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What instruments do you play?


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I "play" the guitar , which means I own one <_<. I want to learn it though , but I'm just too lazy most of the time. Which reminds me, I should pick it up today.But probably won't.

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I'd struggle to say I "play" anything, because I'm incredibly unmusical, but I do attempt a few things. I own a two-string bass guitar, a three-string cigar box guitar and a six-string acoustic - lately I've been focusing more on playing the cigar box, because it's easier for writing songs, and for potentially playing live by myself, but once I'm a little bit more competent on there I want to move on to playing the bass with a steel slide, because I love the sound that achieves, I'm just not good enough to play it too well yet. I've not touched the acoustic guitar in years, because I'm not too interested in - guitar in general isn't actually an instrument that I'm especially bothered about, in fact.

I also own a Cajon, which again I've not touched in a long time, but it's easy enough to play fairly simple stuff on, even with my lack of rhythm, a Stylophone, a cheap Korg synth, an Ocarina, a harmonica and a selection of various theremin-like noise making kits and circuit bent electronics that generate constant or pulsing noise, depending on how I want to play with them. I wouldn't say I can really "play" any of that stuff, though.

I have played synths in a band before, though, even though I really don't know how.

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I can play synths/keyboard/paino had lessons on and off for a few years when I was younger, used to be really good, but due to my buying of so much junk I have had to put the keyboard away.

I play guitar to a very average standard, but I am to the place where if i know the song and can find a guitar tab i can normally play quite well sight reading and learn a song fair quickly. Aslong as its not to hard :shifty:

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I play the bass guitar, standard 4-string although I have been contemplating getting a 5-string because I really enjoy the low bass sounds and its gets annoying tuning up and down all the time. I know a bit of everything, sort of jack-of-all-trades but not a master at anything which annoys. I should pick up the bass more often but don't because of laziness. <_<

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I played the drums for my entire childhood but have barely touched them in the last few years. Could probably still play at a wedding band level.

Also played pretty much all percussion in high school, including xylophone and related instruments, which was hilarious as I'd play the wrong notes but the right rhythms and nobody would be the wiser. :pervert:

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I played the violin for about seven years until 2003, achieving my Grade 2 certificate. I quit out of frustration that my tutor wanted me to just play songs in preperation for my Grade 3 exam instead of adding variety which, in theory, would've helped me get used to the higher notes I was required to play.

I'm going to start playing the bass guitar sometime this year, and possibly the violin again if my friend goes ahead with forming a post-rock band.

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I'm learning bass because I'm groovy but not intelligent enough to learn proper guitar.

Same here.

My whole family is musical - dad plays guitar, bass, harmonica, mandolin, ukulele, accordion and piano, mom plays clarinet, my older little brother plays guitar and bass, and younger little brother plays keyboards/piano - but for some reason I never got around playing anything. Well, I turned 25 last October, and decided that DAMMIT, it's still not too late! So I asked my folks for a bass guitar and an amp for birthday, and they bought them. So now I'm a proud owner of an Ibanez GSR 200 and a Peavey Max 115. I've only played by myself or with my fiancée (she has a piano), and I can't really say yet that I'm a bassist... But I'm getting there! ^_^ And it's oh-so rewarding when you learn something new. :)

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I am good at trombone (played for 7 years), guitar (played for ~10 years), bass (also ~10 years0 and piano (played for 12 years) - and similar keyboard instruments.

I am alright at trumpet at drums.

I am less than alright at cello and violin, but I can do the basics.

I had lessons for piano and trombone and taught myself the rest. I also like to think I can sing. >_>

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We can only form a Mariachi band, so we wouldn't need a drummer, can't have you cramp our style with the "Ladiez" be :P

Lookit. You can form your superfaggy fag band and me, metalman and Hamster or Skummy or Myke or all of them will win awards and be acclaimed as the new Muse and get pussy like you wouldn't believe. Except Hamster. Because he's married.

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We can only form a Mariachi band, so we wouldn't need a drummer, can't have you cramp our style with the "Ladiez" be :P

Lookit. You can form your superfaggy fag band and me, metalman and Hamster or Skummy or Myke or all of them will win awards and be acclaimed as the new Muse and get pussy like you wouldn't believe. Except Hamster. Because he's married.

I beleive the pussy that "I wouldn't believe" will be a case of "I can't believe that the women that metalman, Hammy and Skummy are attracting, they are so hot... wait, why is Be sat in the corner... alone... crying into his hands?"

also these guys:

Will get more pussy than you. :P

I was going to go on one of my Muse rants, but I think this is enough for now, you guys being Muse fans wouldn't want to hear me opine about them.


Fuck it, I don't like Muse now, and the thought of the "New Muse" angers me so much I wish to unleash a plague of locusts on Matt Bellamy's face

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I "play" the guitar , which means I own one <_<. I want to learn it though , but I'm just too lazy most of the time. Which reminds me, I should pick it up today.But probably won't.

I'm pretty much here. I can play some of Come As You Are by Nirvana because it is incredibly simple but I just don't spend enough time actually practicising to learn much.

I wouldn't mind being the new Muse, but it's a looooong way off >_>

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