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Jade Goody Dies

Scott McFly

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I think Bluey was saying that she was a good parent because she took the opportunity to give her kids that life rather than passing it up. As opposed to saying that anyone who doesn't bring their kids up that way is a bad parent.

I still disagree, though, I don't think I'd want to be brought up in that environment. My family is quite well off (as in we're probably above average not as in we're rich, posh cunts) and I probably "get spoilt" more than some of my mates (or at least when I was younger) but I don't think being sent to the best school possible and having millions to spend over my childhood would have made my parents any better (nor would having less money have made them worse), it's the love and support they give that make them good parents.

You could argue that Jade can't give her kids love and support and leaving them ample money is her way of showing her love and giving them financial support but I don't particularly agree with that.

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Don't think much of her to be honest but I do have sympathy for the children losing their mother. The media and Max Clifford have annoyed the hell out of me since this whole thing started. I mean it was just 2 years ago that Tony Blair and Gordan Brown were commenting on her disgraceful behaviour with newspapers since as The Sun calling her "a vile, pig-ignorant, racist bully" and Lorraine Kelly wishing her to "disappear into obscurity" and that she was "stupid and ignorant". Now you have the same newspaper running a campaign in her honor "Jade's Legacy" and making her appear as this Princess Diana like character.

The whole thing was a bit of a farce and in a way I'm glad that her death will bring an end to these ludicrous stories and concentrate on more important issues at hand.

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I said it in the respect that Jade's media whoring was just making a sacrifice for her children. In an interview with one of the tabloids:

"I know people think I'm betraying my roots by sending them to a private school but I want them to have the very best chance in life they can have. And that's what my money is for. What's the point of everything I have if I can't do that for them?"

How many other celebrities end up years later having pissed their money away on drugs and alcohol? Where does that leave their children? But just since she's famous for nothing, apparently we must hate her! Every single one of our parents has made a sacrifice in order to help us. Whether we realise it or not. Whether it's working an extra shift at work (who did the money go towards?), moving to a new house to get into a new school's entrance zone etc. The only difference between her sacrifice and Jade's was that was hers was in the mainstream media and for a lot more cash.

And her children will end up with a (probably) mortgage free step on the property ladder. I know that even at my age, to be given that advantage in life - yeah, I'd quite like it. Jade was just doing what any parent in her situation would have done.

My comment on private/state school: There is nothing wrong with state schools. However, major companies and some Universities still think of state schools as being lower. I apologise for the Woolworths comment. I forgot it got shut down. With the disappearance of that and Forbuoys, I'm going to have to find a new place to buy the really small cans of Coke.

The only really tragedy in this is she is being buried in a place with only wooden headstones allowed, since she was worried that vandalism would ruin her kid's memory of her. How fucking disgusting is that? Okay, you may not like her, but why be such a cunt to vandalise her grave?

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I don't hate her because she was famous for nothing, but I do hate all the pseudo-worship of someone who was a thick, boorish, racist bully by the public and media who not too long ago would have happily seen her strung up from the nearest lamppost. Even the prime minister has stuck his oar in, jumping on the bandwagon to praise "a courageous woman," because apparently we've now found out that the cure for racism is cancer. I didn't like, but I didn't want her to die either, but the reaction to this whole situation has been embarrassing.

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I don't hate her because she was famous for nothing, but I do hate all the pseudo-worship of someone who was a thick, boorish, racist bully by the public and media who not too long ago would have happily seen her strung up from the nearest lamppost. Even the prime minister has stuck his oar in, jumping on the bandwagon to praise "a courageous woman," because apparently we've now found out that the cure for racism is cancer. I didn't like, but I didn't want her to die either, but the reaction to this whole situation has been embarrassing.

Of course it has been embarrassing, and she doesn't deserve all the idol worship, but I also hate the people who are acting like this isn't in some way a sad story, or that in some way the fact that she was ignorant and the Celebrity Big Brother stint, she deserved an early, painful death.

I don't think it is really upsetting, I just think that as sad as the hero worship is, the people who act as if she somehow deserved it are even worse.

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I don't hate her because she was famous for nothing, but I do hate all the pseudo-worship of someone who was a thick, boorish, racist bully by the public and media who not too long ago would have happily seen her strung up from the nearest lamppost. Even the prime minister has stuck his oar in, jumping on the bandwagon to praise "a courageous woman," because apparently we've now found out that the cure for racism is cancer. I didn't like, but I didn't want her to die either, but the reaction to this whole situation has been embarrassing.

Of course it has been embarrassing, and she doesn't deserve all the idol worship, but I also hate the people who are acting like this isn't in some way a sad story, or that in some way the fact that she was ignorant and the Celebrity Big Brother stint, she deserved an early, painful death.

I don't think it is really upsetting, I just think that as sad as the hero worship is, the people who act as if she somehow deserved it are even worse.

Absolutely, but I think those that think she deserved to die are in a very, very tiny minority. It's just that because the reaction in favour of her has been so over the top, people have gone so far the other way to try and 'counter' it, if you like.

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Oooh, jokes...

NOTE: Don't read if you're easily offended.

What's the difference between a cow and cancer?

Jade Goody couldn't milk a cow.

Have you seen the news? My sound has gone but by the looks of it that guy off Little Britain has died :(
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Have we done this one yet?

Moments after her death, Jade Goody revealed her latest TV deal. The ex-reality TV star is set to appear on Living TV's Most Haunted later this summer.


Was funnier like a month and a half ago as;

"After the success of her reality TV series, Jade Goody has extended her contract with Living TV...she will be appearing on Most Haunted in June."

Hahahahaa, I liked the 2nd one actually. :shifty:

Edited by YI
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The world media will crash Buckhurst Hill on that day :( My poor little town. And seeing as the church the ceremony is taking place is about 2 minutes walk from my house, they will probably film my house. It's a good thing that my dog died, since he always liked crashing funerals, and on something this high scale I couldn't risk him pissing on her coffin. >_>

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I said it in the respect that Jade's media whoring was just making a sacrifice for her children. In an interview with one of the tabloids:

"I know people think I'm betraying my roots by sending them to a private school but I want them to have the very best chance in life they can have. And that's what my money is for. What's the point of everything I have if I can't do that for them?"

How many other celebrities end up years later having pissed their money away on drugs and alcohol? Where does that leave their children? But just since she's famous for nothing, apparently we must hate her! Every single one of our parents has made a sacrifice in order to help us. Whether we realise it or not. Whether it's working an extra shift at work (who did the money go towards?), moving to a new house to get into a new school's entrance zone etc. The only difference between her sacrifice and Jade's was that was hers was in the mainstream media and for a lot more cash.

And her children will end up with a (probably) mortgage free step on the property ladder. I know that even at my age, to be given that advantage in life - yeah, I'd quite like it. Jade was just doing what any parent in her situation would have done.

My comment on private/state school: There is nothing wrong with state schools. However, major companies and some Universities still think of state schools as being lower. I apologise for the Woolworths comment. I forgot it got shut down. With the disappearance of that and Forbuoys, I'm going to have to find a new place to buy the really small cans of Coke.

The only really tragedy in this is she is being buried in a place with only wooden headstones allowed, since she was worried that vandalism would ruin her kid's memory of her. How fucking disgusting is that? Okay, you may not like her, but why be such a cunt to vandalise her grave?

Alright, Jade didn't get cancer. She still whored herself out in magazines and got boatloads of cash. She has a perfectly average life expetancy. Now is she gonna leave the kids that money? Plus, it's a fucking reality star in a trash magazine, you're really going to take every word they say as honest gospel truth? Of course she's going to say that!

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