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Troughtons doctor was a time when they were conciously trying to make Who more kid friendly than the previous Hartnell era right?

The entire black and white period was primarelly aimed at a younger market but they also made sure to try and educate them in some way hence some rather complex stories and situations, they didnt decide to go for a more adult audience till Pertwee's run when they began trying to turn the series more into Quatermass that didnt really last more than a couple of seasons when they decided to try and find a middle ground.

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The bit thing about the Hartnell era was the difference between what they had originally planned and what they unexpectedly achieved straight away with the Daleks. The early ideas knocked about certainly suggests they had different plans to what Who soon evolved into. They didn't really intend for it to be a monster of the week show and like Who says had intended for more educational approaches to their stories. Then the Daleks immediately caught everyone's attention. There's a few glimpses hereand there in the Hartnell era where you can see what they had intended.

Its quite funny to compare the original ideas with the Pertwee or Baker run.

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Gone for Planet, just watched the first one. Standard stuff, brilliant overuse of the word space (I'm trained in space medicine. Medicine then?), and Bill Pertwee inexplicably changing outfits between scenes despite being trapped in the Tardis with no air. Wonderful.

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Gone for Planet, just watched the first one. Standard stuff, brilliant overuse of the word space (I'm trained in space medicine. Medicine then?), and Bill Pertwee inexplicably changing outfits between scenes despite being trapped in the Tardis with no air. Wonderful.

Mainwaring has moved to Spiridon-on-Sea then?

This is Bill Pertwee


The outfit change is down to consistancy issues between this story and the previous story Frontier in Space where everything that happens till he collapses happened in the previous story since Planet is meant to continue straight on after Frontier.

Time Meddler is a good story very much the feel of classic historical stories with minimal aliens. Seeds of Death is an ok story a bit long winded. One issue is that both use the VHS source material so they have slightly bad audio and visual quality compared to the DVD versions.

They removed a few others at the end of last month, they had Vengance on Varos, Resurrection of the Daleks, Ghost Light, City of Death and the Movie on there, chances are they might pop up again since they were on there a few months back and got removed for a month or so and got re added back.

Edited by TheWho87
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BBC confirms #DoctorWho 50th to culminate in progs across BBC TV & Radio. Exclusive Day Of The Doctor promo pic here http://bbc.in/1aAIPwW

.@BBCTwo to tell story behind #DoctorWho, incl progs with @ProfBrianCox, @DrMatthewSweet & @Markgatiss http://bbc.in/1aAIPwW #DoctorWho50th

BBC4 to rerun 1st-ever #DoctorWho story & @BBCThree to air Monsters And Villains Weekend & Doctor Who: Ultimate Guide http://bbc.in/1aAIPwW

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Presumably this means we might be getting a teaser sometime soon too. Presuming they do a few teasers building into the trailer. Although the current rumour seems to be about webisodes or something. I'm taking that with a pinch of salt since that seems to be involve a rumour about Paul McGann being in them and that sounds silly. And I'm hoping that the rumours about John Hurt's character being an older version of the 8th Doctor arent' true because that seems a bit mean to poor old McGann.

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Spoiler on John Hurt's Doctor;

It's been confirmed that he's not an older version of an existing Doctor. Most people are assuming he falls between McGann and Eccleston.

There's photos out there of McCoy and Davison "protesting" outside BBC headquarters because of the lack of classic Doctors in the special, and apparently Colin Baker was seen there too. Seems to be a publicity stunt, but no one has any idea what for. I can imagine it either being a red herring and them actually being involved, or it being filmed as some kind of comedy ident for another part of the anniversary celebrations.

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They'll definitely be involved somewhere, for all its faults one thing modern Who can't be criticised for is failure to recognise what's gone before. Probably not in the special though barring perhaps a brief cameo. Hope they Photoshop Colin...

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