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NFL 2009


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Michael Vick doesn't really help the Eagles and he sure makes them more hated around the league. At least we all get the benefit of laughing when Eagles fans cheer a man who killed dogs.

Says the guy who's a fan of a team that almost signed him.

I'm not a Bengals fan.

Didn't Baltimore have interest early on?

Yeah, but we didn't almost sign him. Our interest was no more than most teams in the league. If this was 365 days ago though, we probably would have jumped on a deal with him. As it stands, we're in good shape in both starting QB and the Wildcat fad.

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Raiders coach Tom Cable reportedly broke the jaw of an assistant during a fight.


Donte Stallworth is going to get the shit booed out of him when he comes back as well right? Or are we valuing the lives of animals over humans now?


First and foremost he'll get boo'd, but probably not to the extent of Vick. And in such comparing of Vick and Stallworth, he comes out cleaner becuase there is always a lot of sympathy towards animals and how they were treated. They are completely innocent and when the reports came out of what they did to the dogs of course the outrage was great. Then you couple that with the process of Vick lying, and all of that mess. Whereas with human there isn't the same compassion all the time; only time there is is with kids. Not to mention Stallworth stayed right there, complied with police, and has already settled everything with the man's family out of court. He took care of his business very quietly and very quickly. I'm getting sick of the comparison between the two and the whole, "Vick got 2 years and Stallworth got 24 days".

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If Twitter is to be believed, Brett Favre has just come out of retirement (again) to sign with the Minnesota Vikings.

In other news, me and Be are planning a suicide pact since we both know not living is the only way to escape Brett Favre.

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sigh I thought we were done with hearing about Favre for the year. I hope Rosenfels and Booty make the team, while Jackson gets cut. Jackson really is terrible, as many INT's as he and sage would throw Favre will throw just as many if not more.... if he lasts half a season with his elbow.

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Well, I'd welcome that. Collinsworth isn't very good.

You're right in that Collinsworth isn't very good, but only because he's better than that. Madden WAS very good back in the day, but he ended up becoming a parody of himself in his last few seasons. He should have retired with Summerall.

But we should be talking more about Brett Favre because he got the itch again. If he plays his cards right he can retire in the middle of the season when he leads the Vikings out of playoff contention and then sign a 1 day contract with the Packers before the end of the year so he can re-retire as a Packer :shifty:

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I like this move for the Vikings.

Favre gives them a legitimate passing threat, if he's in early last season form as opposed to late last season form.

But now teams won't be able to simply stack 8-9 guys in the box and sell out to stop the run.

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I'm sick of all this Favre-Off-Season drama that has been going one for three years, is he coming back to the Packers, if not with who, can he still play, blah blah blah. Just retire once and for all, Sage Rosenfels is good not the best of the greatest but at least something to hang on to until the Draft next year, Favre will probably play good for the fierst five games, afterwards he will start wearing down like last year with the Jets and end up beign a double-edge sword.

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