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Official Premiership 2008/09 thread


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EDIT: And why is Bosingwa still on the fucking pitch, considering what Lamps got sent off for?

Perhaps in Mike Riley's mind, two wrongs make a right.

Although that would infer that he believes either decision to be wrong, which I somehow doubt.

Edit: lol, Chelsea. Again.

Edited by Lt Gen stokeriño
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I don't care if we win it, I'll just be happy that we're in it.

After those frustrating few games it's just great to get the win and for them to come from Torres.

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Now I have to put up with the noisy scouse cunts singing about "winning the title" all night when they're blatantly not going to.

Especially as, if they hadn't scored, you just know that Benitez would be "ZOMG WORST MANAGER EVAR" again. Now tomorrow it'll all be about how great they are. Despite the fact that they were terrible today, as were Chelsea. Easily one of the worst "big 4" games I've ever seen in terms of quality. But of course, that'll all be forgotten as they're now "back in the title race" (until they draw at home with Wigan or someone).

Edit - Can I also ask why Gerrard wasn't sent off? I mean, he kicked the ball at Bosingwa in the first half (something Rory Delap got sent off for yesterday), then moments before Lampard got sent off he put in an arguably worse tackle where he went over the ball and was fortunate enough to miss the man. Then he's booked for diving. Surely that's 3 more than bookable offences? But we all know you can't send off Steven Gerrard.

Edited by Whisper in the Wind
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We dominated them, again. Even when it was 11v11 we were the only ones trying to score, I don't know what Scolari's done to Chelsea but they just seem incapable of competing against the 'top 4' teams.

But we all know you can't send off Steven Gerrard.

He's subject to the same rules as Wayne Rooney.

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But we all know you can't send off Steven Gerrard.

He's subject to the same rules as Wayne Rooney.

That, and Mike Riley just had an all round nightmare today. I'm glad the refereeing in the PL isn't as bad as it is in La Liga, but some of our referees really are awful.

I quite like Mark Halsey (I know he's got some big decisions wrong over the last year or so though) in that he seems to know what he's doing, and respects that a team can have an advantage after a foul, so plays on. And that he's not quick to pull out yellow cards, which I like. The less cards that come out, for me, the better. The trouble in these big games is it seems one half-bad challenge warrants a booking, however early on in the game. This is why we have games which result in both teams ending up with 4 or 5 bookings each, and sometimes ending it with one less player.

I just prefer the lenient approach. Obviously, if it gets to a point where tackles are flying in all over the place, have a word with the captains, and basically say you'll be booking the next person who does it.

I should be a referee. I would be great at it. <_<

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Now I have to put up with the noisy scouse cunts singing about "winning the title" all night when they're blatantly not going to.

Well if you want an interesting fact, last time Liverpool did the double on Chelsea in a season... they won the title :P

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But we all know you can't send off Steven Gerrard.

He's subject to the same rules as Wayne Rooney.

That, and Mike Riley just had an all round nightmare today. I'm glad the refereeing in the PL isn't as bad as it is in La Liga, but some of our referees really are awful.

I quite like Mark Halsey (I know he's got some big decisions wrong over the last year or so though) in that he seems to know what he's doing, and respects that a team can have an advantage after a foul, so plays on. And that he's not quick to pull out yellow cards, which I like. The less cards that come out, for me, the better. The trouble in these big games is it seems one half-bad challenge warrants a booking, however early on in the game. This is why we have games which result in both teams ending up with 4 or 5 bookings each, and sometimes ending it with one less player.

I just prefer the lenient approach. Obviously, if it gets to a point where tackles are flying in all over the place, have a word with the captains, and basically say you'll be booking the next person who does it.

I should be a referee. I would be great at it. <_<

Basically all the referees that you can name suck. If a referee is good at his job he's not going to make the headlines so therefore no one's going to know who he is.

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Now I have to put up with the noisy scouse cunts singing about "winning the title" all night when they're blatantly not going to.

Well if you want an interesting fact, last time Liverpool did the double on Chelsea in a season... they won the title :P

I think Martin Tyler mentioned that about 76 times during the game.

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Now I have to put up with the noisy scouse cunts singing about "winning the title" all night when they're blatantly not going to.

Well if you want an interesting fact, last time Liverpool did the double on Chelsea in a season... they won the title :P

I'd give odds of 50/1 on Liverpool winning the title.

Unless United suddenly go bust they're the only team that's going to win it.

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Especially as, if they hadn't scored, you just know that Benitez would be "ZOMG WORST MANAGER EVAR" again. Now tomorrow it'll all be about how great they are. Despite the fact that they were terrible today, as were Chelsea. Easily one of the worst "big 4" games I've ever seen in terms of quality. But of course, that'll all be forgotten as they're now "back in the title race" (until they draw at home with Wigan or someone).

Except Wigan has been good this year so it wouldn't be entirely shocking.

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Basically all the referees that you can name suck. If a referee is good at his job he's not going to make the headlines so therefore no one's going to know who he is.

I definitely agree with this. People are too quick to blame referees for mistakes when I think the entire set-up is to blame. Even the best referees make mistakes, frequently. They only have one set of eyes and the assistants are all but useless. One of them is always on the opposite half of the pitch and unless an incident happens right next to the touchline, they're frequently going to be too far away. Compare it to American Football, where there are dozens of sets of eyes with loads of different angles and it's understandable how soccer referees miss things far more often.

I like the sound of the system UEFA or FIFA are trialling at the moment - putting a qualified referee on each goal line to keep a close eye on action in the penalty area. They don't even necessarily have to have a whistle, just some way of communicating with the referee so they're purely an extra pair of eyes with a different line of sight.

Edited by -A-
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