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Now That's What I Call A Music Thread: 2009


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I hate when most the people leave before a gig is over. Last month I went to go see my friend's band play in a shitty little bar, and as it was their first gig they invited a lot of their friends. Well, the crowd was as into them as they had been all night(of course, the two acts before them were an acoustic singer/songwriter - hard to get into without actually knowing the songs, and a shitty metal-something band where, out of the three singers, only was was any good. Also, the keyboardist/singer tried to look sexy, and it really didn't work for her. She wishes she had people trying to thrust their dick into her). But anyway, after my friend's band left, there were MAYBE twenty people left to listen to the final act. They were some fun pop-punk guys who tried to get the crowd going, but to no avail.

I tried to see those guys again last week, but I sort of crashed my car merging onto the highway. Didn't feel much like dancing after that...

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See, here, I think it's more of a 'safety' thing. Lights has been finishing up quite a lot of the shows, I think it's because maybe they don't trust how the 'metal' kids who are there for In This Moment will react to her. And I'd rather around 50 people be left, watch her, with a handful really enjoying it, than a bunch of people be absolute cunts to her and ruin it for everyone. Newcastle especially is notorious for people being absolute cunts. Mere months before they broke out, Hellogoodbye got SO MUCH shit opening for Taking Back Sunday, it was ridiculous.

But yeah, it's very rare I'll leave a gig before it ends. Actually, off the top of my head, I can't think of one.

That being said, 'this tour' last year. Which was Four Year Strong/The Color Fred/Mayday Parade/Meg & Dia...if I'd been able to get tickets (see last year it sold out, this year no problem nabbing tickets on the door) and Four Year Strong opened, I'd have left, no doubts about it (well I'd have left after FYS anyway). As the other brands would have just totally brought me down after an awesome set (like Color Fred did after FYS at the actual Give It A Name Festival last year).

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They have the "Lets Fall Back In Love" EP and a self-titled 7-track sampler. Both are worth tracking down. Soulseek is your friend.

And, full dates for "The Years Gone By" tour in September - http://www.myspace.com/theyearsgonebynj



September 12th - NEATH - THE WINDSOR -

September 13th -STOKE - THE SUGARMILL -

September 14th - BOURNEMOUTH - IBAR -


September 16th - BRIGHTON - FREEBUTT -


September 18th - LEEDS - JOE'S WELL

September 19th - DUNDEE - DEXTERS BAR

September 20th - GLASGOW - CATHOUSE

September 21st - MANCHESTER - MUSIC BOX

Main support is Paige, although they may not be on all dates.

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So, Lights does guest vocals on a track for the new Silverstein album, which is all kinds of awesome btw... and I really like how she sounds. So I added her to my list of stuff to check out, and then a couple days later, saw her music video on tv for February Air, and while I can't say it's something I'm usually into, for whatever reason, I really liked that as well.

My question is... is February Air, and her guest role with Silverstein, a good indication of what her other songs sound like? If not, what could it be compared to, that I might know?

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I honestly had no idea that was her on "The End", awesome. I know she did a song with some crap pop-punk band this year too, because I downloaded their album to hear it, was so not worth it, as the song wasn't even that good and she was doing nothing besides backing vocals.

Her EP, which "February Air" is off is quite possibly the most adorable/happy thing in the world. Between her, Owl City and Totally Michael (at the forefront), last year was fabulous for happy electro-pop music. "February Air" is very good indication of her solo stuff. Full of synth and keytar, lovely.

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After an accidental purchase (of 1p), I was given "Opera" by Tosca yesterday. It's from 1997, it's really cool electro/acid-jazz stuff from Austria. Some proper smooth basslines, great stuff.

The new Mike Hale album is continuing to grow and grow on me. "Places Everyone" is probably my current favourite track. "Red Tide" is fabulous as well. In fact it's generally the odd numbered tracks which are fabulous, with; 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 all being my favourite songs.

I'm getting really antsy about going to another gig. It's only been a couple of days since "Give It A Name Introduces..." but I've got this massive urge to go see something. Trying to see what's on. The Virgins are here on Monday, but I want something before that, doesn't seem to be anything. :(

High Contrast is playing Turbulence at Digital next month, definitely going to check that out.

There's actually some really good/'big' stuff coming up soon that I hope I have enough money/time with exams and stuff, to catch;

Jeniferever, Calvin Harris, Defiance Ohio, Cursive, Camera Obscura, Art Brut, Wintersleep, The Aliens, Polar Bear Club, Mike Hale, This Is A Standoff, Billy Talent etc.

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Maybe I'm behind the times, but I checked out Ida Marie today and I love it. I usually am not a fan of this type of party music, but I definitely see myself getting drunk to this album in the near future. She has a great voice that totally suits her music.

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I wish Mars Volta would fuck off. I mean, I like them...but my god, I wish they'd fuck off. They have a new album "Octahedron" coming out soon...between releasing a TMV album seemingly every year, the members also seem to churn out solo albums more often than they change underwear. Hey, that's awesome, I'm overwhelmed by their work ethic, but the quality of these albums have taken such a nosedive it's unbearable, I had high hopes for the last album after they'd returned to the 'short' song formula, but it was just dull. It's like these days they just want to get their jollies off musically, and the quality of songs is terrible. Plus, their show at Roundhouse last year was one of the worst shows, if not THE worst show for a BIG band I have ever attended. It wasn't even the fact they 'jammed' a lot that put me off. The sound was shit, I had no interest in the tunes they were playing (and they cut "Cygnus....Vismund Cygnus", which was on the setlist so they could continue to get their musical jollies off)...it was just a frustrating show to watch, just like their decline. After "Frances The Mute", I absolutely adored this band, they were one of the most exciting bands in music, now they're just a parody of themselves and I really have no hopes at all for this album. I wish they'd just take a 2/3 year break for once, and actually come back with some fucking killer tunes.

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From Seattle indie music website;

Last night Ear Candy caught wind of a strong rumor that Sunny Day Real Estate, one of the most influential and underappreciated post-grunge groups to come out of Seattle, has reunited with its original members and plan on touring this year.

The band got together in 1992 and released "Diary" in 1994, an album I discovered after Kurt Cobain killed himself and upon first listen I immediately fell in love with every song on the album. Unfortunately, after a few lineup changes and some reported struggles with its label, Sub Pop, the group disbanded in 2001. The original SDR lineup included Jeremy Enigk. Nate Mendel, William Goldsmith and Dan Hoerner and they are credited with being one of the grandfathers of emo. Now before you go blaming these guys for AFI, My Chemcial Romance and all those other emo bands, they aren't responsible for that type of emo. Think more along the lines of "Pinkerton" emo and you've got it.

If a few of those names in their lineup sound familiar it's because Mendel is the bass player in Foo Fighters and Goldsmith used to the drummer for the Foos before he left the group and some guy named Taylor Hawkins stepped in behind the kit. Oh yeah, and Enigk has had a pretty decent solo career too but not as noteworthy as the non-SDR days of Hawkins and Goldsmith.

There has been no official word on when the band will tour, but according to my source, current KEXP and former 107.7 The End jock Marco Collins, the original lineup is rehearsing and planning on touring.


If this was gong to happen, now seems like a great time, with Foo's being on a sort of hiatus. Also, fuel's been added to the fire in that Enigk now refuses to play SDRE songs at his solo shows because he "Can't play those songs without the other guys".

Speaking of Jeremy Enigk. His 3rd solo album (thankfully we didn't have to wait a decade for this one :shifty:) "OK Bear" is coming out soon. It's apparently not as glossy as "World Waits" was, and has a bit of a rougher sound. I really did love "World Waits" though, some bloody marvellous tunes. Anyway, you can download the 'single' from the new album, "Mind Idea", below;


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The, We Were Promised Jetpacks album is absolutely fucking HUGE! Definitely one of my favourites of the year so far. Not big on the new recording of "Moving Clocks Run Slow", but the rest is really, really great...I really do like how the re-recordings make the singer sound even more Scottish, brilliant.

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Multiple things;

1) I wish I'd decided/convinced people to go to the "All Tomorrow Parties: The Fans Strike Back" because the line-up is fabulous; Devo, Sleep (Who I've been getting more into recently), The Acorn, Grouper, Grizzly Bear, Beirut, M83, Marnie Stern, Future Of The Left, The Mae Shi, School Of Seven Bells, Jesu, Casiotone For The Painfully Alone, !!! and motherfucking....motherfucking...ANDREW WK!!!!!

I WANNA GO!!! :( :( :( :(

There are also Four Year Strong 'webisodes' being uploaded from their UK tour with New Found Glory...I love Newcastle purely for the fact when there's the shot of the crowd during a snippet of "Maniac (R.O.D)" the first thing I noticed was a very drunk me, rocking the 'pit'. :shifty: Not my favourite part though, my favourite part has to be the random zoom in on a fit blonde girl for no reason.

You can see them here;


Quite funny, good way to waste 5-minutes.

I miss Andrew WK. :(

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  1. "Stay Home EP" by Transit ["Stay Home" and "Stays The Same"]
  2. "Reformation" by Lucca ["Crank" and "Teleport"]
  3. "Tonight: Franz Ferdinand" by Franz Ferdinand ["Twilight Owens" and "Ulysses"]
  4. "Fever Ray" by Fever Ray ["Dry and Dusty" and "Triangle Walks"]
  5. "Working On A Dream" by Bruce Springsteen ["Life Itself" and "The Wrestler"]
  6. "Noble Beast" by Andrew Bird ["Natural Disaster" and "Not A Robot, But A Ghost"]
  7. "Dear John" by Loney, Dear ["Summers" and "Everything Turns To You"]
  8. "Operation Stackola EP" by Andrew Jackson Jihad ["Skipping Stone" and "Ziggy Stardust"]
  9. "Common Existence" by Thursday ["Friends In The Armed Forces" and "Beyond The Visible Spectrum"]
  10. "Ray Guns Are Not Just The Future" by The Bird And The Bee ["Polite Dance Song" and "Diamond Dave"]
  11. "The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart" by The Pains of Being Pure At Heart ["The Tenure Itch" and "Young Adult Friction"]
  12. "Rules" by The Whitest Boy Alive ["1517" and "High On The Heels"]
  13. "How To Get To Heaven From Scotland" by Aidan Moffat & The Best-Ofs ["A Scenic Route To The Isle Of Ewe" and "Now I Know I'm Right"]
  14. "Two Tongues" by Two Tongues ["Tremors" and "Crawl"]
  15. "Grammatics" by Grammatics ["Relentless Fours" and "The Vague Archive"]
  16. "Making Bets In A Burning House" by Union Square ["Break Out!" and "Two Lives Wasted"]
  17. "Close Down The Woods EP" by Robotanists ["Wait A Minute Here" and "Slow Motion"]
  18. "Begone Dull Care" by Junior Boys ["Dull To Pause" and "What's It For"]
  19. "Aurora" by The Deer Tracks ["Christmas Fire" and "127 Sex Fyra"]
  20. "I Think We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat" by Brighton Port Authority ["Toe Jam" and "Spade"]
  21. "Not Without A Fight" by New Found Glory ["47" and "Listen To Your Friends"]
  22. "XO" by LeATHERMOUTH ["Sunsets Are For Muggings" and "This Song Is About Being Attacked By Monsters"]
  23. "It's Not Me, It's You" by Lily Allen ["Who'd Have Known" and "Back To The Stars"]
  24. "Little Hells" by Marissa Nadler ["Mary Come Alive" and "The Hole Is Wide"]
  25. "Radio Wars" by Howling Bells ["Into The Chaos" and "Cities Burning Down"]
  26. "Oohs & Aahs" by Say Hi ["One, Two...One" and "Hallie and Henry"]
  27. "Supporting Caste" by Propagandhi ["Night Letters" and "Dear Coaches Corner"]
  28. "The High And Mighty" by The Cut Ups ["Last Night, I Dreamt I Saw Fugazi" and "The King Of Exwick"]
  29. "Just Dance! EP" by The Doppler Effect ["Let's Get Rowdy Roddy Piper" and "Anything But Textbook"]
  30. "Invaders Must Die" by Prodigy ["Omen" and "Take Me To The Hospital"]
  31. "Tyre Swans" by Tyre Swans ["Rain Rain" and "Veta's Laughing"]
  32. "Cringe...For Two Years In..." by The Destroyed Room ["City Of Birds" and "Teaser"]
  33. "Patients" by Patients ["Mind Ur Manners" and "Tall Tale No.5"]
  34. "Scrambles" by Bomb The Must Industry! ["25!" and "(Shut) Up The Punx!!!"]
  35. "Kawaii" by :( ["***Gone**" and "Don't Talk Just Dance]
  36. "PARADISE BLUE" by Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra ["Witching Hour" and "Lightning Sword"]
  37. "Whatever Happened To The Likely Lad" by Cartoon Violence ["Kite" and "Vauxhall Nova"]
  38. "A Time & Place" by Popup ["Love Triangle" and "Chinese Burn"]
  39. "The Ship And The Iceberg" by State Broadcasters ["The TendernessOf Wolves" and "After The Fight"]
  40. "Black Part Love EP" by Selah Sue ["Mommy" and "Black Part Love"]
  41. "Pins & Panzers" by Plushgun ["A Crush To Pass The Time" and "14 Candles"]
  42. "Sagarmatha" by The Appleseed Cast ["Raise The Sails" and "The Road West"]
  43. "Eleven Eleven" by Latin For Truth ["Sailor Talk About Digital Support" and "What Would Bruce Campbell Do?"]
  44. "En Hand I Himlen" by Jonathan Johansson ["Psalm Noll Noll" and "Säg Vad Ni Vill"]
  45. "Two" by Miss Kittin & The Hacker ["1000 Dreams" and "Party In My Head"]
  46. "Middle Cyclone" by Neko Case ["Polar Nettles" and "The Pharaohs"]
  47. "Mama, I'm Swollen" by Cursive ["Caveman" and "I Couldn't Love You"]
  48. "Twisted Wheel" by Twisted Wheel ["Bad Candy" and "You Stole The Sun"]
  49. "Years (By One Thousand Fingertips)" by Attack In Black ["Birmingham" and "Beasts"]
  50. "Veckatimest" by Grizzly Bear ["Ready, Able" and "Fine For Now"]
  51. "Dreamscape" by GMPD ["Mood Swings" and "Waking Vision"]
  52. "OS" by OS ["We Do What We Want To" and "The Fox"]
  53. "Junior" by Royksopp ["You Don't Have A Clue" and "Tricky Tricky"]
  54. "My Maudlin Career" by Camera Obscura ["Honey In The Sun" and "Swans"]
  55. "Good City For Dreamers" by General Elektriks ["Little Lady" and "Engine Kickin In"]
  56. "Command" by Client ["Son Of A Gun" and "Can You Feel?"]
  57. "Songs About Dancing And Drugs" by Circlesquare ["Hey You Guys" and "All Live But The Ending"]
  58. "Fantasies" by Metric ["Help I'm Alive" and "Gold Guns Girls"]
  59. "Grace/Wastelands" by Pete Doherty ["Sweet By And By" and "A Little Death Around The Eyes"]
  60. "Closet Wanderings" by Emmon ["Stray Dogs" and "Teenage Kickers"]
  61. "The Devil And The Lion" by The Devil And The Lion ["The Thief" and "Intro"]
  62. "Spring Tides" by Jeniferever ["The Hourglass" and "St. Gallen"]
  63. "Deletia" by Shortwave Fade ["Lost In A Hurricane" and "Now We Are Weapons"]
  64. "Underneath The Owl" by Riverboat Gamblers ["Alexandria" and "Sleepless"]
  65. "Small Town Stories" by A Death In The Family ["Minor Chord In The Melody" and "Vodka & Balconies"]
  66. "Magnolia" by The Wooden Birds ["Hailey" and "Believe In Love"]
  67. "March Of The Zapotec/Holland" by Beirut ["La Llorana" and "The Akara"]
  68. "The Last Pale Light In The West" by Ben Nichols ["Davy Brown" and "The Last Pale Light In The West"]
  69. "Leap Years" by The Little Hands Of Asphalt ["Oslo" and "Sex & Loneliness"]
  70. "Filth" by Venetian Snares ["Kimberly Clark" and "Pussy Skull"]
  71. "Be Disappointed" by This Is A Standoff ["This Song Is Recycled" and "Everything We Take"]
  72. "Volume 2" by In The Red ["Something Shocking" and "Overlooked"]
  73. "Oceanship" by Oceanship ["Hot Black" and "Mistake"]
  74. "Still Night, Still Light" by Au Revoir Simone ["Trace A Line" and "Shadows"]
  75. "Get It Together" by Sola Rosa ["Del Ray" and "Lady Love"]
  76. "Mean Everything To Nothing" by Manchester Orchestra ["" and ""]
  77. "Dream Happy Dreams" by SUNBEARS! ["I'm Alive!" and "Little Baby Pines"]
  78. "Black Heart" by Kish Mauve ["Come On" and "Matthew"]
  79. "Hey Everyone" by Dananananaykrod ["Some Dresses" and "Pink Sabbath"]
  80. "Collider" by Left Side Brain ["Weaponise" and "I.D"]
  81. "Controlling Crowds" by Archive ["Dangervisit" and "Bullets"]
  82. "City Of Thieves" by Sonic Boom Six ["Through The Eyes Of A Child" and "Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"]
  83. "Super Science Fiction" by The Seal Cub Clubbing Club ["Down Lamb" and "Song For Haku"]
  84. "Lives Like Mine" by Mike Hale ["Places Everyone" and "When She Loved Me"]
  85. "Ten Duets" by Peter Broderick ["Piano & Toy Piano" and "Pump Organ & Handbells"]
  86. "These Four Walls" by We Were Promised Jetpacks ["Quiet Little Voices" and "It's Thunder And It's Lightening"]
  87. "Yes" by Pet Shop Boys ["Love Etc." and "King Of Rome"]
  88. "Two Suns" by Bat For Lashes ["Daniel" and "Two Planets]
  89. "Breakfast Songs EP" by Too Soft ["Eskimo" and "Sexy Plastic Girl"]
  90. "Science For The Living" by Kyte ["No One Is Angry Just Afraid" and "Two Sparks"]
  91. "The Greats And The Happenings" by Post War Years ["Whole World On Its Head" and "Red And Blue"]
  92. "All Is Wild, All Is Silent" by Balmorhea ["Night In The Draw" and "Remembrance"]

Because I'm a nerd and told Jouzy I'd post it, here's my ongoing 'list' of albums I REALLY, REALLY LIKE from this year. Plus my two favourite tracks from said album. Yay for elitism. :shifty:

I'd probably say my favourites/stand-outs at this time are;

Transit, Fever Ray, The Whitest Boy Alive, The Deer Tracks, Propagandhi, The Cut Ups, Prodigy, The Devil And The Lion, Jeniferever, Ben Nichols, Venetian Snares, Mike Hale and We Were Promised Jetpacks.

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Yeah but Let's Get Out Of This Country is one of my favourite albums ever. I was expecting the world from MMC. I got average. :(

The wonderful French Navy only served to elevate my hopes further. Maybe it will grow on me but I doubt it. Camera Obscura are one of my INSTANT LIKE bands. :'(

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So I figured I'd let everyone here know (I'm looking at you YI) that I just booked Andrew Jackson Jihad at my local music venue. The owner is one of my good friends so I asked the band to play and they just confirmed. I'm considering Pedals On Our Pirate Ships to try and open for them but I haven't contacted them yet. So just throwing out a thanks to YI because I wouldn't have heard either without him (Y)

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