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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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Liverpool with Gerrard.








Moan at Babel



And fuck Setanta as well.

Why do you constantly shit on Gerrard and not half the other players that are constantly shite for you? Sorry, but fuck off with this Gerrard hatred you seem to have. Point is, he's saved your team thousands of times and without the guy, bullshit would you be challenging for the title half of how you are now. People can say what they want, I'm not his biggest fan, but that guy is a major player for you and all I ever see is you shit on him. The guy has one bad game and apparently he's terrible, despite the fact that nine times out of ten it's him that's saving you. Don't blame a shit performance on one guy, certainly not the one that is always getting you out of shit. People seem to expect a five star performance from the guy every single match.

Although I agree about the Beckham fact :shifty:

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I've said numerous times that Gerrard is one of my favourite players because of what he does in big games, but in 'run of the mill' games like last night/Fulham/Stoke he's as frustrating as Luis Garcia ever was. He sees himself as a central midfielder, something he's quick to run to the press about anytime any manager even thinks about playing him elsewhere, and yet he consistently proves he isn't suited to that role in the slightest.

Did you even watch the game last night? And I mean actually watch the game, not just watch the highlights or have it on in the background. Next time Jamie Redknapp or Martin Tyler's monkey whines about STEVIE G being a central midfielder show them a tape of this match. He plays at one speed: too fucking fast. Fantastic when you need rescuing, but when you need a bit of intelligence and composure then you need to look elsewhere. Every time he gets into the final third when we're struggling to break teams down he panics and twats a shot at goal or hammers a pass to someone who'd have to be in a square mile of space to control it properly.

The best example of Gerrard's inability to run the game from central midfield is the derby away at Everton last year, when Rafa was absolutely vilified for bringing Lucas on for Gerrard when the score was 1-1. Before Lucas came on we couldn't get past Everton, they packed the defence and just let us give the ball to Gerrard. Why? He can't break teams down. It was only when Lucas came on that we started to carve out proper chances - and eventually won the game largely thanks to Lucas, whose shot was handballed on the line by Neville. Of course, instead of thinking about why the change was made, and ignoring the fact we WON, Benitez was still mocked for daring to replace Gerrard for being "too passionate. TOO PASSIONATE!?!?! WTF IS THAT SPANISH TOSSPOT THINKING!? YOU CAN NEVER EVER EVER EVER HAVE TOO MUCH PASSION, JUST LOOK AT ENGLAND! THEY'RE THE MOST PASSIONATE RACE ON EARTH AND THEY'VE FUCKING DOMINATED INTERNATIONAL FOOTBALL!"

The reason I'm so keen on criticising Gerrard is because he's the answer to our problem. The last time we consistently broke down defensive teams both home and away was when we got a new right winger. He could go inside or outside of the fullback, had a rocket of a shot, could pass, put in a bastard of a shot and generally put the shits up 99% of defenders. Unfortunately he decided he absolutely had to play in the middle of the park, even though we have other players more suited to that role.

I don't expect a five star performance from him every match, I expect him to do what's best for the team - even if that means he might not be seen as the saviour each week.

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ahaha at Gerrard having one shit performance. One awesome performance this season perhaps, then largely missing for the most part. I can't bring myself to hate Gerrard, as much as I feel he gets far too much praise on merit, through no fault of his own no doubt - which is probably why I can't bring myself to hate him.

But yeah, Gerrard isn't the midfield general everyone seems to seem to think he is. The guy who runs the game and pulls all the strings, he doesn't do that on a consistent enough basis but for the big games he's just a must have player because he always seems to get it done.

With that all said he's come along way from the player who started off for the club as a right back pretty much and the fans quickly dubbed "Stevie Me" for his selfish play. Certainly a long way since then.

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Regarding Ronaldo's first tackle; It was a clumsy challenge, from behind, which as far as the referee knew didn't get the ball. However, the assistant who was RIGHT THE FUCK THERE signalled for a Man City throw, confirming that he believed Ronaldo got the ball. But the referee chose to ignore that and book Ronaldo.

So Ronaldo can be justified in his 'wtf' reaction, not so much in the comical facial expressions and the silly fly squatting thing behind his ear, which I think was supposed to be offensive in some way :shifty:. The referee, given the information from his assistant (even if he didn't bother asking him, his signalling for a City throw should've been clear enough...) could've made a better call.

Fact is, he didn't. Ronaldo got booked.

There is no earthly reason in the whole of creation why, on a yellow card, in front of goal, at perfect head height, Ronaldo should've batted the ball away with his hands. BOTH his hands. Like someone else said, catching the ball - fair enough. But the pansy 'dear God not the face! Not the face!' patting of the ball was just silly, whatever he heard. He deserved to be sent off for the plain stupidity alone :shifty:

Regarding Gerrard, he's always been a selfish glory-hogging cunt. Sure, sometimes his glory-hogging nature happens to coincide with a genuine chance at goal, it goes in in the 5th minute of undeserved injury time (much of which is 'earned' by Gerrard), and Gerrard's a hero and his head gets even bigger. But more than often it doesn't, and the rest of the team is left wondering why they even exist.

I can see Stevie G as a player/manager when Rafa leaves. He'll play 4-Steven Gerrard (he'll sign some defenders, as there's limited glory in defending). His ego will be so big by then, he can actually form two seperate individuals, one to smash the ball in the general direction of the goal from midfield, and the other to shout at people, make girls swoon, and say 'EEHHHHHM, liechke...' a lot in interviews.

Edit: I'm quite proud of my portrayed of a comic Liverpudlian accent through text, there. I'll have to remember that spelling of 'like'. Seriously, Gerrard talks like a Southerner taking the piss out of a Scouser.

Unfair? Yes. Exaggerated? Yes. Getting across how much I fucking despise Steven Gerrard (as a footballer)? Almost.

Edited by Farmer Reil
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I don't think he glory hunts to feed his ego though, that's the thing. He's become less selfish under Rafa, but when he first broke into the team under Houllier he was carrying the team. I think that's why he sees himself as the saviour, because in Houllier's last couple of years he was doing everything. He was immense.

Now though we have a much better squad and a much better manager. Unfortunatley Gerrard is still suffering from being thrust into the hero role early in his career. If he'd come through under Benitez he would be unstoppable.

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I was at the Liverpool/West Ham game. I felt Keane was very alone in the game. Some Liverpool fans around me were giving him hell, but he needs someone to play off. He had no one and just kept getting blocked off by defenders. Dossena spent the second half mostly doing long balls over the top which came to nothing. I was disappointed by Reira, and our width in general. Yossi Benayoun was out there but wanted to cut in far too much. I'd have liked Kuyt to be more central, he and Keane I think play well together. It was another time I felt that I didn't know who was up front for Liverpool, just seemed like a team of midfielders and defenders. Why Rafa didn't go with Kuyt and Keane as forwards but had Keane up on his own I don't know. Torres can do it on his own, he has the pace and the ability, Keane needs the support.

We had great success using our width early in the season. I don't feel we use it enough recently, especially Albert Reira, he got one or two runs but it seemed like play is concentrated down one wing and the centre. I want to see our wingers run to the byline or run along the line into the box before they cross. Not cut in and cross early.

West Ham were there for the beating, really were. Also N'Gog seemed very nervous or something to me.

Edited by HoboObohHbob
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