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Leaked X-Men Origins: Wolverine Trailer *Spoilers*


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I think the issue is, despite all the fanboy-ism and exaggerated crying, that Deadpool isn't just a secondary character. It's not like the Juggernaut, where you can change things and have tiny reprocussions. Deadpool, especially with a legit star like Reynolds attached, is a potential franchise in himself.

If they made a Deadpool film, faithful to the comics, starring Ryan Reynolds... it would be a financial success. Anyone who has any doubt about that at all doesn't just doesn't comprehend the popularity of any of the things or people involved in that kind of a project.

The Deadpool series has an average readership of about 45,000 readers. Ryan Reynolds has had 2 films break fifty million dollars (one of which is 4 years old, the other 5), and hasn't broken 40 mil since. Explain to me how doubting the surefire success of such a series represents a lack of understanding of "the popularity of any of the things or people involved". Watchmen had more name value and insane buzz and yet still completely overwhelmed to the tune of what is going to be a massive loss for Warner Brothers. And that one was about as faithful as they come.

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Yeah... Deadpool is awesome, an amazing character but he doesn't really have that large of a readership base. And the way he looks there... I remember him looking somewhat like that when he had all his features returned to normal minus the tattoos and claws in the first Cable & Deadpool collection book I bought. Just as long as the whole "body rejecting" thing happens, I think it'll turn out okay.

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I think the issue is, despite all the fanboy-ism and exaggerated crying, that Deadpool isn't just a secondary character. It's not like the Juggernaut, where you can change things and have tiny reprocussions. Deadpool, especially with a legit star like Reynolds attached, is a potential franchise in himself.

If they made a Deadpool film, faithful to the comics, starring Ryan Reynolds... it would be a financial success. Anyone who has any doubt about that at all doesn't just doesn't comprehend the popularity of any of the things or people involved in that kind of a project.

The Deadpool series has an average readership of about 45,000 readers. Ryan Reynolds has had 2 films break fifty million dollars (one of which is 4 years old, the other 5), and hasn't broken 40 mil since. Explain to me how doubting the surefire success of such a series represents a lack of understanding of "the popularity of any of the things or people involved". Watchmen had more name value and insane buzz and yet still completely overwhelmed to the tune of what is going to be a massive loss for Warner Brothers. And that one was about as faithful as they come.

Without the stats, I was going to say the same thing really...

Ryan Reynolds hasn't exactly been a "box office hit" for a long time, and even when he was raking in a lot of money, it was a handful of years ago....and Deadpool, as cool as he is, has never been the most popular comicbook out there.

There are easily 20 other Marvel characters far more popular, actually.

And really, you saw pictures, and you don't know how they're going to have it end up...so really, lets put the cart in front of the horse some more.

Aaaaaaand? I'm pretty sure the movies, all of the Marvel ones, have followed their own universes. Like the old school "Amazing Spider-Man" and "Adventures of Spider-Man" and such shit...they were the same guy, different "universes" that stories sometimes were similar, but other times weren't.

It's creative license.

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I'm operating under the assumption that a budget for a Deadpool film would be half of the budget for a Wolverine film... at the very most.

I'm not sitting here thinking that if they pump as much into a Deadpool movie as they have into Wolverine, Spider-Man or Iron Man even, that it would do well. That just wouldn't make sense.

You get Reynolds to play Wilson... you get an inexpensive name as a villain... and you use practical effects. It's pretty much an action movie with a humorous and insane protagonist.

How much did it cost to make 12 Rounds? Give Deadpool that budget, and it will be a success.

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I was using "you" in the general term for everyone hating on this movie and the handling of Deadpool. You just happen to be the most recent example, G.

Success is definitely relative to how big a budget it got, but truthfully I don't even think 12 Rounds has made its money back yet, has it? That's not a good basis for your argument, because I'd wager thre are far more "OMG JOHN CENA!" fans than there are Deadpool/Ryan Reynolds fans.

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I was using "you" in the general term for everyone hating on this movie and the handling of Deadpool. You just happen to be the most recent example, G.

Success is definitely relative to how big a budget it got, but truthfully I don't even think 12 Rounds has made its money back yet, has it? That's not a good basis for your argument, because I'd wager thre are far more "OMG JOHN CENA!" fans than there are Deadpool/Ryan Reynolds fans.

Cena fans watch RAW.

If you've watched RAW in the last month, you've seen 75% of the movie.

If you've seen all the good parts of a mediocre film, why spend $10 to sit in an uncomfortable chair and watch it again?

Reynolds will draw some in on his own.

Deadpool will draw some in on his own.

The fact that it's a comic book film will get the people who may not know a lot about Deadpool, but us geeks watch it all anyways.

...and then, if you market it as an action film based on a mercenary, you've got a whole 'nother crowd. A crowd I like to call, the Lethal Hard Terminator Rambo crowd.

So, give it a 12 Rounds budget, and taking into account how many different audiences you're playing to, it's a surefire hit. Of course, if you over-budget, you're just asking for it. Watchmen, I'm looking at you.

12 Rounds really only has one crowd to play to. Two, if you don't count wrestling fans and action movies fans in the same group.

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Which you can't facotr in together. While MOST wrestling fans enjoy action movies, A LOT of action movie guys don't give a shit about wrestling.

The "we don't know who Deadpool is, but we like comic book" audience is small. The Ryan Reynolds drawing money just based on his name on a movie is small, too. Those four audiences are not BIG audiences, so when you combine them, you will definitely have some over-lapping and you could find out that you may either have the same number of people or LESS going to see it that 12 Rounds has right now.

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Perhaps... but we're getting a little off topic because of one thing I said at the end of my ranting.

Regardless of the numbers, my original point stands. Deadpool is a potential franchise character that they've revamped. Juggernaut or Pyro are characters they revamped who do not have the potential to be a franchise themselves.

That alone, is enough to piss off most comic book fans.

Add to that, though... that Fox does this, knowing that they could have written the same story using other characters that wouldn't have caused any conflict... and knowing that we're still going to pay their salaries, no matter how bad it gets.

I never understood why they would take a loved character, and then make such radical changes to them, when it would have been easier to create an all-new character to fill that role.

Instead of Wade Wilson being turned into the Weapon XI freak... why not create a new character to play that role? You could still have Wilson in the story, just, have Weapon XI fuck him up really bad, which could lead to his spin-off and going nutso.

The answer? Because they like to fuck with us. They want to see how much they can fuck us before we just walk away. They're pushing the limit, to see what they can get away with.

Just watch... in the Magneto movie, they'll have him father two children, who get taken away by the remnants of the Nazi party in Europe, where they're given all sorts of crazy powers from all kinds of mutants. Then, we find out it's an offshoot of the Weapon X program, and everything's connected... and Magneto has to stop the twins, now being called Mutant Alpha and Mutant Omega, who have the total combined powers of every mutant known to the program at the time... and they'll randomly throw out canon by having an early version of the X-Men, featuring Angel, Marvel Girl, Cyclops and Beast, save Magneto's life in an extended cameo halfway through the movie.


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I think you're missing the point that Deadpool is not going to upset THAT many people.

And the revamp of Pyro, I for one, thought was fucking awesome. And I was not offended by the Juggernaut revamp, either...it made sense in the context of the rest of the plot; and to keep Juggernaut more true, they would have had to base an entire movie off of him which was not something they were going to do.

The fact is, revamping Deadpool is far from being terrible, and it could actually be good.

This "they live to fuck with us, they want to fuck us and see how far they can fuck-push us" is a little over-dramatic, don't ya think?

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Maybe you haven't been around to any other sites to talk about this... but this whole Deadpool issue is upsetting a LOT of people. I'm keeping a pretty level head about the situation, especially considering my love for the Poolman.

For the most part, the changes that have been made to this point in the X-Men franchise have been non-offensive. Juggernaut was an iffy one, because what made his character unique was that he wasn't a mutant, and the connection with his powers and all that. Of course, realizing that they had no intention of using him as anything but a secondary character, that becomes alright.

With Deadpool, they've already expressed interest in taking the character out on his own, and there's already been talk of a spin-off officially. They said when they started that having him in this film was supposed to be a way to gauge whether or not he could handle his own series. With that in mind, we get Wade Wilson, expert fighter with a tongue faster than Quicksilver...and then we get Weapon XI. There's no "Hey, this is Deadpool...what do you think?" Which completely goes against what they said they wanted to do from the outset.

Right up until the toys released that showed Weapon XI with a nametag that said Deadpool, they were telling people it was a way to find out if there was interest in a Deadpool film. Then, the actors started backpeddling in interviews, talking about how they wanted to take Deadpool in a different direction... and now, we know for sure, officially, that this is that direction.

As over-the-top as some of this argument might be on my end... and as ridiculous as other fans might get about the situation... surely, you can see where the anger comes from, and at least understand that it's warranted.

After showing the original workprint to test audiences, they went back to add footage, which we've been told is about 15 minutes total, to the official cut that we will see at the theatre. Yes, I will go see it at the theatre (if our little hick town gets it). So, knowing that most of the additional footage shot includes Reynolds, and that they actually did work on the "Deadpool's Face CGI" after shooting wrapped... I'm optimistic. Revamping the character doesn't have to be a bad thing... but if they don't handle it well, and the last we see of him is just Weapon XI getting defeated, then it could potentially be disastrous to the future of the character on film.

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I get where the anger comes from. But truthfully, you also have to understand, that Fox could give a shit less about the 2% of the internet comic community that is upset about the changes in Deadpool.

For every person that is outraged that Deadpool has been altered at all, there are SCORES more that sitll intend to see this movie that either 1) don't give a fuck about the changes, 2) don't know a whole lot about him in the first place, or 3) don't know ANYTHING about him

Its a movie about Wolverine, not Deadpool, so really I would think most Deadpool fans would be happy that Deadpool gets to be a FAR larger part of the movie than he could have ended up...he could have been Venom to Spider-Man 3.

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guys, they're making a fucking Ant-Man movie. I think if they can make a movie about a superhero who fucking SHRINKS, then Deadpool can have his own movie.

Marvel Films is handling Ant-Man though. Which means that they will budget it accordingly, and that while there may be some minor changes, the character will remain true to the source materials.

As it stands now, it looks like Fox owns the film rights to Deadpool... which means if it gets made, it will have a bloated budget and walk the line in terms of staying true to the source.

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Pretty much.

And the ones complaining make up about 2% of the people that are going to affect the things they complain about.

We're not even going to affect it... because we're going to see it anyways. We'll pay our $10 to go to the cinema... or our $20 when it hits DVD in 6 months... because that's what we do... we complain about things, but ultimately, we end up supporting it anyways.

I get that you guys don't see the big deal. I really do understand that, and that's great for you... but putting down that money... that $10, or $20, or whatever it might be... that gives us a right to voice our opinions, good or bad, about the product.

I'm weary of what I might see come May 1st, I am... but there's also a lot I'm looking forward to. Wade Wilson pre-experiments... Liev Schreiber as Sabretooth... I love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine... and it's a comic book movie... so, while I may have some doubts about how things might go down on the Deadpool front, I can still say that I'm super pumped to see the film, and like I've said many times previously... I have faith that things will turn out fine for Big Wade.

For the record... for as many people as I've seen complain incessently about Deadpool... I've seen just as many people come around with the "everybody's complaining, nobody's ever happy, you're all faggots" attitude. At the end of the day, it's still just the internet...

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So I watched the workprint last night, a few thoughts.

Overall... not impressed. Better than X3, not as good as the first two X-Men movies.

Jackman doesn't impress, there are a lot of attempts at "humor" that really fall flat, especially with Keamy from lost and Will.I.Am. Kayla is also pretty terrible in this, and Wolverine does one of the worst "Noooooooooooooooooo!"s in recent memory. Reynolds is good as Wade for like five minutes in the beginning, I actually thought Deadpool was pretty creepy but seemed like a waste of failed potential, they built him up only to Darth Maul him.

New Stryker can't hold Cox's jock.

Best performance/part of the movie?

Liev Schreiber. He makes Sabretooth seem like a legitamate movie character. I would love to see him in a main X-Man movie. He made me realize how terrible Tyler Mane was. Sabretooth was never my favorite character and the writing of this movie wasn't very good, but I think Liev actually succeeded despite the terrible writing. Gambit was similarly terrible. Movie was ultimately forgettable, unless special effects and deleted scenes include Oscar-worthy scriptwriting or an Emma Frost hardcore porn scene, movie will probably debut #1 and then drop off to bomb ridiculously hard.

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For the record, I never took the "everyone's complaining, you're all fags" approach.

I'm just saying the same thing you said...all this complaing won't change a thing. And the "Fox lives to fuck us, they want to fuck with us to see how far they can fuck us" statement you made was way over-dramatic.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just watched the workprint and keep in mind that I've never read an X-Men comic in my life, but I really enjoyed this movie. Liev Schreiber's performance is great and I'm starting to grow a liking for Jackman. More Gambit and Deadpool would have been cool, but maybe they'll be in some of the new scenes. It was funny seeing the unfinished effects; Zero shoots...except, there is no gun, omgwtfbbq! Can't wait to see the finalized version on DVD.

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