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NFL 2009


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I'd say the bucs are the worst team.... browns are looking straight awful to. it's hard not to include the lions/rams it's just a big pile of suck down there. can't forget the raiders either. I like all the people hating Bulger ..... the Rams have no receivers to help him out really.

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The Browns are definitely the worst, although their schedule is one of the toughest in the NFL minus the final three games of the season (which they won't win one of.)

Honestly, I don't understand how it could have gotten this bad. Maybe because they flip-flopped around with the stupid quarterback and then traded away all of their offensive weapons and prefer trading down their picks instead of drafting valuable young defensive players. Honestly, the whole organization needs a facelift. What is their offensive strategy coming into each game? I couldn't tell you. It's basically give it to Jamal Lewis the first two downs, and then hope to get a lucky seven or eight-yard gain on third down for a new set of down.

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well that's the first problem... Jamal Lewis. he sucks period. they'd be better off going back to Harrison. their QB's have surprised me as they have been trying to be like JeMarcus Russel or Rex Grossman or something. still they did beat the Bills .... somehow. So I still say Bucs are the worst just by record and pure suck.

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Im a huge Rams fan and they won. But sadly they didnt prove anything. They proved more in their losses to the Vikings (where they had their largest offensive output but only ten points) and to the Jaguars (great defensive game until the fourth quarter and ot). Bulger is a good quarterback with a horrible attitude. If he would grow up he would be one of the better quarterbacks in the league but a little to late as the Rams will more than likely not resign him at the end of the year unless he and the team break out and have a good run to end their season.

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You've got to love that there's a Packers fan in a Favre jersey, directly next to that guy. I really like Favre and the Vikings, they're probably 2nd after the Giants. Both, mainly because a friend of mine is a huge Packers fan and my Vikings love nurtured over time. Coincidentally, I'm wearing a Favre Jets Jersey right now, purchased as a resilt of me wanting to piss of said friend.

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On Mike and Mike in the Morning - this morning - they talked about a report Forbes magazine did on the top selling sports jerseys in the U.S. over the past year. The entire top 10 was Football jerseys....and the #1 was Tony Romo. (I'm happy to report that Tom Brady was NOT in the top 10) I'm a Cowboys fan, but I'd rather have a Jason Witten or Demarcus Ware jersey than a Romo one.

They also brought up something that they never got around to covering when it happened: an article ESPN.com had on its Page 2 column back in July (yes, JULY): top 20 things that mean you're a doofus. #1: owning a sports jersey with your own name on it.

I'm not sure if I'd agree with that, and they brought up one reason someone may do it; if you buy a jersey with your favorite player's name on it and the player leaves your team the jersey is outdated. (Me personally, I'd never do that, but I'd be more inclined to get the jersey customized with the name and # of one of my favorite legends who played for the team. A #22 Emmitt Smith Dallas Cowboys jersey, or a #5 Johnny Bench Reds baseball jersey, for example) They brought Buster Olney on, and he copped to owning a #32 Lakers jersey with his name on it one time, and claimed it was a gift.

What do you think about that? Would you get a jersey of your favorite team and have your own name put on it?

Edited by GhostMachine
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I completely disagree on the jersey front.

If you get one with your name on it, so what ? It's a "badge" of fandom so to speak. You're choosing a team and identifying it with your name. What's wrong with that ? It's not really any different than a bumper sticker, team flag, or anything else of that nature.

Wearing one of a player isn't any more or less 'doofusy' either. Again, a badge of fandom. You have a favorite player, what's wrong with owning his jersey ? Again, not different than a poster, player card, figure, or anything else with said player's name or likeness.

I personally have a 1989 World Series replica jersey of the SF Giants with Will Clark's name (my favorite basebally player of all time). I only wear it like twice a year, but I've got it and I certainly don't think I'm a doofus for it.

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