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The manliest film ever.


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  • 2 months later...
Sylvester Stallone has claimed that he broke his neck filming a fight scene for his upcoming action movie The Expendables.

The actor-director told FHM that he had to undergo surgery following the on-screen altercation with wrestler 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.

Stallone said: "Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other's ass, one guy tougher than the next. No joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy.

"Actually, my fight with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck.

"I'm not joking. I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

He added: "Dolph Lundgren and I always went for it. I gave him orders to try to knock me out while the cameras were rolling.

"At one point, he hit me so hard on the top of the head I felt my spine compress. He then hit me with an almighty uppercut."

The movie also features Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham.

Credit - DS

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Sylvester Stallone has claimed that he broke his neck filming a fight scene for his upcoming action movie The Expendables.

The actor-director told FHM that he had to undergo surgery following the on-screen altercation with wrestler 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin.

Stallone said: "Man, it was seven guys, kicking each other's ass, one guy tougher than the next. No joke, our stunt guys were begging for mercy.

"Actually, my fight with 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin was so vicious that I ended up getting a hairline fracture in my neck.

"I'm not joking. I haven't told anyone this, but I had to have a very serious operation afterwards. I now have a metal plate in my neck."

He added: "Dolph Lundgren and I always went for it. I gave him orders to try to knock me out while the cameras were rolling.

"At one point, he hit me so hard on the top of the head I felt my spine compress. He then hit me with an almighty uppercut."

The movie also features Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke and Jason Statham.

Credit - DS

Damn near broke my neck, but I still got up!

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 1 month later...


This film is the most ridiculous film ever. It's fucking fantastic. It's not meant to be a comedy, but me and my friends laughed several times due to the complete ridiculousness of it. I thought things got OTT in Die Hard 4 when Bruce surfs the fighter jet, but this takes the biscuit. There was no story, just random parts shoe-horned in. By the end of it we're not even sure of half of the people's names in it. There was every cliche ever, and even managed to create new ones.

But saying that, go watch this. If I could go back and watch it again, without knowing what happens, I would.

Highlights include:

- Slyvester Stallone running after a sea plane on a jetty, leaping through the air and clinging onto the door for a good 30 seconds as water blasts in his face.

- Steve Austin, on fire, being Superman-Punched by Randy Couture.

- Terry Crews' machine-gun like hand cannon of a shotgun.

- Jason Statham. Just all of him.

- Bruce Willis' cameo.

- As the bad guy is about to fly away in a helicopter, Stallone is blocked by a wall of fire He finds a bomb/artillery shell but it's too heavy. Terry Crews comes along. You think they're just gonna throw it at the chopper. No. Crews, on his OWN launches it IN THE AIR, AND STALLONE SHOOTS IT IN THE SKY.

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Congratulations, Stathem. You've made up for all the crap you've done since the First Transporter up until now.

Except that Death Race remake. I am still scarred from how bad that was.

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