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There was a pretty solid EWB contingent who watched Terriers. Absolutely tragic that it didn't get a second season.

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I should have waited for GoGo to respond :(

So...first episode of The Wire....ummm.....I'm kind of indifferent. It was ok, but it felt like a generic cop drama with swearing. Does it get better than this? Or is it more of the same?

Am I a bad person for not liking it? :shifty:

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You don't get to have a real opinion on The Wire until you've finished at least half the first season.

(Most people don't love the show from episode one going onwards. It takes at least a couple to get a feel for the kind of show it is.)

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So, it takes some getting used to? I suppose I can give it a few more episodes before I give a final verdict on it.

The same goes for Mad Men, eh? I heard that's a pretty slow burn type of show.

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It's a fucking shame that Terriers was unplugged. I would love it if Netflix took their idea for reviving Jericho and instead choose to revive Terriers.

Which reminds me how much I hate that my boss on Charlie's Angels (who had the same position on Terriers) never gave me the swag she promised me from Terriers. :angry:

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Wait, what, Benji will watch ANYTHING. Come on now. I love the guy too but we've established he watches Sex and The City.

I mean I haven't watched Ringer but I just felt that needed to be pointed out. >_>

First of all - fuck you. Sex and the City was an okay show with a boatload of charm when it began, it was only towards it's second half and beyond that it began sucking and became a parody of itself (the ending, where all the women wind up with men had me up in arms in anger that the show runner didn't understand their characters).

Second of all - Homeland is awesome. I'm glad I waited to have all of them saved to watch before I started, because waiting each week to watch a drama this fantastic and intriguing would be killer. I'm at episode five, and loving how they're playing the lines between whether Brody is a sleeper or not, and using people's own assumptions about what would make him more likely to be a terrorist.

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So, it takes some getting used to? I suppose I can give it a few more episodes before I give a final verdict on it.

The same goes for Mad Men, eh? I heard that's a pretty slow burn type of show.

Personally I think the moment where I fell in love with the Wire is:

"You, McNulty, are a gaping asshole. We both know this."

And the speech that follows. That doesn't happen till like 3/4s through of Season 1?

That said, I'd put peg the middle of Season 2 (see below for spoilers) where is it really becomes amazing, and it just keeps getting better from there.

Where Ziggy snaps and murders his contact

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So I'd never watched The West Wing before. Last week I found that I had season one of the show on boxset and I ended up watching it all in about 24 hours (The joy of unemployment) and today I got season two. Truly a phenomenal show, crazy that I hadn't gotten around to watching it yet but I'm glad to have a great TV show to blast through.

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So, it takes some getting used to? I suppose I can give it a few more episodes before I give a final verdict on it.

The same goes for Mad Men, eh? I heard that's a pretty slow burn type of show.

Personally I think the moment where I fell in love with the Wire is:

"You, McNulty, are a gaping asshole. We both know this."

And the speech that follows. That doesn't happen till like 3/4s through of Season 1?

That said, I'd put peg the middle of Season 2 (see below for spoilers) where is it really becomes amazing, and it just keeps getting better from there.

Where Ziggy snaps and murders his contact

Personally, the big "holy shit, this show!" moment is in season one;

When Omar kills Stinkum and wounds Wee-Bey. The Wire very much needed that Anyone Can Die moment and it got it.

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Something else I'm really enjoying but haven't mentioned in here yet - Alcatraz.

Every episode has been very entertaining, as far as I can remember.

If it's renewed, I think it's probably on my drop list. I'm watching mostly for Jorge Garcia and Sam Neill, but neither are even that good in this, and some of the plot holes and dumb moves are grating on me.

For example...

...one of the prisoners is obsessed with using mines. In a confrontation on a beach, one of the people is watching him bury a mine, and during the confrontation, they walk onto the beach and promptly step on a mine. I mean, for real, do you have any logic whatsoever?

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Something else I'm really enjoying but haven't mentioned in here yet - Alcatraz.

Every episode has been very entertaining, as far as I can remember.

I really enjoyed the whole first season of Alcatraz. Has it been renewed for a second? I heard it hadn't been doing all that well ratings wise in the States.

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I like it, but just as with Touch each episode is already getting a bit samey, and I'm probably still on single figures with both. That said, I really enjoyed The Killing so I'm probably an idiot.

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I don't know if I've said but I'm watching Grimm too. Fun stuff. It's had one terrible episode, and the CGI is sometimes bad, but overall, very good. It has more variation than Touch and Alcatraz, I've found.

Also, Fear Itself from 2008 started on 5* the other night. That impressed me too, but each episode has its own story, so I'll like more than others. It only got the one season.

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I like it, but just as with Touch each episode is already getting a bit samey, and I'm probably still on single figures with both. That said, I really enjoyed The Killing so I'm probably an idiot.

That reminds me. I HATED last week's Touch. Nothing can change the maths behind this theory except prayer? Fuck. Right. Off.

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I was lucky with last weeks Touch as my girlfriend had already warned me how terrible it was. That 'vlogger' girl pissed me off no end.

EDIT: Am I right in saying it's not on tonight? My planned recordings seem to think it isn't.

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It had a week break. I'm willing to let the one bad episode slide. Tim Kring is obsessed with lacing things religious mythology, so it was inevitable to happen at some point, I just hope he doesn't weigh out the fantastic way the entire equation has been laid out with "OMG, God had an influence on the pattern, can't you see? It's all his divine plan?", because that episode smelled strongly of that kind of bullshit.

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