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See, I like Rex because he's a cunt. I hate Mikey because he's disgusting.

If we vote a man who washes his balls with a cup the winner - Britain needs a reality check.

Hahaha REALITY check. God I didn't even mean that either. I say that, most self respecting people don't watch Big Brother <_<

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Rex MIGHT win. Since his Dad has admitted to spending a fortune on voting (the only reason he's still in the house). And he might make the extra expenditure to have his son the winner.

Since he's getting their restaurants perma-exposure, and they've been raking in millions. As a winner, he might get a crap cookery show on E4 etc.

I am picturing that seen from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Veruca's dad getting all the factory workers to open boxes of chocolate bars.

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Mikey is a cock, if he wins I will have lost all faith in Big Brother and its fans. He has tried to turn half the house agaisn't Rex, he does nothing but fucking eat like a pig. Also why is Mikey in the house, to get the check at the end like the rest of them.

REX TO WIN, SO VOTE FOR HIM 09016 16 16 14

Also don't know if this is a spoiler or not, but I'll put it in tags.



Also as you can tell I hate Mikey, and want a piece of Rex. :pervert:

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I don't get the mentality in the house when they say "He/She has a game plan", or "He/She is only here for the money at the end". Of course, that is why all of them are there. If there was no money on offer, and no television coverage to make sure they won't get publicity money after the series, none of them would be there. And everyone has a "game plan", because a "game plan" is exactly what is sounds like, a plan of action on how you will play the game, so even if you plan to be yourself, don't backstab anyone, and have fun, that is still a game plan.

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...WOW....maybe this is why everyone thinks Reality TV is bad for our country....what is with the hate ?! seriously. Yea she obviously false...ain't no need for the abuse she gets though. Abuse for Alex i understand but because she was going for a sympathy vote? Shes a woman...most of them do that :-/

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Sarah has somehow emerged as a popular housemate recently with a lot of people backing her to win. I don't get it, i really don't. It reminds me of two years back when everyone seemed to have a complete u-turn over Ashleign in the final week.

If nothing else, this has been the first Big Brother in a while that is relatively unpredictable. The previous two, people seemed to know the winner from pretty much as soon as they entered the house, but this year there has been many favourites.

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I had to turn over...anyone else dig Darnells ryhmes? :-/

Darnell and his was rap was impressive, he needs to get some kind of deal when he comes out of the house. The lyrics seemed a lot better than what the rest came up with. I cannot belive that Rex fucked his up, it was all going so well and the words did rhyme.

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Darnell gets my vote to win tonight. I just think he's the most deserving, and will truly benefit with the £100K. Darnell has been a strong character all the way through the series. The 100K could be a good sarting foundation into launching a music career, since the guy has got talent.

If Rachel and Sara win, then they would just get forgotten about, since they don't really have a strong character to develop any sort of career after Big Brother. Mikey has a strong chance of winning, but he really hasn't done much in the house as others have pointed out, so he may only win due to being blind.

Rex is the real winner from the show, as he is tipped to be one of the most famous housemates to come out of the Big Brother series. For that reason, Rex doesn't need to win as he's already going to make it big after tonight, and will be raking in a lot more than the 100K prize money. Not saying that he doesn't deserve to win, but just by being on Big Brother and lasting this long has made him famous.

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If it wasn't for the self-pitying side of him, i think he'd have it in the bag. And agree about Rex...reminds me of Victor (sp?)...but with financial backing. Though he did fuck all when out of big brother.

Mikey & Rachel would've gone earlier if they'd been up for eviction, in my eyes. The only time i can think of them being up they had people like Luke and Dale to go against. So i'd be surprised if they won. Although if innocent Cameron managed to win over the mighty Tickle....Rachel has a chance.

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I'd just flat-out hate the winner to be anybody other than Rex or Darnell. Both have been consistently entertaining - Rex has pretty much been the star of this series and Darnell's had so many ups and downs, plus he's come out on top of any argument he's been in. Mikey's done fuck all but call Rex a prick a few times. Rachel's done even less than that (though she's lovely) and Sara's done the square root of what Rachel's done.

I'm annoyed I'll be missing the final as well. I'll probably watch it at some point but it won't be the same once I know who's won.

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