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the Earthgift Shrine is optional. Don't worry about it. Just get yourself killed and you'll come back outside the shrine with 1 HP. You will probably have needed to gotten near the end to have a chance. My weaponry and armor wasn't even putting a dent in the Cerberus. I'll be coming back there after I get my 3rd crystal and some better weapons/armor.

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Hopefully I'll be starting this today (assuming its arrived when I get home), cos I'm not a game pirate :P

I'll probably go into full game mode and play until the early hours, making myself tired, square eyed and feeling pretty fucked the next day... but ah well I ought to get a good start since I'm going to be away over the weekend.

For anyone who's played both this game and number III, I was wondering;

From what I've read this is sounding very similar to III, four warriors? Four crystals to collect? Job classes? Is the story much the same apart from that? Or is it quite similar?
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This is where I got up to last night (the play time is a little ahead of how much I actually played >_>)


I'd like to point out that my money is so abysmal because I want on a shopping spree when I arrived. I swear it's the only place where I've been able to buy stuff for the Mage's...

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Wow, I'm really far behind on this. I was planning on getting Origins soon, but it can't be for a little while, since the only store near me with a new copy is where I go to class. Oh well, see you all for II.

In all my previous playthrough, I quit soon after I got to the brooms. I just got completely lost after that. The massive amount of leveling I had to do at the beginning is kind of discouraging at first.

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Wow, I'm really far behind on this. I was planning on getting Origins soon, but it can't be for a little while, since the only store near me with a new copy is where I go to class. Oh well, see you all for II.

In all my previous playthrough, I quit soon after I got to the brooms. I just got completely lost after that. The massive amount of leveling I had to do at the beginning is kind of discouraging at first.

Actually, I found that in terms of levelling, it's fairly easy at the beginning. You level up to like, 3/4 within 15-20 fights, and that's more than enough to deal with most creatures. I've yet to have anyone faint, which is nice.

Now for in-game stuff, but this might be a little bit spoilery so I'll just say it's after the Marsh Cave...

I had completely forgotten that the guy in the Keep was Astos and that there was a boss battle incoming. Thankfully I'd used Cura/Cure just before then, so everyone was able to hold their own.

And now, since I'm completely useless at figuring out what to do, where does one go after waking up that guy?

Edited by Katsuya
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You got the key, right? You should look around the Western Keep (I think there is doors there), Garland's Castle, and Corneria Castle (a bunch of good items, especially if you have more than one fighter)....you will get nitro powder, then you take it to the dwarves to the west.
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You got the key, right? You should look around the Western Keep (I think there is doors there), Garland's Castle, and Corneria Castle (a bunch of good items, especially if you have more than one fighter)....you will get nitro powder, then you take it to the dwarves to the west.

I'd been to the Western Keep and got the Falchion (or something of a similar name) and some cash, I think. I'll head off to the other two then :)
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You got the key, right? You should look around the Western Keep (I think there is doors there), Garland's Castle, and Corneria Castle (a bunch of good items, especially if you have more than one fighter)....you will get nitro powder, then you take it to the dwarves to the west.

I'd been to the Western Keep and got the Falchion (or something of a similar name) and some cash, I think. I'll head off to the other two then :)

Bottom of Marsh Cave has stuff too.

Anyway, put the puppy to bed so time to play.

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