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Movie Careers


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If Armageddon is anything to go on, then being a Driller is a shit hot job to have.

Hmm... I'll do mine in list format.

1. Colonial Marine (Aliens)

To put it simply...

"I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks..."

2. Gangster (Scarface)

If for no reason other than to HAVE a reason to use the Scarface voice in regular conversation.

3. Visionary Billionaire (Iron Man)

Tony Stark is the coolest of cool, simple as.

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Police Officer, any action movie. Do all sorts of crazy stunts, kill a shitload of terrorists, save the day at the last second and get the girl (who's usually a 9 or better. Hell I'd take two 7's if it comes down to it.). Even when there are a dozen lunatics with AK47's and you have a pistol, you know that you're going to kill all of them and only take a single bullet to the arm or shoulder along with a couple of cuts and scratches that will make you look even more badass.

Movie Police Officer = All sorts of win.

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Police Officer, any action movie. Do all sorts of crazy stunts, kill a shitload of terrorists, save the day at the last second and get the girl (who's usually a 9 or better. Hell I'd take two 7's if it comes down to it.). Even when there are a dozen lunatics with AK47's and you have a pistol, you know that you're going to kill all of them and only take a single bullet to the arm or shoulder along with a couple of cuts and scratches that will make you look even more badass.

Movie Police Officer = All sorts of win.

Unless your the "killed on duty 1 day before retirement" movie cop >_<

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Does TV count? If so: Sex Architect

if not... The guy who has the girl at the start of the movie before the unlovable star is a douche and steals her away.

if that doesn't count... I have nothing else right now.

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Seriously though, Ghostbusting is the only real answer here. Sure, it'd be cool to kill terrorists, or have lots and lots of sex, but in the end, when compared to fucking Ghostbusting, there's really no choice to be made. The only thing that comes close would maybe be being a Transformer, but we're held back by not being robots in the first place.

It could happen though.

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