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I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!


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This starts on ITV1 tonight.

Am I the only one on EWB who follows this show? I watch it every year, and I watched the US version with Lou Diamond Phillips and Torrie Wilson earlier in the year.

Normally, I don't care that the cast aren't high profile celebs, but I'm a bit annoyed that Jordan is going back in. Why? Just because ITV have a thing for the lives of Katie Price and Peter Andre, they fork out in excess of 300k for her to experience something she's already experienced. Ugh.

Jimmy White is in there and there's a couple of others who have the potential to be decent. The lack of Kara Tointon is disappointing, but still (she was an early rumour). My issue with it is that I think it's gonna turn into the Jordan show very early on and remain that way, with her being put up by the viewers to do all the trials in week one.

I'll be tuning in until it annoys me to the point of no return, anyway!

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I was voted down for my love of Ant & Dec? If you grew up in Britain they were your saturday morning gosh darnit! I find the people's lack of love for Ant & Dec... Disturbing.

I love how Jordan was all about going back into the jungle, showing everyone she's really a nice lady and trying to get back on publics good side. So what do the I'm A Celebrity production crew do? Paint her as pure evil. Awesome.

I also quite liked "Ehh... I prefer the... Pamela Anderson."

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I was voted down for my love of Ant & Dec? If you grew up in Britain they were your saturday morning gosh darnit! I find the people's lack of love for Ant & Dec... Disturbing.

They were background noise somewhat spoiling my enjoyment of Cat Deeley and later, Tess Daly in nurses outfits.

And for me (and probably Hammy), they are, and always will be PJ & Duncan - 'I CANNY SEE PEE-JAAAY, AMM BLIND!'

Brilliant television! :D

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In The Star today, it claimed Jordan had said she's only gone in there to get Pete to love her again and that they will re-marry.

It's probably a bullshit story, but it wouldn't surprise me given their relationship with ITV over the last few years. As annoying as hearing about the two of them is, it's making money.

EDIT: And it's on at 8.30pm tonight til 10pm. Live trials FTW!

Edited by Baddar
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It's been on the front page of The Star for literally the last two weeks, and if it's not the show, then it's Jordan, or Jordan and Alex, or Peter and Jordan, it's just ridiculous. Same with Hello and OK, with the exception of the Rooneys last week for their baby. And if it's not I'm A Celebrity, then it's fucking X-Factor. Ugh. Come back Big Brother, all is forgiven...

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On the Jordan/Peter bullshit - the day it was in The Star that they had split up, I said to my sister that they'll be back together by Christmas. I almost put money on them releasing a Christmas single. The front page of the Star today is Jordan saying she only went into the jungle to try and win Peter back, and that they will be back together by Christmas. I wish I'd placed that bet.

Oh, as for Big Brother race rows and all that cock - that's one of the myriad things I hate about Big Brother. The whole idea is supposed to be that it's a cultural experiment into human behaviour (yes, I know they all but abandoned that angle in favour of cheap shock telly after the first series...or probably more like halfway through it, I don't know, I've not seen it since then), and the whole thing is supposed to be seeing how people would react in that situation...yet when people react as people invariably do - by being cunts - there's a huge fucking furor about it.

Edited by Skummy
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On the Jordan/Peter bullshit - the day it was in The Star that they had split up, I said to my sister that they'll be back together by Christmas. I almost put money on them releasing a Christmas single. The front page of the Star today is Jordan saying she only went into the jungle to try and win Peter back, and that they will be back together by Christmas. I wish I'd placed that bet.

Oh, as for Big Brother race rows and all that cock - that's one of the myriad things I hate about Big Brother. The whole idea is supposed to be that it's a cultural experiment into human behaviour (yes, I know they all but abandoned that angle in favour of cheap shock telly after the first series...or probably more like halfway through it, I don't know, I've not seen it since then), and the whole thing is supposed to be seeing how people would react in that situation...yet when people react as people invariably do - by being cunts - there's a huge fucking furor about it.

The reason people watch these shows, are to see pairings of celebrities that'd never happen. Do you remember that advert with Alice Cooper and Ronnie Corbett? That's what the public want to see - what'd Ronnie and Alice actually have to talk about?

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