of events by letting her know how he plans to fake his death; River goes to prison for his murder to corroborate the deception

One of the last scenes of the last episode is basically River, Amy and Rory hanging out like a family in a backyard at night somewhere I believe.

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Are we putting River stuff in spoilers? I'll carry on the trend, just in case.

River goes to prison for his murder to corroborate the deception

Did they actually say that or assume it yourself? I only ask because that does seem a likely reason for River being in prison but it also makes the Doctor look like even more of a prick. Not only does he try to pretend to his friends that he's dead (already pretty shitty and completely unnecessary) but then River has to go to prison so he can keep up the charade? Bastard.

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Are we putting River stuff in spoilers? I'll carry on the trend, just in case.

River goes to prison for his murder to corroborate the deception

Did they actually say that or assume it yourself? I only ask because that does seem a likely reason for River being in prison but it also makes the Doctor look like even more of a prick. Not only does he try to pretend to his friends that he's dead (already pretty shitty and completely unnecessary) but then River has to go to prison so he can keep up the charade? Bastard.


She had to, in the timeline to make the Silence believe that she had actually killed the Doctor. She knew he was safe all along, and escaped - starting on the first night even - to go on adventures with him.

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Yeah, I've watched very little classic Who and don't feel like I've missed out anywhere. He always mentions if he's seen something before anyway, and a fair few comedy nods to Tom Baker are pretty much the Who pop culture references anyway.

When does it start by the way, Autumn is vague.

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I looked on BBC America on demand and it looks like it has Seasons 3 and 4. Does that sound right?

They have David Tennant as The Doctor, so it won't get you caught up with what's happening now, but both worth watching. Season 4 in particular is fantastic.

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I looked on BBC America on demand and it looks like it has Seasons 3 and 4. Does that sound right?

If you have Netflix the entire run of the new series is on their on demand portion.


Richard Grant is the villain of the X-Mas Special this year.

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