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NFL 2009


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Hines Ward is the dirtiest player in the NFL...at least according to a bunch of whiny-ass defensive players whose egos are hurt when they get flattened by a QB-turned-WR. :D

I'm not much of a Steeler fan, but fuck it, I love me some Hines Ward.

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I wouldn't get a jersey with my name on it, ever. There's enough players in the NFL with Anderson as their last name anyway. Why do we need one more?

With jersey buying, I only own two. A Steve McNair jersey (Which has unfortunately taken on far more significance now) and an Ed Reed jersey. If Reed were to go and play for another team down the line, he'd still be a Ravens legend so after his retirement I could break it out again. I'm expecting that I'll be buying a Joe Flacco jersey very soon.

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I got a personalized 49ers jersey a few years ago for Christmas and it's the only one that fits me now so on game day, I wear that. I wouldn't wear it (or any jersey for that matter, actually) in public though because it just looks tacky. At some point, I'm definitely going to have to get a Patrick Willis, Michael Crabtree and/or Vernon Davis jersey for game days at some point though. I also have a jersey for Jerry Rice and Steve Young but they don't fit me anymore so I keep them just for memento's sake now.

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That call was complete horseshit..McNabb totally had the first down

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Then we're even for the for a blatant pass interference on Roy Williams that didn't get called :P

Hooray first place, I continue to wait for the wheels to fall off.

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Andy Reid kicking a field goal with 4 minutes left and no timeouts to cut the game to a 4-point lead was dumb enough. Not kicking an onside after that? He's raised the bar once again for awful coaching decisions.

yeah I really didn't get that, what good did a field goal do them there? considering dallas had Barber to just run it out... that was terrible coaching by Reid.

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Chiefs release Larry Johnson and I'm having trouble figuring out who'll sign him. Cleveland I suppose, but that would be just too hilarious.

Edited by Maxx
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Alright, Steelers, I can admit when we get outplayed. I don't think it was a matter of being out-coached, but we were really out-played last night. It was only a matter of time before Kyle Orton showed his humanity and last night was that night. Hopefully, next week we can get back on the winning track when we face Washington.

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I think the Broncos were clearly outcoached. The talk all season was about how well they adjust in the second half, but the team that did the adjusting was Pittsburgh. Offensively they went no huddle to pick up the pace just a bit, they ran out of the bunch formation that was giving the Broncos fits, and then once that started to take affect, they dominated with the running game.

On defense Lebeau realized what the Broncos were doing with the passing game and began dropping the MLBs into the flat to take away the quick slant that was working extremely well. When they took that away, the Broncos had no answer for it.

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I wouldn't necessarily mind the signing as I think Singletary would keep him in check but I don't know how effective he would be, especially with how banged up our line is and they weren't exactly good before the injuries to begin with. But with Coffee now hurting with a concussion that he apparently still has headaches with, I could see us making the move, I'm just not sure how it would help us.

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On 1st and 10 yesterday, John Ritchie and Skip Bayless were asked by someone (they had an audience; were doing the show from the Coast Guard academy) if they thought Michael Vick would still be with the Eagles next year. (A dumb question if ever I heard one) And I can't remember if it was John or Skip, but one of them brought up the possiblity of him going to Buffalo. Um.....no. Trent Edwards is a good QB, and I don't see Vick going anywhere where he won't have a chance of getting the starting job. I could see him going to Tampa Bay, maybe. As long as he doesn't go to Chicago, Dallas or Tennessee, I don't give a damn where he ends up. Would love it if he ended up with the Redskins, though, just so I could see my Redskins fan father (GO COWBOYS!) have an anyuerism.

Cleveland could use anything it can get. And it's already an embarrassment, so why not add one more to the list. Could get a win out of it, Jamal Lewis and Jerome Harrison aren't scaring anyone.

Jamal Lewis is even talking retirement after the season.

I don't see Larry Johnson signing with Cleveland, though. At least not right away. He cleared waivers and entered free agency, so he may have to take whatever job he can get. But I don't see him going to teams like Cleveland, Tampa Bay, Detroit or St. Louis unless any of those teams are the only ones who come calling. And even then I'd bet on one hell of a short term deal (ie, through the rest of this season, only - *maybe* through next season if they offer a shit ton of money, but I doubt it).

Edited by GhostMachine
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Plus, Buffalo's been the rumored next destination for Vick for awhile now anyways with one of the reasons being that Edwards just had his 2nd concussion in as many years and they would obviously want an insurance policy, if not somebody that could come in and push him for the job because he wasn't exactly playing that amazing before he got hurt anyways. And apparently they were interested in him before he became an Eagle, as well.

Though I don't see them doing it after the TO experiment failed this year so who knows.

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