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Yeah, I'm halfway through season two of Deadwood and it's kind of a frustrating show sometimes because the dialogue is so stylized and Milch has no desire to spell things out. Which is a good kind of frustrating because I'd rather have a show be too smart than too dumb, but it still means I can't drift out when watching it at all.

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I watched the first episode last month. It took a good while for me to really grasp what's going on but that's not surprising because it's David Milch. Looking forward to watching more.

So long as he doesn't take the entire season to never make any sense, ala John From Cincinnati.

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Gunn said production for the fifth season of "Breaking Bad" will start this month, with eight episodes slated to shoot. The highly anticipated final season will be broken into two shortened mini-seasons. The last batch of episodes will probably shoot in winter 2013, she said.

Apparently something Anna Gunn revealed at the SAG Awards.

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Watched the final of American Horror Story last night. It was... different. The pacing was all over the place, as if they couldn't decide whether they had too much to finish in one episode, or too little...

The Harmons ending felt unsatisfying, and really should have ended with them burning the house down or something.

However, Jessica Lange's character (who I can never recall the name of) was terrific. Her final moment with her grandson gave a tremendous sense of closure as a character, and yet left them wide open if they ever want to return to that story.

Did I miss something though - when did the burned face guy die, or was he dead all along? If he was dead all along then how did he get outside the house and escape the rules? I think I must have not been concentrating on an episode and missed his death or something.

Overall, I'd suggest watching it (and don't worry about the ridiculous over the top pilot, it gets a lot more subtle and enjoyable after that). It's a very character driven show with an interesting one season arc that had me looking forward to watching it week after week. From what I gather, next season will be an entirely new location and new cast, with old actors appearing (though not necesarilly as themselves), so I'm intruiged to see where they go next.

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Watched the final of American Horror Story last night. It was... different. The pacing was all over the place, as if they couldn't decide whether they had too much to finish in one episode, or too little...

The Harmons ending felt unsatisfying, and really should have ended with them burning the house down or something.

However, Jessica Lange's character (who I can never recall the name of) was terrific. Her final moment with her grandson gave a tremendous sense of closure as a character, and yet left them wide open if they ever want to return to that story.

Did I miss something though - when did the burned face guy die, or was he dead all along? If he was dead all along then how did he get outside the house and escape the rules? I think I must have not been concentrating on an episode and missed his death or something.

Overall, I'd suggest watching it (and don't worry about the ridiculous over the top pilot, it gets a lot more subtle and enjoyable after that). It's a very character driven show with an interesting one season arc that had me looking forward to watching it week after week. From what I gather, next season will be an entirely new location and new cast, with old actors appearing (though not necesarilly as themselves), so I'm intruiged to see where they go next.

He was sent to jail. Did I forget something about his death?

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Went on a Prison Break spree on Netflix, and I still find the show to be amazing. When it was originally airing I had a lot of gripes during the final season, but rewatching the episodes over the years I don't find there to be as many. Some things rub me the wrong way, but overall I love how the show progressed and I still love the way the show ended.

Though I do dislike the whole Final Break thing they did, since it sort of ruined the finale for me.

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Okay, I've turned around a bit on Community over my stance on it previously. The first few episodes weren't really doing it all that much for me, but now that they've been paired off and Troy/Abhed is about ten times better than Abhed/MainGuyWhoseNameIAlwaysForget along with the other character relationships, I can stand the show a lot better now.

Still don't like MainLoveInterestGirl in the least though.

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Guest mr. potato head

Okay, I've turned around a bit on Community over my stance on it previously. The first few episodes weren't really doing it all that much for me, but now that they've been paired off and Troy/Abhed is about ten times better than Abhed/MainGuyWhoseNameIAlwaysForget along with the other character relationships, I can stand the show a lot better now.

Still don't like MainLoveInterestGirl in the least though.

The behind-the-timesness of this post is so adorable. :wub:

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Such a good episode :)

Also, I am loving Battlestar Galactica, but midway through season 2.5 it seems like they are afraid to kill off any main characters. I hope this changes....sorta....there are only a few characters who I dislike.

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Such a good episode :)

Also, I am loving Battlestar Galactica, but midway through season 2.5 it seems like they are afraid to kill off any main characters. I hope this changes....sorta....there are only a few characters who I dislike.

Are you up to "Black Market" and "Scar" yet? Black Market is widely regarded as the worst one they did. Scar is a divisive episode, personally one of my favorites but a lot of people hate it.

Favorite characters so far? I'm a huge fan of Baltar, Adama, Apollo, Tigh,Starbuck, Number 6, Chief Tyrol, Helo, Sharon... shit, I just went and listed most of the cast. Anyway yeah, there are some deaths. I can't remember exactly when they happen, but they're in there.

Favorite arcs/scenes/episodes? The stuff with the Pegasus was pretty great, right?

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The Pegasus arc has to be the best so far. The episode I just watched was actually The Black Market...I liked it. There hasn't been an episode I haven't enjoyed at least a little bit. As for fav characters...Adama, Apollo, Chief, and Starbuck.

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