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World Championship Wrestling - 2001


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That's cool man, I never meant it as a dig or anything. Although I WOULD rather have Sid, because unlike Michaels he didn't cry whenever he needed to do the job to somebody, and although Michaels was and still is a much better worker than Sid will ever be, if you watch Survivor Series '96 and Royal Rumble '97, Sid was insanely over than the crowd, much more than Michaels at that point. Still, I'll drop the issue since I don't want to whore in your diary.

By the way, a "Time Crisis" match is an AWESOME name for a match and I shall be watching (or resading, I suppose) to see what it is. Looking forward to Nitro very much.

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WCW Monday Nitro comes at you live from the Rose Garden in beautiful, sunny Portland, Oregon. Your hosts for this evening are Tony Schiavone and Gary Michael Cappetta.


Rey Misterio Jr. vs. Evan Karagias

We kick off Nitro as will probably be the custom for the year, with some Cruiserweight action as Rey Misterio Jr. the man looking for revenge took on Evan Karagias in singles action. WCW seem to be pushing a feud between Misterio and Guerrero, so that’s all good.

Another solid showing from the Cruiserweight division, but Karagias didn’t look anywhere near his best, messing up a lot of his offence which meant that the crowd could never fully get into the match because they knew that Karagias would do something clumsy again and the momentum would disappear. Misterio though was on top of his game busting out a slingshot legdrop, bronco-buster, a head-scissors into DDT, a facebuster and a beautiful Enziguri. One thing Karagias did manage which saved him some respect was a nice counter of a Tornado DDT into an Inverted DDT. But that was Karagias’ one bright spark in a match which was only saved by Misterio’s ability and the appearance of Chavo Guerrero Jr. at ringside halfway through. Misterio was then distracted by Chavo at ringside and it nearly cost him the match. But in the end Misterio got the victory with the Flying Hurricanrana after 9.36, but then in retaliation for Wednesday night on Thunder, Chavo entered the ring when Misterio turned his back and nailed him with the Cruiserweight Title, before nailing a Swinging DDT onto the belt.

A good match to kick us off with the possibility of being the best match of the night. Mysterio was solid and Chavo’s mannerisms at ringside were good, but Karagias’ lack of enthusiasm and mistakes impacted badly. for a good match, let down by Karagias. Oh hold up, Chavo has a microphone…….


Winner: Rey Misterio Jr. by pinfall


Chavo grabs the microphone off the ring technician and stands over the fallen body of Rey Misterio Jr.

Chavo Guerrero Jr: Hahahahaha……You seem to have a problem there essé! You see homes, you gotta understand buddy, that this WCW Cruiserweight Championship, is mine! And when you try to take my title essé, it makes me a very angry man. So you gotta see Misterio, when someone like you or your buddy Kidman steps up to the plate and tries to take the title, I will do anything I need to do to not only keep my title homes, but to make sure that they don’t come near my title ever again! That is why I crushed Kidman’s ankle homes, that is why I beat the hell out of Shannon Moore essé, and that is why, if you come near me, I will end you!

Rey starts to stir slightly, prompting a slap and a boot to the head from Chavo before he continues….

Chavo Guerrero Jr: But it ain’t just me myself homes, I got friends essé. Friends who are gonna watch my back and make sure my title stays around MY WAIST! You want my title homes, then step up and TRY AND GET IT ESSÉ!

Chavo drops the microphone and nails Misterio once more in the head as Nitro goes to a commercial…..




Jim Duggan vs. Major Stash

WCW comes back from commercial and aims to pull in those channel-hopping viewers with……………………………Jim Duggan and Major Stash going at it in red hot wrestling action? :S That is not going to work.

It was never going to work and it seemed that Major Stash at least realised it as he couldn’t possibly be bothered to even try to sell any of Duggan’s offence here, Stash obviously still pining for the days when all he had to do to be pushed was carry a guitar to the ring and headbang. Duggan’s anti-American gimmick didn’t go over much with the crowd here, even when he ripped the American flag of a fan - It’s a plant! - in two coming down the aisle. The less I say about this match the better it will be for all involved. All you need to know – and more than you want to know – is that Duggan threw everything and the kitchen sink at Stash who no-sold it all, then Duggan hit the Three Point Stance, Stash fell slowly and Duggan made the cover for the 1-2-3.

Well what a shiter that was. Seriously I’ve had vomiting sessions more entertaining. DUD.


Winner: Jim Duggan by pinfall

Major Stash didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating. Jim Duggan is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.


We head backstage with the Magnificent Seven, into their luxurious dressing room, where we see the usual suspects. Steiner has the World Title lying across his lap. The usual hangers-on and groupies are there, although the mood is a lot more sombre than usual. In the background there is some music playing.

Scott Steiner: Will someone turn that goddamn music off!

The music is turned off by a tall blonde in the corner.

Scott Steiner: Thank you. Now first, all of you sluts and skanks, get out! Get out of here! OUT!

The girls show off their poor acting skills with various shocked gasps and hands on hips before Steiner personally throws one girl out and the rest follow instantly. Steiner slams the door and turns back to his Magnificent Seven companions. The champ starts to address his colleagues like a general addressing his troops.

Scott Steiner: Goddamn sluts…..Now, let’s get down to business. Last week, Larry Zbysko threw a wedge in our plans. That jackass Zbysko thinks he can control the Magnificent Seven. He thinks he can turn my freaks against me! He thinks he can make WCW his own. Well it ain’t gonna happen! Zbysko thinks he’s got the upper hand, he thinks that he’s got “Big Poppa Pump” in the palm of his hand. He thinks he has the power over the Magnificent Seven. He thinks he controls “The Nature Boy”! He thinks he has complete dominance over “The Chosen One”! Well we’ve got news for him. He doesn’t control us, and he never will!

Flair, Jarrett and the others nod their approval at this before Steiner starts again.

Scott Steiner: Zbysko can wage his little war of the Magnificent Seven, he can bring whatever and whoever he wants. Sid, Nash, DDP, The Rhodes, anyone! The Magnificent Seven will reign supreme, no matter who Zbysko throws at us. Tonight, the era of the seven begins, when Rick destroys that asshole Diamond Dallas Page and soon we’ll take those WCW Tag Titles and the US Title,, and the Magnificent Seven will be even more powerful. But for tonight, I expect nothing less than Rick to destroy Diamond Dallas Page.


Jeff Jarrett gained overness from this segment.


AJ Styles vs. Kaz Hayashi

After the sheer shitfest that was Duggan vs. Stash WCW brings the goods with solid cruiserweight action. AJ Styles and Kaz Hayashi are two very talented cruiserweights, and if this leads to perhaps an Air Paris vs. Yang match soon as well then we all have reason to celebrate!

Styles and Hayashi bring the match of the night here, slightly pipping Misterio vs. Karagias to the victory. While Styles and Hayashi aren’t as accomplished as Misterio yet, the two worked well together and the work was flawless which they did do, with no visible mistakes. The two weren’t given long to work, only around 6 minutes but they used to time well with Styles getting a beating from Hayashi – including Hayashi debuting a new flip kick which belongs in The Matrix as Hayashi ran up the body of Styles in the corner, connected with a kick to the jaw on the flip, then a hurricanrana for two - for most of the match, before Styles started his comeback. Hayashi’s partner Yang tried to get involved but was stopped by Air Paris, allowing AJ Styles to get the victory, with a Code Red for the 1-2-3. Styles rolls from the ring to join his partner in a hug as Nitro goes to commercial.

A excellent showing from the future of WCW here and the right man went over. Hayashi is good but Styles is class. **


Winner: AJ Styles



Nitro comes back from commercial with Terry Funk again inside the Funkin’ Conservatory. He’s got a microphone with him still which means we haven’t missed his promo this week. Another thing to note: On Thunder the lock of Kwee-Wee’s hair had been framed, this time the crutch Funk used on Meng has been bronzed and is hanging on the wall closest to camera.

Terry Funk: There isn’t much I have to say. Every jackass in the back should know by now, all I want is someone to fight. I’ve been disappointed by two people so far, I want somebody who I won’t be disappointed by. So whomever wants a shot, get your ass out here now!

“BAAMM….BAAAMMM” hits and Bam Bam Bigelow steps through the curtain onto the stage.

Terry Funk: I guess you’ll have to do Bigelow, get your ass down here!

Bam Bam heads down the aisle, steps into the conservatory and the match is on!



Terry Funk vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

The Funkin’ Conservatory cannot be put together that quickly and be 100% safe! There’s no way! Anyway, we saw the third Conservatory match as Bam Bam Bigelow answered the challenge this time.

The third and best of the bunch so far. Funk and Bigelow while still past their best work better together than Funk/Kwee-Wee or Funk/Meng, so it was good to see the two go at it. Again Funk was made to look strong in this match, but Bigelow got just enough offence in to spare his blushes. Funk did win the match but not before some controversy. After around 5 minutes of entertaining hardcore brawling, the match was called to a halt by Funk and Bigelow when the PA system started crackling loudly before a voice rang out through the speakers. It warned Funk that “he” was watching, learning and soon would be ready to enter the conservatory and “end the legend” of Terry Funk. The PA system then returned to normal and the crowd actually started buzzing about whose voice that could have been. The interruption though was costly to the match as Funk and Bigelow couldn’t find the rhythm they had before the interruption and so stuttered their way through the latter half of the match before Funk got the victory with the Moonsault for the 1-2-3! Again Funk took a memento of the fight, ripping a flame of Bam Bam’s ring attire.

A match which was shaping up to be at least *** before the interruption. After that the two just couldn’t get back in the same rhythm and the match suffered dreadfully. *½.


Winner and still WCW Hardcore Champion: Terry Funk

The WCW Hardcore title has gained in image. Terry Funk is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.



We return from the McDonalds commercial to see Rick Steiner’s head in an EXTREME CLOSE-UP! The camera zooms out and we see the whole upper half of Steiner. He’s going through some last minute stretches before his main event match with Diamond Dallas Page. Beside him is brother Scott, putting him through his paces.

Scott Steiner: Drop and gimme twenty!

Rick drops to the floor and starts doing push-ups, interrupted at intervals by his heavy breathing.

Scott Steiner: That’s it Rick! That’s it, another 10 come on bro. Keep going! You’re gonna destroy DDP tonight!

“Keep Fit, the Rick Steiner Way” is in shops now….



Nitro switches from Rick Steiner’s sweaty body to the WCW interview area where “Mean” Gene Okerlund is standing with Diamond Dallas Page.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: WCW fans I’m standing backstage here with Diamond Dallas Page, and DDP, up next you face Rick Steiner of the Magnificent Seven in one on one action. Any thoughts on the match?

Diamond Dallas Page: Well “Mean” Gene, Rick Steiner can do all the push-ups and stretches he wants, because he’s gonna need to be in great shape to get past Diamond Dallas Page. You see, Rick Steiner can bring everything he has and it won’t be enough, because DDP, one half of the WCW Tag Champions, is at the top of his game and that is too much for Rick Steiner. Tonight, Rick Steiner, you will feel the bang! Woohoohooo!

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Rick Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page up after the break!




Rick Steiner vs. Diamond Dallas Page

We end the night’s festivities with a good chuckle over the WCW Sin advertisement and Rick Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page in red-hot singles action! I’m not really optimistic about this but this is the first time in their careers that Rick is the better brother. I shudder had they decided on Scott vs. Nash instead. At least with this combination Rick is still competent and DDP can drag something half decent out of him. Both came down without their partners.

I don’t know what was said backstage following the Duggan/Stash match but it seems to have worked. Even Rick Steiner worked his ass off here to put on a good match. It didn’t help much as Rick still is far past his best and the crowd aren’t as responsive to him as they used to be but they did appreciate his effort. The match was a standard match which involved the usual routine for a brawl of this type but it was put on with a sharper edge than I’ve seen from WCW in a while. DDP controlled the match at the beginning and end with Steiner dominant in the middle of the match. DDP looked to have the pinfall win after nailing the Diamond Cutter but he had to settle for a DQ win as Scott Steiner appeared at ringside and pulled DDP from the ring as he made the cover. DDP and Scott then traded punches before Page fell to the two-on-one advantage, but this prompted Kevin Nash to come down and even the odds, and the Steiners rolled into the ring to escape as Nash pulled DDP up from the floor. The two teams went at it again, with the Steiners getting the upper hand with Scott locking DDP in the Steiner Recliner and Rick knocking Nash over the top with the Steiner-Line. But before the two Steiners could continue any assault music of Larry Zbysko began.

Not a bad match by any means and what we’ve come to expect from a WCW main event but the work was solid enough and the crowd wasn’t put to sleep by what they saw. *


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page by DQ


Larry Zbysko comes out onto the stage as Scott drops DDP to the mat and he and Rick Steiner look on from the ring.

Larry Zbysko: After a week of my phone ringing off the hook all asking what my idea was, and getting the go ahead from the WCW Board of Directors, I am going to explain the “Time Crisis” match to you.

The crowd pops for this and Zbysko lets them relax again before continuing.

Larry Zbysko: What will happen is that the “Time Crisis” match will feature 20 men hand-picked, by myself. These 20 men will each draw a number at random. The first two will start the match off in the ring, after three minutes, the man who drew number three will walk the aisle and make the match a three-way dance. After another three minutes down will come #4. Only after the first four participants are in the ring can competitors be eliminated, and elimination can only occur through pinfall and submission. But I want time to determine the 20 entrants so don’t expect the “Time Crisis” match to be at Sin. Instead I have something special planned for the main event at Sin. At Sin we’re going to have an eight man tag match. In one corner, it will be Scott Steiner, Rick Steiner, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett……and in the opposite corner will stand Kevin Nash, Diamond Dallas Page, Sid………………………………..and Goldberg! See you on Wednesday Scott!

WCW Monday Nitro goes off the air with Scott Steiner in shock in the ring as the crowd chants “GOLD-BERG”


Overall Rating: 70%


We got a 5.02 rating for 'Nitro'!

The attendance level was 4046 people.

We made $161840 from ticket sales.

WWF got a 6.47 television rating for 'RAW'!

The event was attended by 7025 people.

They made $281000 from ticket sales.

Edited by ADGray
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Wow. With me actually liking this period of WCW, I'm really enjoying what you are doing. Your match write ups are funny in a sense that keeps me "motivated" to read as its not just blow by blow.

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Oh, I see... You want to write a Royal Rumble SO bad that you make your own little sadistic concept to match it. Needless to say, I'll be reading the match which will hopefully, and with a writer like you probably deliver. However, I was a little disappointed with the rules. I thought that a Time Crisis match would mean that there was some sort of time limit, but there isn't. Still, that's WCW for ya.

Another quality Nitro, but I really do hope you hire somebody to knock seventeen different types of shit out of that old, washed-up bastard Terry Funk, because I want bloodshed caused by somebody other than a 53 year-old over the hill madman, and I want it NOW!

By the way, BOOOO for jobbing out Meng and Bam Bam Bigelow to Funk.

Edited by Burning Dragon
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Nice enough looking, about 24 or 25, but you could tell right away she was one of those girls without an original thought in her head. The same kind that stalk Jeff Hardy…….

Forgive my bluntness, but what the hell is up with this?

It was an elaborate plan. You see step 1 was writing it as a joke, but I was hoping someone would see it and tell you. You would then come into the thread for step 2 and reply - step 3. I would give my response as step 4 and hope step 5 worked correctly in that you went "Oh well that's okay...... and then offer constructive criticism about the rest of the diary.

So yeah, just a joke. :thumbsup:

*starts to look for good hiding places*

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The Diary of Andrew Duncan Gray

January 8th 2001

The Weekly Meeting. A Date With Destiny…………………………and Kevin Nash

“Alright everyone let’s get this over with shall we?”

Point five in “The Self Confidence Guide” states that you should display your belief in yourself by condemning the task that you have to perform with others. By displaying that you feel you’d rather be elsewhere others will perceive you as confident, strong and proud and so not disturb you as much, and have no desire to disagree with you.

But obviously whoever wrote this book never worked in WCW…….

“No we’d prefer to take this slowly.”

“You mean you’d prefer to go slowly.”

“Quiet old man”

“Hey Kev, I’ve got a date with Kimberley, think we could hurry this up.”

“Hold on, what about Nitro?”

“Well be back for that.”

“You’ve got Steiner in the main event!”

“I didn’t bring my stuff.”

“Not you Scott.”

“Oh that’s okay then.”

“I’ll be back in time.”

“Fine, fine, fine. What did you want to discuss Kev?”


He threw a paper ball at me and if hit me in the eye and dropped to the table. I flattened it out and it was a copy of my Booker’s Memo.

“Ah yes, a fine piece of literature I think. What did you want to discuss about it?”

“I think you know.”

“I think I don’t.”

“What you said about me in that. It’s stupid.”

“Oh right, I didn’t mean that as an insult. I was only telling the truth.”

“The truth? The truth?”

“Yes, you can’t deny your performance on Monday night was horrible. Everyone wasn’t very good but you inparticular were shoddy.”

“I bet you’re one of those IWC geeks aren’t you?”

“Excuse me?”

“Yeah you sit around on your computers moaning about how you can’t get laid and criticising what we do in the ring. I’d like to see you get in the ring.”

“Kev, I used to and hard as it is to believe, my knees are in worse shape than yours are.”

“It’s a miracle you can walk then!”


“Ric be quiet please.”

“I’m just saying is all.”

“I know but can you let Kev finish bitching?”

“My name is Kevin. Not Kev.”

“Are you done Kevin?”


“Great! Okay on with other business……”

“Hey wait!?!?!?”

Too late Kevin. I moved the conversation on. We went through the basic things. TV ratings, what RAW was up to, contracts that were going to be expiring soon. Seems that Kid Romeo only has 7 months left on his contract…….

“Really is anyone concerned over that?”

No one was. Of course they wouldn’t be, why should they? They had their contracts. Nash has 26 months left on his. DDP had 31 months of his contract still to run and the champ had 30 months left on his. Guaranteed money coming in for the next 2 and a half years at least. Kid Romeo is scraping by on $30,000 a month. After tax and road expenses that’s cut down a lot. Of course Nash and the rest of the Millionaire’s Clan don’t pay road expenses, the company picks up all their tabs, another big mistake. I chose this time to bring up a subject from last week which hadn’t got the best reaction.

“Okay, next on the agenda………” I scanned the paper in front of me, hoping to look like it had been on the list the entire time. Really I just wanted to wind Nash up some more. “………ah yes here we are. Pay cuts!”

His draw dropped again, it was priceless. He said “I thought we discussed this last week.”

“Yes,” I said “But I thought you might have reconsidered.”

“Well I haven’t” he said. “And neither has anyone else.”

“Weeeeelll actually………..” The voice came from the far side of the table. For the first time making himself heard in almost 2 hours was Dusty Rhodes. “I’m aaaaaaall fo’ the pay cut, if it help the company.” Finally I had an ally. I checked the file I’d brought with me.

“Thanks Dusty. My file here shows you earning $130,000 a month. Think we could cut that back to $100,000?”

“No problem. We aaaalll gotta do our bit to help this rocket-ship.”

“Thanks Dusty. Okay anyone else?”

“I guess I can afford to lose some.”

The voice came from another who had been quiet for a while, Lex Luger. “I can take a cut if you need some more.”

“Thanks Lex, okay you’re earning $168,000 a month according to this. Cut it back to say………$120,000?”

He gave me the thumbs up. I went round and Flair, Page, Steiner and Jarrett all sacrificed some of their monthly wages. Another $100,000 saved between them.

“Thanks guys.” I said. “This is gonna help a lot.”

“Well you can all be idiots, but I was promised my money and I intend to collect every penny!”

“Yeah Kevin, you keep raking in the $240,000 a month.”

“$240,000! That’s twice what I made before I agreed to a pay-cut.”

“Mo’ than I made too……”

“And me….”

“A lot more than me.”

“The only person who earns more than big Kev here is Goldberg.”

“Goldberg? He’s taking a pay cut right?”

“I’ve not talked to him yet but I will be.”

There was a collective “Alright” from the guys.

“Okay that’s everything, enjoy your day, Diamond have fun with Kimberley. Everyone here by 7pm for Nitro.”

As everyone left, I scanned over the Thunder preview I'd jotted down while Nash was jabbering on about his push.


On Nitro we heard Larry Zbysko explain the “Time Crisis” match to WCW World Champion Scott Steiner, as well as announce a HUGE 8 Man Tag main event for Sin on Sunday night! At Sin we’ll see the return to the ring of Goldberg in the main event. But tonight it’s all about preparation and tonight both sides will be in action. In our triple main event Sid will go one on one with Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair will face Diamond Dallas Page and Scott Steiner will face Kevin Nash! It’s going to be a BIG night on Thunder!

Terry Funk has ploughed through all competition for his WCW Hardcore Championship. But a mysterious message has come from an unknown source, promising to take down Funk and end the legend of the legendary Terry Funk. On Thunder Funk defends his title against another competitor inside the Funkin’ Conservatory! What will happen tonight?

Rey Misterio will be in the house and in six man tag action as he teams with Air Raid as they do battle with Chavo Guerrero Jr. and The Yung Dragons! Misterio wants to get his hands on Guerrero, but can he tonight? Chavo mentioned last week he had some “friends” he’d be bringing as backup. Will they make an appearance tonight?

- Confirmed Matches -

Scott Steiner vs. Kevin Nash

Sid vs. Jeff Jarrett

Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page

Terry Funk vs. Any competitor

Rey Misterio & Air Raid vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & The Yung Dragons

Edited by ADGray
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Guest UmpireAJS

Screw Kevin Nash,I'm all for it-he is possibly the only shitty [skills and morality] guy who has not been screwed by anyone in any-manner.

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WCW Thunder!

WCW Thunder comes at you from the Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington! Your hosts for this fine crisp winter evening are Mike Tenay and Gary Michael Cappetta.


Before Thunder heads to its opening montage we head to the parking lot where a long limo pulls into the arena entrance and the Magnificent Seven get out, followed by a gaggle of women carrying bottles of champagne.

Ric Flair: Tonight’s the night! Whooooo!

The Magnificent Seven enter the arena as the opening credits roll.



Rey Misterio & Air Raid vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. & The Yung Dragons

Tradition reigns in WCW as once again we begin the broadcast with the cruiserweights. Rey Misterio teams with AJ Styles and Air Paris, against their mortal enemies of……..ooh, the last couple of weeks, Chavo Guerrero Jr. and The Yung Dragons. Gotta love those Russo stereotypes.

An excellent way to open the show and without a doubt the one bright spark you will see tonight. Seriously with Sid and Nash wrestling tonight you might as well watch this then switch over to RAW. The match focused around Chavo not wanting to step into the ring against Misterio throughout, just a pity Tenay and Cappetta were talking about Steiner/Nash later on. If the commentators actually hyped these guys it would help them get over. Tenay did manage to stop vocally sucking off Steiner long enough to complement The Dragons for a nice double team move on Misterio – who played the role of Face In Peril to perfection - for all of 5 seconds before moving onto Nash. As the match went on and Misterio was being worn down more and more Chavo got cocky and was caught by Misterio in the corner, before an attack from behind by Yang stopped anything happening. Tenay and Cappetta finally finished hyping the main event as the 6 man wound to a close, and then remembered to mention Chavo’s “friends”. Just in time too, because as Air Raid and The Dragons battled up the aisle to the back and with the ref KOed from a Chavo dropkick which Misterio ducked, Misterio had Chavo to himself, or so he thought. Unbeknownst to Misterio, two big fat Samoans entered the ring and one grabbed Misterio from behind nailing a Full Nelson Slam. Chavo fell on top with the cover as the referee miraculously came round and counted the three. Chavo was helped up and hugged his “friends” as Tenay and Cappetta again went back to talking about Steiner vs. Nash as we head to a commercial……

Top notch action as the cruiserweights again bring the goods. Tenay and Cappetta were shite and the crowd wasn’t interested till the end with the Samoan fat men but as ring work counts a lot more than a bunch of casual fans who were probably all given their tickets for free, I’m awarding this match **½.


Winners: Chavo Guerrero Jr. & The Yung Dragons



Thunder comes back from commercial with Chavo and his new found friends still in the ring, with the crowd booing heavily. Chavo grabs a microphone and stands over the fallen bodies of Rey Misterio Jr. as paramedics and EMT workers rush to the ring.

Chavo Guerrero Jr: I told you essa! I told you Misterio. I told you I had friends waiting for me homes! I told you I had friends that would stop anyone getting at my title. Nobody in WCW believed me when I said I’d bring them in. Nobody believed me when I said they’d stop you and anyone else wanting my title! But here they are, this is O.G and this is Kimo! Learn the names WCW!

Misterio is helped from the ring by the EMT workers and starts to be helped up the aisle.

Chavo Guerrero Jr: I brought them here essé, I brought them in, and holmes, just for you, I’m gonna show you how dominant these people are. So Rey, I know you’re a little dizzy, but I’ve got people taping this in the back and when you feel up to it, all you gotta do is ask for the tape essa. I got two people back there, two wrestlers who thought they could face my buddies here, so get them out here now!

Two men come out from the back with no music, both covered from head to toe in silver bodysuits. They pass the limp body of Misterio and look at him before heading on. They enter the ring as Chavo jumps out.

Chavo Guerrero Jr: Ring the damn bell!

The bell rings and this match is on.



Straight Outta Samoa vs. Conquistadors 2000

I’m not sure what WCW are thinking here but these new guys were only released from the WWF developmental system last week and now here they are on WCW television! Mad props go out to my main men Matt and Chaz who informed me that these two teams were OVW stalwarts The Island Boys (O.G Ekmo & Kimo) and independent tag team The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) . But here in WCW we’ve got another name for them, which the ring announcer luckily knew, so please welcome Straight Outta Samoa, or S.O.S to the ring, and their opponents, who no doubt are about to be crushed are known as Conquistadors 2000! There’s a money spinning gimmick if ever there was one.

The future’s bright, the future’s these guys. Even though this was the worlds biggest squash – with an official time of only 15 seconds - it was still entertaining. S.O.S were put over as dominant and unstoppable as both of the Conquistadors bumped their asses off here for the short length the match went, flying from corner to corner, and selling like gods. S.O.S jumped C2000 as they entered the ring and so the referee wouldn’t ring the bell till only one man for each side was in the ring. This took 3 minutes as S.O.S showed us their ability with a variety of double team moves before they ended the match after an overall time of 3.41 with a Powerslam by O.G Ekmo and a top rope splash by Kimo for the pin. For guys that are at least 350lbs each they are very agile in the ring. Ekmo, Kimo and Chavo laughed sadistically as Thunder went to a commercial.

While it was a squash it served its purpose in introducing S.O.S to the WCW faithful, and got them over as strong and dominant. Well done WCW, looks like you’ve got yourself a good team there.


Winners: Straight Outta Samoa



Terry Funk vs. Brian Knobbs

Thunder comes back from commercial and we’re ready for another Funkin’ Conservatory match. You know too much of a good thing and it becomes a bad thing. I just hope that the Conservatory is put into storage soon and then only wheeled out for special occasions. Terry Funk welcomed his fourth visitor in a fortnight to the Conservatory in Brian Knobbs, world renowned dildo salesman. CONSERVATORY FURNISHING REPORT: A “STOP” sign used on Bam Bam Bigelow now has pride of place on the far wall away from the camera.

The fourth and worst Funkin’ Conservatory yet, for one reason and one reason only. Brian Knobbs couldn’t be bothered to put in any effort. Understandable really, it was obvious to everyone he wasn’t going to win this match, unless he wins then busts out the “IT WAS ME ALL ALONG!” line, but that would be shit. So with Knobbs in Jobberville from the outset there wasn’t any hope for this match to even break ½* country. Funk tried to salvage the match but the match couldn’t be saved, no matter how many times Funk nailed Knobbs with a cookie sheet. Mercifully it ended after 4 minutes with a Moonsault for the 1-2-3. Thank you and good night.

I haven’t pulled out this rating in a couple of weeks but this match deserved it. DUD, now I need a drink.


Winner and still WCW Hardcore Champion: Terry Funk

Terry Funk is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.


Gary Michael Cappetta leaves the broadcast position and climbs into the Conservatory with a microphone. He approaches Funk….

Gary Michael Cappetta: Well Terry, victorious here tonight so congratulations for that, but what about the message that interrupted your match with Bam Bam Bigelow on Monday night?

Terry Funk: The message…….The message. You want my thoughts on that message. My thoughts on that message are simple…..

Before Funk can continue on, the crackling comes over the PA system, followed by a voice……

Voice: Hey Funk! Listen to me you old, crippled wrinkly bastard! You have worked and slaved too long Funk, you’ve worked too hard for these jackasses for far too long. But don’t worry Funk, I’m coming and I’m gonna help ya! I am going to help you to move somewhere hot and sunny, to a nice house with a pool, and it’s right across from the beach, and near the hospital just in case. You see Funk, I’m enlightened as to my purpose. Your’e ill Funk, hell I’m half your age and I’m ill! I know the fun went out of this for you a long time ago, and so I’m here to help you. Terry Funk, know one thing…………………..….[There is a long pause]……………………….… I………………..am going…………to end….…your……legend!





Sid vs. Jeff Jarrett

And now we start to close the night with the Trifecta of main event calibre matches. Yeah, WCW really are desperate for ratings. Sid came down alone yet again but lucky for Jarrett he was accompanied by Road Warrior Animal. Wow, what backup.

The match itself closely challenged Funk vs. Knobbs for “Shiter of the Night” but just wasn’t good enough to win that accolade. Sid no-sold most of Jarrett’s offence and not even Jarrett’s best efforts could rescue this match from the scrapheap. The crowd wasn’t even very responsive to what they were seeing, instead turning on both men and booing them to hell and back because of Sid’s no selling. You would think that if the crowd was this angry Sid would start selling but he didn’t, instead seeing a reaction and intensifying it with even more no-selling. In the end Jarrett got the victory with the Stroke for the 1-2-3 at 11.33, but this match was awful.

Nothing that Jarrett tried here could save this match from becoming the second DUD of the night.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Sid didn't really sell very much, which hurt the match rating.



Coming back from commercial we go backstage. “Mean” Gene Okerlund is with the only man in WCW who may be older than he is, the “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: I’m standing backstage with “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair and Ric Flair, tonight you face Diamond Dallas Page but I want to talk for a moment if I may about the actions of you and your Magnificent Seven comrades recently. Especially your despicable conduct with Sid, Kevin Nash and Diamond Dallas Page! How can you condone your actions. First Scott Steiner attacks Sid after his match on the “Night of Champions” and then the Steiners attack The InSiders on Nitro just this Monday night!

Ric Flair: Hey, that’s wrestling “Mean” Gene. Sid and the Insiders decided to walk that aisle and when they walk that aisle, they don’t just face one Magnificent Seven member, they face them all! All for one and one for all “Mean” Gene, that’s the motto of the Magnificent Seven.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: But how can you, a bonafide legend in this industry possibly accept what you’re doing? Surely you must remember a time when this sort of thing, it just didn’t happen!

Ric Flair: I don’t know where you’ve been Okerlund, but the Nature Boy always has an entourage, and he always has his friends around him. Way back to the Four Horsemen! Whoooo! It’s being in a group that keeps the money rollin’ in. It’s making all that money from having the World Champion that keeps us ridin’ in our limos, flying in our private jets, havin’ all the women, staying in the Presidential suites., that’s what makes “The Nature Boy”, “The Nature Boy”. That’s what makes him a stylin', profilin', limousine ridin', Lear jet flyin', Wheelin' Dealin' son of a gun! Whooooo!

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well be that as it may I and I am sure these fans find your actions disgusting.

Ric Flair: Find it however you want “Mean” Gene, I’m Ric Flair, the dirtiest player in the game, the 16 time World Heavyweight Champion, I’m the Nature Boy!

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well what about your match tonight? It’ll be you, Ric Flair versus Diamond Dallas Page who is gunning for revenge following Nitro. Like you said all for one and one for all Ric Flair. Tonight you carry the aspirations of the Magnificent Seven on your shoulders.

Ric Flair: It doesn’t matter Okerlund. DDP, there’s a saying, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again…..To be the man, you gotta beat the man and Diamond Dallas Page, I’m the “Nature Boy” and that means, that I….am the man! Whoooooo!

Flair walks off towards the ring…….



Ric Flair vs. Diamond Dallas Page

We enter Phase Two of our Triple Main Event with Diamond Dallas Page accompanied by Kevin Nash facing off with Ric Flair who has Lex Luger with him for support.

Being a big Flair fan and indifferent to Page I want to say this match was really good, but it wasn’t. It just wasn’t very good. Flair and Page can both still go but their styles were just too mismatched here. Page was constantly trying to turn it into a brawl while Flair wanted to keep it grounded with his renowned technical style. The only time the match flowed was when one relented to the other, which saw Flair first chop the hell out of Page, then Page outsmart Flair with some mat wrestling. The crowd though really got into the match. Even if the two couldn’t find a style to put on a top level match, the two still knew the art of psychology and so the crowd were hot. DDP nailed the Diamond Cutter early on but Flair rolled from the ring. Flair came back with the Figure Four but DDP reached the ropes. In the end DDP got the victory even if it wasn’t the one he wanted as after nailing a second Diamond Cutter, DDP was pulled from the ring by Lex Luger who threw DDP over the guardrail, causing the disqualification. Luger pulled Flair from the ring in time to avoid an attack from Nash. As we went to commercial, Flair was being helped up the aisle by Luger.

Being a Flair mark this match is going to get a slightly biased rating. The ring work, while nothing to write home about was solid and the crowd was worked well. *½. Well done lads.


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page

Ric Flair lost overness from this match. Diamond Dallas Page gained overness from this match.



WCW comes back from the commercial to the shiny head of “Mean” Gene Okerlund and the steroid enhanced, oiled up physique of Scott Steiner.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well I am back here with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner and as far as I am concerned Scott Steiner your actions are….

Steiner grabs the microphone from Okerlund.

Scott Steiner: Listen here little man! As far as I am concerned I don’t give a rats’ ass about your opinion. Why? Because you are a little, fat, balding man, and you do not matter. You don’t figure in the scheme of things. You are unimportant, you are insignificant. But me?!?! I’m special. I’m involved. I am the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, that means I am the best there is and there is a higher purpose for me. Now get out my face so I can keep this simple. Kevin Nash! I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Tonight we meet in that ring. Tonight you gotta chance to make yourself immortal, when you step into the ring, with Big Poppa Pump. Pray to God, you don’t screw it up! Holla if ya hear me!

Steiner pushes the microphone back into Okerlund’s hands, who then adjusts his tie before looking straight to the camera.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well Scott Steiner sure is fired up, here tonight!



Scott Steiner vs. Kevin Nash

As we approach the end of the evening WCW once again decides to leave us all with a bitter taste in our mouths as Kevin Nash – still at ringside from the Flair/DDP match – takes on WCW World Champion Scott Steiner who is lucky enough to have his brother Rick Steiner and Midajah as backup. Strap yourselves in folks, I have a feeling this one isn’t going to be pretty…….

………and it wasn’t. Try as they might Steiner and Nash are far past their best. Granted for Nash his best wasn’t any good anyway but Steiner was an excellent worker before upping his steroid dosage threefold. The match was a muddled mess, with no real communication and no story being told. All they did was hit each other for 10 minutes, with DDP and Rick Steiner occasionally having words, until a fight broke out between the two, distracting the referee. This allowed Midajah to slide the title belt into the ring. Steiner nailed Nash with the belt and he fell like a very physically challenged tree. Steiner made the cover and got the 1-2-3. Rick Steiner knocked DDP over the guardrail and slid into the ring. We ended the evening’s festivities with a nice artistic shot of the Steiner Brothers and Midajah posing in the ring, and we’re off the air…...

Well that sucked. Seriously, the standard of main events in WCW right now is pathetic. If this continues much longer you can wave bye bye to WCW. ½* for the crowd being responsive.


Winner: Scott Steiner

Overall: 67%

TV Rating: 4.69

Attendance: 4,058

Edited by ADGray
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The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ??????

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Winners of Match 1 vs. Winners of Match 2

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid

I know the card sucks ass with only two matches relating to anything! But hey, What better than three filler matches to entertain you?!?!?!

Note to Burning Dragon: I know that the Double A-Team didn't team up at this time anymore but it is explained in the write-up.

Edited by ADGray
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The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ?????? I'm guessing Raven

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Winners of Match 1 vs. Winners of Match 2

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid

Changed my prediction on match 2 after realising who Double A Team are

Edited by Jam
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The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg - Goldberg won't job in his first match of the year, so the babyfaces go over here.

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ?????? - I'd have said Raven myself, like Jam, but that promo didn't feel like Raven to me. Whoever the mystery man is, they should win here.

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Winners of Match 1 vs. Winners of Match 2 - Air Raid are the future. Well, they were in 2001 anyway. Poor Air Paris.

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys - Unlike the other teams, this one has been on TV recently.

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid - You're pushing these guys pretty strongly so far, so I'd imagine you'd keep going with that.

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I have a feeling, just a feeling, that this pay per view will suck shit.


The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg - I don't think a team with Rick Steiner on it should be winning. With the monster goldberg and the monster Sid, Mag. 7 shouldn't match up.

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ?????? - It would be pointless for Terry Funk to win. ?????? would be killed instantly. Unless you have some sort of idea here.

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Yung Dragons vs. Air Raid - Meh. I dunno.

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys - read match two

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid - I don't actually think Air Raid will win, but I'm going with them because they are the best tag team in this match. May as well have Air Raid vs. Yung Dragons or Helms & Moore so we will have one non shitfest. But hey, if this is WCW, then Kronik will be facing the Harris Boys in the number one contenders match.

Edited by Kevin Elliott
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Note to Burning Dragon: I know that the Double A-Team didn't team up at this time anymore but it is explained in the write-up.

Wow... He wrote especially for me. I feel honoured. But considering I have no clue in hell as to who the Double A team area, I wouldn't be bothered.

The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ??????

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Winners of Match 1 vs. Winners of Match 2 - I reserve the right to withhold my prediction until I know who the Double A Team are.

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid - I reserve the right to withhold my prediction until I know who the Double A Team are.

NOTE: I know these predictions have been edited AFTER you posted Sin, but I swear I haven't looked at the results yet. The only thing I saw was somebody telling me that the Double A Team are Kwee Wee and Mike Sanders. Now, to look at the post and see how well I did.

Edited by Burning Dragon
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The Main Event

Scott Steiner, Ric Flair, Rick Steiner & Jeff Jarrett vs. Sid, Kevin Nash, DDP and Goldberg

Hardcore Match

Terry Funk vs. ??????

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Match

Yung Dragons vs. Air Raid

Tag Titles #1 Contenders Semi-Finals

Match 1

Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys

Match 2

Double A Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid

You better bloody well deliver with this, otherwise I'll be forced to bop you upside the head with my plastic hammer of ferocious doom.

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WCW Sin comes at you live from the Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington! Please welcome your ever gracious hosts Mike Tenay and Tony Schiavone!



We are taken to a pre-recorded clip. The only clue it is pre-recorded is the small “EARLIER THIS EVENING” in the bottom left hand corner. We see Goldberg arriving at the arena, dressed in a Washington Huskies football shirt. He has his bag over his shoulder and is heading into the arena. Goldberg climbs the steps to the entrance but as he opens the door he is pushed backwards against the stair railing. Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger and Road Warrior Animal charge out of the door. Bagwell has a lead pipe, Luger a chain and Animal a 2x4. Goldberg throws his bag at Bagwell and takes Animal down with a football tackle but he is flailed once with the chain from Luger, before Luger wraps the chain around the throat of Goldberg and pulls back. Goldberg fights it, rolling onto his side, but this only tightens the grip of the chain. Animal gets up and drives the 2x4 into the stomach of Goldberg twice, before Bagwell takes over, cracking the lead pipe across the right knee of Goldberg. Luger calls them off as the damage has been done and the three walk away with Goldberg’s bag as he writhes in pain on the concrete floor.




Jindrak & O’Haire vs. Yung Dragons vs. Helms & Moore vs. Harris Boys

We begin the pay-per view with one of two four way tag dances we’ll see tonight. The winners of this match will meet the winners of the other 4 way later on for the right to face The InSiders. There was a big divide here as Shane Helms & Shannon Moore were the only face team in the match against the Harris Boys, the Natural Born Thriller’s Mark Jindrak & Sean O’Haire and one team who have seen a lot of TV time recently, The Yung Dragons. A couple of notable items before we get going. Ron and Don Harris look like they’ve put on some weight, but thankfully lost no talent in return. Sean O’Haire looks to be in incredible shape and Shane Helms came out wearing a pair of silver Gucci specs, prompting Mike Tenay to brand him “cool” .

The match followed elimination rules, with the four teams having a corner each. Jindrak and Helms started us off with Helms getting a good reaction as he ran rings around Jindrak and kept the bigger man off his balance. Eventually Jindrak came back at him and caught him with some power moves, including a vicious Spinebuster and a Powerslam which got a two count. But a blind tag by Don Harris was made and Jindrak proceeded to have his ass kicked all around the ring. The crowd though wasn’t responsive to a heel on heel fight, farting on the match, so Jindrak made a desperate tag out to Shannon Moore. Moore rose to the occasion and bumped like a god for Don Harris as he proceeded to get beaten, bruised, bloodied, stretched, squeezed and squashed by the two big men. The Harris’ became so dominant that neither Jindrak & O’Haire or the Dragons wanted to get into the ring. So when Moore found himself fighting back successfully after what must have seemed like hours of being on the receiving end the crowd responded and got firmly behind young Moore. A reversed Irish Whip couldn’t stop Moore, who pulled himself to the top rope, avoided a charging Ron Harris and then slid down the back into a Sunset Flip for the 1-2-3 to eliminate Don and Ron Harris, bringing a huge pop from the crowd!

Sean O’Haire was all over Moore instantly though and instead of having any time to recover Moore was again being beaten down by two bigger men than him. Jindrak & O’Haire showed their skills with a series of double team moves, keeping Moore grounded. But Shannon Moore wasn’t ready to give up the fight and kept kicking out of the pin attempts of Jindrak & O’Haire. Jindrak & O’Haire were almost eliminated when they went for a Doomsday Device and Moore rolled forward into a Victory Roll for two. Moore got back up, feeding off a now more enthusiastic crowd, slid through the legs of Sean O’Haire and made the tag to a pumped up Shane Helms. Helms came into the action with a springboard dropkick and an assortment of fast-paced moves designed to get the crowd pumped up. To up the pace some more, O’Haire tagged out to a fresh and ready Yang who came into the ring with a head-scissors off the top rope for a two count. Helms and Yang then ran through Standard Cruiserweight Move-Set #7 to the delight of the fans before rounding it all out with a double kick-up and stare down to an applauding crowd. Helms and Yang then tagged out to their partners, a move which left Shannon Moore staring in disbelief at his partner.

Moore though was a plucky fighter stepping into the ring again despite being exhausted. Again the same formula was replicated as The Dragons beat down on the tired and weary Moore, with Schiavone and Tenay putting across the guts and intestinal fortitude of Moore. Yang and Hayashi had Moore down for the count a number of times but each time it fell to Shane Helms to break up the three count, once resorting to a Moonsault off the top to break it up, which must have done as much damage to Moore being crushed under Hayashi as it did to Hayashi itself. While this was all going on Jindrak & O’Haire were having a rest of the apron, but they were quickly called into play when Moore made a desperate lunge for the corner and made the tag to O’Haire. O’Haire entered the ring, dragged Hayashi to his feet and physically forced Hayashi to tag in Moore, which drew major heat from the fans. Moore was again pulled into the ring, this time for a beating by Jindrak & O’Haire, but it didn’t last long as soon they were too eliminated, as Shannon Moore flailed his legs violently on a vertical suplex attempt from Jindrak to the point where Jindrak couldn’t maintain his balance and Moore countered a falling Jindrak into a Small Package for a 1-2-3 and the crowd popped.

It came down to the two teams most unlikely to be remaining as Shane Helms & Shannon Moore and The Yung Dragons stared each other down in the middle of the ring. All four men then went at it, with both teams getting the advantage and running through the usual spots, with Yang falling face first into Hayashi’s groin region to a pop from the crowd. Several near falls followed with The Yung’s almost getting the win with a double Superkick and Helms & Moore looking like they would emerge victorious after nailing what Schiavone and Tenay called the OMEGA Manoeuvre but was really just the leg drop/splash combo The Hardy Boyz have been using for years. That got two, and by this point, almost 18 minutes into the match the referee was having a hard time controlling the four men, which led to a ref bump as we neared the end. With the referee down, The Dragons took control through cheating and Hayashi looked to bring a chair into the match. Helms was thrown from the ring by Yang, then Moore was grabbed from behind. Yang held Moore in position as Hayashi lined up his shot, but Moore ducked and Hayashi nailed Yang. Moore then knocked Hayashi from the ring with a standing dropkick before making the cover just as the referee came round for the 1-2-3!

A good match let down by some weak moments involving the Harris’, some uninspired heel on heel brawling and a poor crowd only popping and getting behind Helms & Moore when they were led in cheers.


Winners: Helms & Moore

Shane Helms debuted his new gimmick (Cool) it got a positive response.



Double A-Team vs. Kronik vs. Perfect Event vs. Air Raid

Our second match of the evening will be another 4 way tag match. KroniK and Air Raid are joined by the 2nd team from the NBT, Perfect Event and in a rather unusual decision, the Double A-Team have reunited for one night for a chance at glory. Tenay and Schiavone were heavily hyping Sanders and Kwee-Wee reuniting for tonight, although the crowd couldn’t really care (Sanders hasn’t been on TV for 2 weeks and Kwee-Wee got his ass handed to him by Funk. Would you care?) I think they were all hoping for some Helms & Moore vs. Air Raid goodness later on.

Unfortunately that was not to be as Air Paris and Bryan Adams started us off and in a carbon copy of the first match the younger, smaller and lighter man was thrown about the ring like a rag-doll. Adams and Paris did put together some impressive stuff, including a Fallaway Slam off the top rope but for the most part Adams dominated with lacklustre big-man brawling. KroniK kept up the quick tags, with Tenay and Schiavone saying that this was because “they don’t trust the others to get the job done. So they’re gonna do it themselves! ” Yeah, well if that is the case they were doing a bloody good job of it, as they crushed Paris with power move after power move, and every time that Paris looked like possibly getting to his corner, Adams and Clarke either double teamed Paris or knocked Styles off the apron – allowing them more double teaming when Styles tried to get into the ring. With this massacre in full swing it wasn’t much of a surprise that Air Raid were the first team eliminated before AJ Styles even got into the ring, following a double Spinebuster from Adams and Clarke on Air Paris for an academic 1-2-3 after about 4 minutes.

This now though left a big problem. Three heel teams, and not one of them likeable in the slightest. With KroniK so dominant they resorted to playing the unstoppable monster heels hoping for the fans to cheer the other two teams, but this didn’t happen. The Double A-Team and The Perfect Event weren’t eager to get into the ring against KroniK but after about 20 seconds of a horrid “We don’t want to, you go” argument between Sanders, Wee, Palumbo and Stasiak, the decision was made by Bryan Clarke. Clarke dragged Kwee-Wee into the ring and again KroniK started to beat down on a smaller guy, but this time Kwee-Wee managed to fight back with some basic moves. It appeared that Kwee-Wee had been watching some old WWF tapes as his offence came straight from “How to Wrestle” a book written by The Bushwhackers as Kwee-Wee went all kamikaze on KroniK’s asses with battering rams to the stomachs of both Adams and Clarke before he made the tag to Sanders. Sanders got a decent pop as he entered the ring and took it to both Adams and Clarke, feeding off the crowd. While Kwee-Wee is like a charisma vacuum cleaner in that he sucks it out of others, Sanders actually got the crowd worked up here as he constantly outsmarted KroniK with his “jab and move” offence, involving a quite beautiful double drop toe hold, with Adams falling head first into the nether-regions of Clarke. Adams and Clarke did manage to corner Sanders for a moment after 8 minutes but Kwee-Wee got involved and Sanders was able to get a roll-up on Adams for two.

Typically though, all good things must come to an end and Sanders’ glory minutes were behind him as he too fell to the power of KroniK who dominated him for several minutes before Sanders again got clear, ducking a clothesline from Clarke, sending his own partner off the apron. This allowed Sanders the chance to tag out and he brought Chuck Palumbo into the match for the first time just past the 13 minute mark. Palumbo fared quite well against KroniK, nailing a sweet Powerslam to Clarke for a close two count. Adams got involved so Stasiak also got involved as the Double A-Team watched the four man brawl from the apron. That was until they were dragged into the brawl as well. In the confusing melee, the referee had his recent memory erased and following a Powerslam from Adams to Sanders, he counted Sanders’ shoulders to the mat for the 1-2-3.

What followed was simply embarrassing as KroniK and The Perfect Event clusterfucked their way through the match for a few minutes, obviously looking for some sign from the back what to do, prompting suspicion that perhaps The Double A-Team were meant to actually win this match. After a few minutes of uninspired, boring, back and forth brawling which turned off the crowd completely and totally abandoned the whole notion of “tag team” wrestling, with all four men involved throughout the message came through to end the match and the two teams obliged, obviously wanting to just end the shit-fest and go home for the night. KroniK got the victory after they hit the High Times on Shawn Stasiak for the 1-2-3 - Chuck Palumbo was nowhere to be seen, having been back-dropped over the top by Clarke. So later on we’ll have Helms & Moore vs. KroniK for the #1 Contendership? I’m not optimistic,

Well that sucked. The crowd was dead until Sanders got into the ring and they went dead again once he was pinned apart from a few isolated “BORING” chants. Average work-rate + average crowd = average match. *, deal with it and move on.


Winners: Kronik



The music of Terry Funk hits and the WCW Hardcore Champion comes through the curtain, onto the stage. In one hand he carries a baseball bat and looks to the ring where the WCW ring crew are putting together the Funkin’ Conservatory. Funk heads down the aisle, banging the bat off the ramp as he goes. Funk gets to the ring as the ring crew finish. Funk enters the ring and is handed a microphone.

Terry Funk: I made a challenge, to whichever son of a bitch it is that is trying to intimidate me, to meet me here, inside the Conservatory tonight. Now, come on out you jackass. You want to end my legend, I’ve given you the chance. Get your ass out here, so I can whip it all over Spokane!

The music of David Flair hits and the son of the Nature Boy comes out in his street clothes with a microphone - the crowd not quite knowing how to respond to him. There is some isolated booing but if this is the guy then it is a disappointment. Flair climbs into the Conservatory as Funk gets ready to attack……

David Flair: Hold on Terry, I’m not who you’re looking for. I’m not the person you want. I’m just a messenger.

Terry Funk: A messenger for who?

David Flair: I don’t know who it is. All I was told was to deliver a message to you.

Terry Funk: You know son, that’s real nice, but it don’t mean I am not going to kick your ass. These people came to see me beat someone’s ass all over Spokane……...and that is what they are going to see!

Funk springs into action nailing Flair across the head with the baseball bat as the door to the Conservatory is closed, leaving Funk, Flair and a referee inside the Conservatory.


Terry Funk gained overness from this segment.



Terry Funk vs. David Flair

Looks like we have an “impromptu” match here as even though David Flair says he isn’t the man that Terry Funk challenged it doesn’t matter as Funk is still going to beat Flair black and blue inside the Funkin’ Conservatory. Good for him.

BAD FOR HIM! BAD FOR HIM! BAD FOR HIM! Why are we tortured with this shit on PPV? On TV this would be almost acceptable but not on Pay-Per View! I like Terry Funk, I am one of his biggest fans and this storyline is quite engrossing, but he needs paired up with someone who can help him along in a match at his age, and David Flair is not the guy to do that. Flair can’t even bump properly! No sooner had Funk knocked Flair down with the first shot from the baseball bat than Flair was in Dizzy City. This led to an amusing situation with Flair stumbling about like a headless chicken, only to tumble over the top to the floor. This would all have been fine if this was after he’d had the shit kicked out of him for at least a few minutes but this was after only one shot with the bat. There is a time and a place to sell things to their fullest but this wasn’t it. But of the two only Funk realised this and as Flair stumbled about on the outside like a drunken man trying to find his keys in the dark you could see the rage building in Terry Funk. It wasn’t long till it had boiled over and Funk just unloaded on Flair with everything and anything. Chair shots, crutches, “STOP” signs, baseball bats, cookie sheets, you name it and Funk used it on the unfortunate Flair. Not that he didn’t deserve it.

This caused the to blood really start flowing from the head of Flair and the crowd – who had been silent throughout – perked up when they saw the amount of blood now covering Flair’s face, and only got louder when Funk used the cage to its full advantage, throwing Flair off the top rope into the cage, causing a large 4ft crack to appear down the side of the cage. Funk then nailed a couple of high impact move for close pinfalls; including a DDT onto a steel chair, a super-plex off the top rope, a one man con-chair-to using frying pans and a trashcan over the head and then nailing the entombed Flair with the baseball bat, which drew a big “Ooooohhhh” from the crowd. Yet Flair still sold everything idiotically and the crowd started to get pissed off as well as Terry Funk. With the fans in the arena and those at home now screaming for the match to end. Funk heard the calls and answered them, nailing a vicious chair-shot and a moonsault for the 1-2-3. Ring the bell and get Flair to a hospital.

Strictly unacceptable for pay per view. Funk needs someone at his level to deliver these days and David Flair isn’t it. Shite, shite, shite. DUD.


Winner and still WCW Hardcore Champion: Terry Funk

The WCW Hardcore title has gained in image. Terry Funk is losing overness because of his weak gimmick.



Funk has his arm raised into the air, before static again comes over the PA system and the TurnerTron springs to life, showing a small, well lit room. A silhouette shows a man standing in front of a roaring fire, obscuring his features.

Voice: That punk Flair failed in his one task I gave him. It wasn’t like it was a hard task! All he had to do was deliver a message to your crippled ass. Well I guess if you want something done, you gotta do it yourself Funk! It isn’t time yet for you to know who I am! Oh I know that you have your suspicions and that’s all well and good, but it isn’t time. The time is getting closer Funk, but it isn’t here yet. Watch your back Funker, ‘cause I am watching……………the “Legend Killer”………….is watching.

The TurnerTron goes completely black as Funk stands in the ring, breathing heavily.

Terry Funk: I’ll be ready for you, you son of a bitch!




Helms & Moore vs. KroniK

We’re entering the home stretch here - yes you heard me correctly. This is a 2 hour pay per view - as we are about to crown the #1 Contenders for the WCW Tag Team Championships. Shane Helms & Shannon Moore got here by overcoming the Harris Boys, Jindrak & O’Haire and The Yung Dragons against all the odds. KroniK on the other hand, appear to have got here due to a mistake by a referee. What’ll happen here? Oh also, something they didn’t tell us. This match is under TORNADO RULES. Added at the last minute me thinks…..So, we’ve got Tornado Rules, with all 4 men going at it. Shannon Moore still looks exhausted and Shane Helms doesn’t look very enthusiastic for this match. Can you blame him? This match will most likely be a clusterfuck. Here we go.

We start with a 4 man brawl as Moore pairs off with Clarke while Adams and Helms go tumbling from the ring to the outside straight away. Clarke grabs Moore by the shoulders and throws the smaller OMEGA man into the corner. Clarke follows in with some elbows to the side of the head as on the outside Adams takes it to Helms, ramming his head into the steel ring-post. Helms tries to get up but is clotheslined over the security railing by Adams. Back inside the ring now and Moore is trying to fight back against Clarke. Moore gets a couple of right hands in before Adams grabs him from behind. Clarke charges but Moore pushes up off the ground and grabs Clarke with a head-scissors. Adams pulls Moore backwards but Moore has it held on and Clarke is dragged along with them. Moore kicks Clarke on the side of the head and looks to take him over, but Adams just drops Moore out of his grip. Clarke grabbed Moore’s legs on the way down and pulled him back up looking for a Powerbomb, but a dropkick from a returning Helms sent Adams into Clarke and Moore slipped down the back looking for a Sunset Flip. But the beating from earlier coupled with the sheer muscle power of Clarke prevented it and instead Moore received a straight right hand to the temple for his troubles.

Helms stepped up his game trying to battle both Adams and Clarke as Moore regained his composure in the corner, but it didn’t work and Helms and Moore collided courtesy of an Irish Whip. Clarke followed in looking for an avalanche but Helms got a boot up and Clarke staggered away. Adams tried his luck but this time Helms dodged one way, Moore dodged the other and Adams crashed into the corner, and a roll-up from Helms got a two count. Clarke looked for a clothesline but it was ducked by Helms and a Double Dropkick sent Clarke from the ring. Moore looked for a plancha over the top but Clarke caught him. Helms thought quickly and ascended to the top rope, coming down with a Cross Body to Clarke and Moore sending all three men to the floor. Tenay put over this as “saving” Moore from something much more sinister, although I put it over as “stupid”, “pointless” and “ridiculous”. Let Moore get rammed into the ring post, it’s good TV! Adams came out to the floor as well and threw both Helms and Moore back into the ring before helping up his partner, but this led to the Double Baseball Slide spot and KroniK went flying over the security railing. Helms and Moore then ascended a turnbuckle each and waited for Adams and Clarke to recover before coming down with double-axe handles, which saw all four men tumble to the floor again. But this move proved fatal for Moore for the next few minutes as the pain from earlier caught back up with him, rendering him helpless on the floor as KroniK took the opportunity to double team Shane Helms with every move under the sun. Spinebusters, Clotheslines, Suplexes, Slams, Superplexes and a Decapitation Elbow were all broken out of the vault for two counts before a hurting Shannon Moore managed to get back into the ring, battling the pain.

For a minute it looked like a miracle might be in the works as Shannon Moore fought against all the odds and was coming out on top against both Adams and Clarke, but as he fought the pain grew until it got so bad that Moore simply stumbled backwards into the corner. But Moore still battled, kicking a charging Brian Clarke in the face and avoiding an avalanche attempt by Adams, although this was more Moore simply collapsing than any attempt to get out of the way. Helms – who had been out of it following being brutalized by KroniK – again mustered up the courage to get involved, but despite the valiant effort shown he too was now hurting to the point of not being able to move, and it changed from if KroniK would win this match to a case of when KroniK would win this match. Adams and Clarke then took complete control and apart from one very close two and a half pinfall there were no more scares for the bigger duo. The victory came after 15 minutes with Moore placed on the top rope, then thrown off by Adams, caught by Clarke and driven to the ground with a Belly-To-Belly Suplex for the academic 1-2-3. KroniK become #1 Contenders for the WCW Tag Team Titles held by The InSiders. Following the bell and KroniK’s departure, Helms helped Moore up and the crowd applauded lightly, appreciating the effort from the two youngsters. We haven’t seen the last of Helms & Moore.

Better than anyone could have imagined, this match blossomed from what looked to be a sure-fire shiter into a very enjoyable match. Both teams had to adapt from their regular styles slightly but they did it well, the match didn’t stutter for the 15 minutes they were out there and all four men deserve a big pat on the back for that. You could visibly see the realisation dawning on the four they were doing well as the match went on and that lifted them. Match of the night breaking straight through the two star barrier for a deserving **½.


Winners and #1 Contenders for the WCW Tag Team Titles: Kronik



Backstage we go with “Mean” Gene Okerlund, who is standing by with the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, “Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner, “The Nature Boy Ric Flair, “The Chosen One” Jeff Jarrett and “The Dog-Faced Gremlin” Rick Steiner.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well I am here backstage again, this time with the Magnificent Seven, Rick Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair, and of course, the WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Scott Steiner, and now everyone in this arena and at home is absolutely appalled with what your comrades, your…..your running buddies, what they did to Goldberg earlier tonight!

Scott Steiner: Listen up “Mean” Gene! Goldberg chose this life and he chose to sign on the dotted line for this match in the contract. He should have expected what we had in store! But he didn’t, because Goldberg is an idiot.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well I highly doubt that Scott Steiner but to you Ric Flair, I have asked before how you can possibly condone the behaviour of you and your friends, and you laughed it off. But you cannot laugh this off!

Ric Flair: Hey Gene, I told ya before, when you walk that aisle, you gotta be ready. Why? Because ‘the dirtiest player in the game’ will be standing on the other side of that ring and he’s always got a contingency plan. Goldberg chose to put it all on the line, like we all do, every night of the year, and sometimes “Mean” Gene, you…………get………..hurt.

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well be that as it may if I can direct a question to you Jeff Jarrett right now, we’ve heard the thoughts of Scott Steiner, and we’ve heard the thoughts of Ric Flair, but you have been quiet, which is totally against your normal……

Jeff Jarrett: Listen up here slapnuts! I don’t give a damn what you, or all these in-bred assholes think. The Magnificent Seven were threatened and they took action. Goldberg was stupid to not see it coming!

Scott Steiner: Let’s get outta here, this guy smells…………

“Mean” Gene Okerlund: Well……..The Magnificent Seven are ready for tonight, but with Goldberg at a local medical facility, how will Sid and The InSiders cope? Tony…..Mike…..back to you at ringside.

The Magnificent Seven walk off. Good idea not to let Rick Steiner talk.




Magnificent Seven vs. Goldberg, Sid & The InSiders

We are rapidly approaching the point when we can all head to bed but first we have the main event of the evening, but with Goldberg at a local medical facility, how will Sid & The InSiders cope against The Steiner Brothers, Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett? The M7 came out first accompanied by the other three members in Luger, Bagwell and Animal as well as Midajah at ringside. Sid & The InSiders then came out to the ring as Tenay and Schiavone touted this as a case of eight versus three.

We get a seven man brawl to start as Sid and The InSiders take it to their four opponents. Scott Steiner and Sid quickly went into the same routine they went into on the first Nitro of the year as they start to hit each other, while Flair and DDP try to improve on their showing on the same Thunder by delivering some solid wrestling. Unfortunately the same can’t be said for Nash who is falling to a two on one attack which becomes three on one through interference whenever he starts to fight back. Sid hits a big boot and Steiner tumbles pitifully through the middle and top ropes and Sid follows him out. Nash is knocked to the floor on the opposite side and he’s immediately swarmed on by THE BUNCH OF JACKALS ON THE OUTSIDE! Luger, Bagwell and Animal start to put the boots to Nash as the crowd boos loudly. DDP battles against Flair, Jarrett and Rick Steiner and holds his own. Jarrett is thrown from the ring, Flair bails and the referee stops the beatdown on Nash and we finally get the bell to start the match.

DDP and Rick Steiner start the match proper. A couple of inconclusive lock-ups to start before Steiner goes the easy route with a kick to the stomach and a body slam. Steiner misses with an elbow and eats boot for the pleasure. DDP looks for a DDT (Ooohh……acronyms) but Steiner with punches to the stomach and stops him. Page pushes Steiner back into the corner of the Seven and Rick tags out to Jeff Jarrett. Page and Jarrett then ran through a pre-determined routine with Jarrett getting the upper hand thanks to help from his running buddies before Scott Steiner was tagged in. Steiner, Flair and then Jarrett again worked over a tired and battered Diamond Dallas Page before DDP managed to fight back and make the hot tag to his partner Kevin Nash. Unfortunately as Nash stepped over the top rope his knee buckled and he immediately collapsed to the mat. Props to Tenay for covering by saying that the knee was injured in the pre-match assault by Luger, Bagwell and Animal. Even with a new man at the helm it seems that no one wants to be 100% honest and just say that Nash’s knee has gone as he’s an injury-prone waste of space.

Jarrett swarms all over Nash and starts to put the boots into the knee of Nash. Of course this is meant to be “Jarrett working over the knee for the Figure-Four”. That’s nice of Jarrett to soften up the knee (doesn’t take much) for Flair. Jarrett drags Nash by the leg to the corner of the M7 and we start to go through the motions with Nash getting beat down by not one, not two, not even three, four, five or six people. No all seven Magnificent Seven members got involved at times, punching, kicking, biting, scratching, pulling and tripping up Big Sexy. This of course enrages Tenay, Schiavone, Sid, Page and the 15,000 in attendance. Still that’s the reaction they’re looking for so it’s all good. Oh by the way, if you’re wondering how WCW got 15,000 fans to the show, then cut price tickets and almost every radio station, TV channel, newspaper and magazine within a 35 mile radius got given tickets to use as competition prizes is your answer. Still even though only a third of the audience probably paid for the tickets everyone seems to be enjoying the main event. There are still “Goldberg” chants floating round the arena but that is to be expected. Nash tries to find an opening and does, knocking the Steiners and Flair off the apron with elbows before nailing a big boot to Jarrett! The crowd rises to see Nash make the tag but instead he crumbles to the canvas. Nash looks up and starts to crawl to his corner for the tag, but Jarrett has Nash’s ankle and the big man isn’t going anywhere. Outreaching his arm Jarrett manages to make the tag to Rick Steiner and the beat down continues………………and continues………….and continues………….

……………..and continues, UNTIL Nash manages to fight back again and this time he does make the tag to a fired up and ready to go Sid as the clock strikes 17 minutes. Sid cleans house upon entering with big boots all round. (What else?) Steiner eats boot, then Jarrett, Flair and Scotty are knocked from the apron. Steiner charges but gets another kick to the stomach for his trouble. Rick goes for the ride as Sid nails the Jacknife! But it only gets two before a scurrying Jarrett interrupts the count. Here comes DDP into the match and he knocks down Jarrett. Flair enters and goes for DDP but Nash cuts him off with a big kick to the face and we’ve got a 6 man brawl. Rick Steiner and DDP trade blows, Sid and Jarrett duke it out as Flair kicks Nash’s knee and Big Sexy collapses again. The six keep duelling as Scott Steiner watches from the apron. Page is whipped across the ring to Flair, who backdrops him over the top to the floor. Of course the referee is to occupied in the ring to notice Luger and Bagwell starting to beat up DDP on the floor. Page tries to throw some punches but when Animal joins the beatdown Page concedes defeat and just covers up to weather the storm. In the ring Flair and Jarrett take out a knee of Nash each before Flair locks in the Figure Four Leg-lock. The referee has lost all control and it is complete pandemonium. The ref is bumped courtesy of a misplaced and mistimed clothesline from Sid. With the odds now taking complete control even Midajah gets involved, first slapping Sid then sliding the World Title into the ring. Scott Steiner picks up his title belt and nails Sid over the head. Tenay refers back to the New Year’s Day Nitro when Steiner nailed Sid with the belt. Flair lets Nash out of the Figure Four and Nash rolls from the ring, aided by a kick from Flair. Tenay and Schiavone shout about how unfair it is that “the numbers game has played a major role in this match” but then the drum beat begins………..

The all too familiar music hits and the pyros at the entranceway fire up and the crowd takes immediate notice and starts up the chant. “GOOOLDBEERG, GOOOLDBEERG” and the man, the myth, the legend, GOLDBERG appears from behind the sparks. He has a heavy bandage wrapped tightly around his leg as he stands at the top of the rampway as all seven M7 members look on in shock. Goldberg points a solitary finger at Scott Steiner – who rolls from the ring on the far side - and runs down the rampway………….

The first to fall is Animal, who tries to intervene as Goldberg charges but he gets a clothesline for his troubles. Berg slides into the ring and runs at Rick Steiner. Goldberg ducks a clothesline, stops dead, spins Rick round and hits a quick release Belly-To-Belly. Goldberg ducks a clothesline attempt from Jarrett and hits a big kick to the face and Jarrett flies over the top to the floor. Goldberg grabs at his knee for a second but then summons his strength again and knocks Animal and Bagwell from the apron. Luger is on the opposite side and Goldberg runs at him. Luger jumps down as Goldberg grabs at him and misses. Goldberg turns but Luger hooks him from behind. Flair charges Goldberg but Goldberg escapes from Luger’s clutches and Flair and Luger collide! Luger flies off the apron as Flair stumbles back into Goldberg! Flair goes up. Goldberg nails The Jackhammer on Flair! This is how Goldberg should be booked! Rick Steiner tries again but is thrown over the top rope and comes crashing down across Buff Bagwell. Scott Steiner is back in the ring now, with the WCW World Title! Goldberg turns to face Steiner………Steiner swings with the belt, but it’s ducked. Goldberg bounces off the ropes…….SPEAR!!! SPEAR!!! SPEAR!!! A spear to Steiner! The referee has come round. 1-2-3! Goldberg pins the WCW World Champion and the crowd goes crazy!

The in-ring work was horrid. The Steiners, Nash and Sid pulled this match down to such a low quality that Page, Jarrett and even Flair couldn’t help. Still the crowd was red hot and even I found myself cheering Goldberg when he arrived. for the main event.


Winners: Goldberg, Sid & The InSiders


Overall Show Rating: 69%

We got a 0.91 buy rate for 'Sin'!

The attendance was 15616 people.

We made $2275000 from pay-per-view revenue.

We made $702720 from ticket sales.


Helms & Moore dft. The Yung Dragons , Jindrak & O’Haire and The Harris Boys [18.52]

KroniK dft. The Perfect Event, The Double A-Team & Air Raid [16.29]

Terry Funk dft. David Flair [5.06]

KroniK dft. Helms & Moore [15.44]

Goldberg, Sid & The InSiders dft. The Magnificent Seven [24.39]

Edited by ADGray
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Damnit! I was wrong in all but two of my predictions (Funk/??? and the main event were all I got right :( )

Ah well, twas quite a quality show ADGray.

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Shit, man, I gotta say, this is the best diary to come around in a long time. Sometimes it REALLY pays off for me to just randomly look at diaries. I'm loving how it feels like WCW in its dying days, though wow, the matches are suffering. The Funk angle is really fun, no matter how bad its match quality is. Good stuff all around.

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