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NFL 2009


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The Suggs deal works now (we have the cap space, so why not?) and it is a safe option since he does provide sacks. As I've stated before, we could put anybody in that position and they'll pick up a few sacks at least. There's so much talent around him that he, by default, becomes better. He doesn't add a lot anywhere else except in rushing the QB (though it's worth stressing he doesn't hurt us). Fortunately it's the NFL, so we can just release him to save cap room at some point.

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That if they work out a new CBA..if they don't then no worries..no cap next year

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Watch Oakland win Super Bowl XLV over Dallas, Al Davis be hailed as a genius, DMN gloat as he deservingly should, and JaMarcus Russell be called the next great NFL icon.

I'm calling it now. :shifty:

And the universe will well and truly implode.

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At our own stadium to boot!

You keep dreaming that there. That might be the closest to coming true it'll be.

Yes because an uncapped year won't benefit the Cowboys at all :rolleyes:

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At our own stadium to boot!

You keep dreaming that there. That might be the closest to coming true it'll be.

Yes because an uncapped year won't benefit the Cowboys at all :rolleyes:

Because bringing in all the big guns has done wonders for the Redskins :rolleyes:

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An uncapped year won't be as good as people think. Players will still want multi-year deals, and teams won't be signing them because they'll be afraid of the long term commitments when a cap comes back into play. It's like saying we'll sign everyone to these massive deals, then once the cap comes back, we'll just eat that.... 200 million dollars. Won't happen. Is it even sure that they will have an uncapped year, or will this all be resolved by the end of the season?

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An uncapped year won't necessarily mean the richest teams win.

All the best young players will become restricted free agents and still have a good chance to stay with their original teams.

And the teams that draft well will still be competitive.

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Yes their utterly terrible choices of who to sign and their abysmal coaching has had nothing to do with their struggles. :rolleyes:

That's fairly amusing coming from a Cowboys fan.

And yeah there's no guarantee there will be an uncapped year and it's already been stated numerous times that the uncapped year isn't as good of an idea as it sounds like for teams in like the Cowboys, etc.

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Yes their utterly terrible choices of who to sign and their abysmal coaching has had nothing to do with their struggles. :rolleyes:

... Hahahaha! How'd that over-the-hill Mike backer do for you guys last year? Or that backbone-less coach of yours? Or mortgaging basically an entire draft for Roy Williams? Or.. fucking Pacman Jones? It's the same shit.

And Biggz, it was made abundantly clear that if the CBA goes, it's not coming back. At least, that was Gene Upshaw's position. The biggest problem with the cap going away will most likely be that the bigger names will still continue to make big bucks (though not as much as many are hoping for.. in fact, they'd probably be right on par with what they're earning right now), while the rests's salaries will plummet due to a lack of a cap floor; teams won't be required to spend any minimum amount of money on their players. That, and the fact that it'll take a year longer for players to reach unrestricted free agency (5 years instead of the 4 it is now, I think.. or 4 instead of the 3, or whatever). Eh, they have until the end of this league year (which is March 2010) to hammer out something, I'm fairly hopeful/confident that they will.

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And at what point did I claim the Cowboys were doing anything different? How does that have any effect on my criticism of the Redskins?

Do we really need to go over the highlights of Dan Snyder as an owner?

How about 2006 where he put $45 million in guaranteed money into Adam Archuleta, Andre Carter, Antwaan Randle El, and a trade for Brandon Lloyd.

How about his wonderful decision to pay Jeff George $18 million to be a back up?

$23 million to a 37 year old Bruce Smith?

Those two years Jeremiah Trotter played for the Skins were definitely worth the $35 million dollar contract he got!

The coaching choices of Schottenheimer and Spurrier were all great decisions too, no wasted money there!

Dan Snyder is Jerry Jones minus the success. His disastrous signings are in no way indicative of what the Cowboys could do in an uncapped year. Jerry Jones made great decisions on who to offer loads of cash to in the 90's when there was no cap and it netted him 3 Super Bowls and that's far more telling of what he could accomplish without a cap again. If it even happens, which as others have stated, is unlikely. But yeah, don't go comparing Dan Snyder to Jerry Jones in terms of terrible moves, they've both wasted heaps of money on bad decisions over the years, but Snyder's the one with nothing to show for it.

Edited by Maxx
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Dan Snyder is Jerry Jones minus the success. His disastrous signings are in no way indicative of what the Cowboys could do in an uncapped year. Jerry Jones made great decisions on who to offer loads of cash to in the 90's when there was no cap and it netted him 3 Super Bowls and that's far more telling of what he could accomplish without a cap again. If it even happens, which as others have stated, is unlikely. But yeah, don't go comparing Dan Snyder to Jerry Jones in terms of terrible moves, they've both wasted heaps of money on bad decisions over the years, but Snyder's the one with nothing to show for it.

Wait, what? OF COURSE they're indicative of what the Jones may do - bad decisions are bad decisions, salary cap or not. Just because he'll be able to open up his wallet a bit more now doesn't mean he'll suddenly become a better judge of talent.

And again, I don't claim to be an expert on everything Cowboys, but how much of that previous success was Jones, and how much of it was Johnson and the people he brought in? Regardless, that's besides the point - the NFL is constantly changing, and it is (rightfully so) the ultimate "what have you done for me lately?" league and.. what has Jones done for you guys lately?

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Dan Snyder is Jerry Jones minus the success. His disastrous signings are in no way indicative of what the Cowboys could do in an uncapped year. Jerry Jones made great decisions on who to offer loads of cash to in the 90's when there was no cap and it netted him 3 Super Bowls and that's far more telling of what he could accomplish without a cap again. If it even happens, which as others have stated, is unlikely. But yeah, don't go comparing Dan Snyder to Jerry Jones in terms of terrible moves, they've both wasted heaps of money on bad decisions over the years, but Snyder's the one with nothing to show for it.

Wait, what? OF COURSE they're indicative of what the Jones may do - bad decisions are bad decisions, salary cap or not. Just because he'll be able to open up his wallet a bit more now doesn't mean he'll suddenly become a better judge of talent.

And again, I don't claim to be an expert on everything Cowboys, but how much of that previous success was Jones, and how much of it was Johnson and the people he brought in? Regardless, that's besides the point - the NFL is constantly changing, and it is (rightfully so) the ultimate "what have you done for me lately?" league and.. what has Jones done for you guys lately?

You're putting me in the uncomfortable position of defending Dallas here <_<

Regardless of what he's done lately, I think almost any team would like to be owned by a guy with three rings, who will spend whatever it takes to field a competitive team. He might be a self-aggrandizing primadonna, BUT he wants to win at all costs. Snyder strikes me as the kind of guy who likes shiny, new toys and if winning happens that's just a bonus. The 'Skins have pumped more money into free agents than just about anyone in the NFL and in any given year they're lucky to avoid the NFC East basement since the other three teams are just better run from top to bottom. It's almost like the AL East in baseball with Jones being Steinbrenner and Snyder being the equivalent of the owner of the Orioles in the mid to late '90s.

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Regardless of what he's done lately, I think almost any team would like to be owned by a guy with three rings, who will spend whatever it takes to field a competitive team. He might be a self-aggrandizing primadonna, BUT he wants to win at all costs. Snyder strikes me as the kind of guy who likes shiny, new toys and if winning happens that's just a bonus. The 'Skins have pumped more money into free agents than just about anyone in the NFL and in any given year they're lucky to avoid the NFC East basement since the other three teams are just better run from top to bottom. It's almost like the AL East in baseball with Jones being Steinbrenner and Snyder being the equivalent of the owner of the Orioles in the mid to late '90s.

Owned by? Sure. You're talking to a Cards fan here, after all. :P Managed by? Eh..

My whole point was that I don't see the Cowboys anywhere near the Super Bowl in the next year or two; especially not just because of the potential of an uncapped year, and Snider was just the easiest comparison to make to show where Jones's apparent strategy (and, indeed, what Maxx expects/seems to be hoping for) has failed time and again.

Edited by Mysterio2000X
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