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The New Girl may be my favorite new show in television.

There is no "The." It's just called New Girl. I don't get why this is hard for people.

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I'm waiting for someone to seriously refer to it as "that The New Girl show", at which point GoGo will twitch slightly. Only once, but increasingly over time as it lingers in the recesses of his mind. Closer to the Rule 34 things than any rational thought, only for him to one day have a slip of the tongue, scramble his words and refer to something as "the...that thing". Which will ultimately be game over for his poor brain.


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I'll actually refer to it as New Girl now...I just always referred to it as The New Girl without even putting any thought into that. From the looks of it seems like this has led to some rants in the past that I was completely unaware of.

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Has anyone heard anything good about The 2 Broke Girls?

2 Broke Girls is awesome if you like racism and Kat Dennings' breasts.

And jokes that aren't funny and an annoying laugh track that hasn't ever been as obvious as this show makes it.

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Guest mr. potato head

Has anyone heard anything good about The 2 Broke Girls?

2 Broke Girls is awesome if you like racism and Kat Dennings' breasts.

But you can get better racism and Christina Hendricks' breasts on The Mad Men!

(Though with that show, you run the risk of tuning in a few minutes early and having to sit through The The Killing.)

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I really want to like 2 Broke Girls, but it's not filling me with any hope. Dumb jokes with dumb people does not make enthralling TV.

It's a decent show, certainly not great but certainly not terrible like some will make out. It has it's good moments and then it's dull moments, but overall it's a decent little show.

And fuck off Potato Head, The Killing is brilliant :angry:

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I recently got into watching the finales of series I enjoyed from the past. Yesterday I saw the finale to the 90's show "Dinosaurs." I remember loving that show as a child, and yesterday I was thinking thank god I never saw this as a kid.

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So I'm watching Scandal... it feels like Shonda Rhimes is scared that it'll end up like her other two non-Grey's Anatomy related shows, and is therefore throwing her biggest story idea out right at the start. I just don't see how it can do anything bigger or better than what they've got going on, and I'm curious as to whether they actually want to be renewed.

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