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Mythology Mafia

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We all know the stories, the ancient epics of Rome and Grecian gods fighting amongst themselves, their predecessors, their would-be successors... and their meddling with mankind. From the God of Thunder in Zeus to the split personality of the sensual Venus. These were the tales that these people believed in, these were the stories that made up their religion.

Yet what they did not know, what they did not write about, what they did not read... were the untold stories of these Gods, and the secret wars they raged.

They did not know that their world, at one time, nearly crashed down upon them.

These are those stories, the stories of Gods and Goddesses, Titans and Titanesses, and many more. These are the stories of the wars they raged, of the battles they fought, and of the lives they ended.




Nah, just shitting you. It's just a mafia utilizing the characters of Greek and Roman Mythology. But I guess that other stuff would be pretty cool too, wouldn't it?


Welcome to Mythology Mafia I: The Rome/Greek Mythology Edition! Sign-ups will be open until this Saturday. The game will begin next Monday, so be sure to sign up fast! Right now, I don't have a cap limit on how many sign-ups there will be, so none of the numbers I've gotten done with already are set in stone. That's why I'm going to use Sunday to work on any adjustments needed when sign-ups close.

SO! With that out of the way, use this thread for sign-ups and game discussion. Or shower me with affection, whatever suits you.

Player List

1. ChiMomo (Pre-Signed)

2. FD (Pre-Signed)

3. Death The RuKid

4. naiwf

5. Essa

6. Huss Delgado

7. LittleDaniel

8. The Canadian Destroyer

9. Mr. Potato Head

10. Evafreak

11. The Gazz-light Anthem

12. Plubby

13. oldskool

14. Pleatherface

15. GoGo Yubari

16. D-Day

17. MasterOfPain

18. Will.

19. Split Second

20. TheRossWalker

21. The Evil Overlord

22. Hailtotheking

23. Winter-F'n-Sun!

24. RW

25. R-Sous

26. TGC


28. thug

29. Pesci

30. -A-

31. StevenRichardsRules

32. - Matt -

33. ---Ace Andrews---

34. Mick's Bitch

35. Visionary

36. Pris

37. Eddie Ruckus

Edited by The Mask of Norro
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