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Darren Aronofsky's The Wrestler


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I saw the December 17th release date and thought, "AWESOME!" And then none of the theaters to which I go had it. I looked at the list of releases, and saw that it was coming to Denver last Friday. And guess what? NOBODY had it. Except for one theatre in the middle of downtown. Totally weak sauce. And yet, I still want to go see it. Weird, huh?

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It's on limited release here, which is pretty rare since normally movies get released at every theatre here.

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I saw the December 17th release date and thought, "AWESOME!" And then none of the theaters to which I go had it. I looked at the list of releases, and saw that it was coming to Denver last Friday. And guess what? NOBODY had it. Except for one theatre in the middle of downtown. Totally weak sauce. And yet, I still want to go see it. Weird, huh?

I have absolutely no idea what the hell you just said... but I'm pretty sure you called me a porch monkey in there somewhere.

Seriously though, I think what you said is, that you were disappointed that no one had it when it originally opened... but that you did some investigating and found out it would be brought to your town. Then you found out that none of the bigger theatres would carry it, and only a small theatre will be showing the film...

and then you said that even though it's showing at the smaller theatre, that you still want to go... and then asked if that was weird?

Is that right?

If so... you should be happy that it's playing at a theatre anywhere remotely near you. Also, smaller venues are much better for these types of films anyways, and they need your support far more than the bigger theatres, which probably run Marley and Me on three different screens simultaneously.

EDIT: No, that is not Jimmy Jacobs in the movie. I'm not sure who it is, but he's too big to be Jacobs, and has far too thick of a goatee.

Edited by Gabriel
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I thought Jacobs had a credit, though?

Wouldn't be shocking since a fair few RoH guys were on camera during the scenes set at their show. I didn't see him but Claudio Castagnoli and Bobby Dempsey were both clearly visible in scenes, and of course Nigel McGuinness had a couple lines and was referred to by his first name. And I saw Larry Sweeney in the credits, though I don't recall seeing him on camera.

For me, personally, I was proudest of catching Chuck Taylor's uncredited cameo in one of the matches at... I believe it was the CZW show.

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I thought Jacobs had a credit, though?

Wouldn't be shocking since a fair few RoH guys were on camera during the scenes set at their show. I didn't see him but Claudio Castagnoli and Bobby Dempsey were both clearly visible in scenes, and of course Nigel McGuinness had a couple lines and was referred to by his first name. And I saw Larry Sweeney in the credits, though I don't recall seeing him on camera.

I caught Claudio, and weirdly didn't catch Bobby.

But I think I was too focused in the movie by that point as well, so I wasn't fussed by such a thing.

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Just watched the film, wont go into major detail as it's late, brilliant film though. Nothing like what I expected. I hadn't read any reviews or any real info on it at all, just went into it and watched it and loved it. I've been hearing some people have put the movie down because of it looking down on the business? As I said, I haven't read any reviews or much info, but whoever puts this down as looking down on the business or anything like that don't make sense to me. The story is put across brilliantly, the ending is a masterpiece, although how it ended surprised me as I expected it to run at least an extra five minutes after that.

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I had never seen The Necro Butcher before and honestly thought that he was just some actor playing the role of a wrestling rabbi or something. He is the most disturbing creature I have seen in professional wrestling.

I couldn't imagine anyone who isn't a smark fully understanding this movie, though. Then again, I think and hope this could open a lot of people's eyes to the business where they've been very close minded before.

Completely disagree. I'd say inside wrestling terminology is about 5% of the dialouge. The movie isn't about wrestling, its about a broken down, lonely guy who just happens to wrestle. His everyday problems could be mine or yours.

And since I haven't seen her talked about much, Evan Rachel Wood was fantastic in her small role. Coming as someone who has a broken relationship with a parent, she nailed every part of that role perfectly. She was just awesome.

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I had never seen The Necro Butcher before and honestly thought that he was just some actor playing the role of a wrestling rabbi or something. He is the most disturbing creature I have seen in professional wrestling.

I couldn't imagine anyone who isn't a smark fully understanding this movie, though. Then again, I think and hope this could open a lot of people's eyes to the business where they've been very close minded before.

Completely disagree. I'd say inside wrestling terminology is about 5% of the dialouge. The movie isn't about wrestling, its about a broken down, lonely guy who just happens to wrestle. His everyday problems could be mine or yours.

And since I haven't seen her talked about much, Evan Rachel Wood was fantastic in her small role. Coming as someone who has a broken relationship with a parent, she nailed every part of that role perfectly. She was just awesome.

Couldn't agree more. As I said, I don't get why I've seen a few people saying it gives a bad reception of the business. Fact is, things like this have happened to enough people in the business. Though this isn't just about wrestling, it's telling a story outside of that too. Anybody who thinks this movie is looking down on the business or hard to understand for the majority is beyond me. You really don't need to be a smark to understand what the film is actually about.

Agree about Rachel Wood too. Didn't know her before this, but she was really good in her role, actually brilliant for what she had to do. Heck, I didn't think any of the acting was bad, I thought almost every role and piece were close to perfect.

Edited by Dirty Johnny 27
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I tried watching this with my girlfriend last week, but she got bored and seduced me. I then watched it again without her around to distract me, and I really enjoyed it. Was good to see it making use of 'real' wrestling lingo, and I liked the appearances from indy wrestlers. Rourke's performance was great, and Marissa Tomei is criminally hot.

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Just caught this recently, and I must say that I wasn't let down a single bit. Rourke was sooooo believable in his role, and the way that the film was shot made everything seem like reality. Definitley a tear jerker in parts - - a sad, but beautiful movie at the same time. I also agree with whoever said you don't have to be smark to enjoy the movie. My little sister has watched very little wrestling and loved the movie. All of the acting was great and really believable, kind of reminded me of Beyond The Mat at times.

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I tried watching this with my girlfriend last week, but she got bored and seduced me. I then watched it again without her around to distract me, and I really enjoyed it. Was good to see it making use of 'real' wrestling lingo, and I liked the appearances from indy wrestlers. Rourke's performance was great, and Marissa Tomei is criminally hot.

So you need to show your Girl old Men in Speedos to get Sex?

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BAFTA Film Award nominations were announced yesterday (I think) and while the movie misses out on the Best Film award, Rourke is up for Best Actor and Tomei for Best Supporting Actress.

Film came out in the UK on general release today, hoping to go see it sometime in the next week, I've heard absolutely nothing but good things about it. Except from Vince McMahon.

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