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Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer *Spoilers*


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Magically turning into claws? I assumed part of the Weapon X program was that he had the claws put into him, and engineered so he'd be able to pop them out whenever he needed them. That's what I always assumed happened, and that's what makes sense to me. I'm not huge on X-Men mythology, despite my best efforts, so I'm probably wrong.

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Plus, IIRC, in the comics, when he first popped the claws out, the Weapon X scientists were baffled because that wasn't supposed to happen.

Yeah, I think you're right. That's something that I think the movie did right. It made him being able to extend and retract the claws make some sense. I still don't understand why both Sabertooth and Wolverine couldn't die though. :( It wasn't really explained. I'd assume healing factors but it was never really explained.

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He forgot his claws were bones when he had his mind wiped for Weapon X, but it was revealed when Magneto ripped his adamantium out of him. As for his immortality, he can die. He's just got the healing factor which also retard's his age due to always healing him and such.

As for the movie, I quite liked it. I would have liked to have seen more stuff with the Team X as their interactions and scenes were my favorite part and establishing those characters more would have been nice. It was still a pretty solid film and I have no problem with them picking and patching together parts of the continuity to create something new and entertaining. A direct copy would be kind of boring, especially if you read a lot of comics.

Edited by Hajjhowe
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So, how many alternate endings are there? 2 or 3? Can someone fill me in on the Deadpool/Wade Wilson/Weapon X one(s)?

The only ones I know of are

Wolverine drinking at the bar, the Stryker ending where the military pick him up, and the Deadpool ending where he picks his head up and tells the audience to "shhh".

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Stryker being picked up and Wolverine drinking were both in the version I saw. I don't think the Stryker thing is a secret scene though as it was before the credits. I saw a low quality clip of the Deadpool one, retracting his blade and then moving his hand out to touch his face, his eyes and mouth open and he says 'shhh'.
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Huh, well.

I didn't see the Wolverine drinking scene when I saw the film, and the Stryker scene was after the credits.

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No confirmation on the alledged Wade Wilson one wherein Wade finds the body of Weapon XI and is all like, "Who the hell is this supposed to be?" and such?

Never happened. Somebody on a message board said it would be cool if it did, and then people ran with it like it was a confirmed ending. Doesn't happen. The Stryker scene plays in all copies of the film, and the only variance is whether you see Wolverine or Deadpool after the credits.

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No confirmation on the alledged Wade Wilson one wherein Wade finds the body of Weapon XI and is all like, "Who the hell is this supposed to be?" and such?

Never happened. Somebody on a message board said it would be cool if it did, and then people ran with it like it was a confirmed ending. Doesn't happen. The Stryker scene plays in all copies of the film, and the only variance is whether you see Wolverine or Deadpool after the credits.

... yet again, my theater played all three. Not sure if maybe it was a mistake, or whatever, but it played Wolverine's clip first, then Stryker's in the middle, then Deadpool's at the end. So it can be safe to assume there are a scare few that were circulated around that played all three.

Though to be fair, I caught the midnight showing, as in RIGHT when it was released, so there's a chance all three were available for the midnight releases only I suppose.

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