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She looks like a Sith lord...

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She looks like a Sith lord...

That's EXACTLY what I thought, and I didn't mention it because I wanted to see if anyone else caught it. Glad you did.

It sucks that she's apparently going to be paid DLC, considering she's the final squad member. Would make more sense to make her free and the Hammerhead pay...

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Kasumi is planned for release April 6, price will be 560 MS/BioWare points.

GameTrailers video: http://www.gametrailers.com/video/kasumi-dlc-mass-effect/63466?type=flv


A New Appearance Pack will be out March 23, along with the Firewalker missions pack. This pack will give you new looks for Jack, Thane and Garrus. The appearance pack will cost 160 MS/BioWare points, Firewalker pack will be free.

Edited by SJay068
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So it makes Jack and Thane look like their exiles from The Matrix?

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So its not possible to make it to level 30 in one playthrough right? I mean I am only level 22 and I am going after the Reaper IFF right now and have all my loyalty missions done.

If you import a high level ME1 (50+) you will start with some extra levels. Also it could be like the first game, where you also couldn't max out in one playthrough. In that case you would need to import your ME2 character and start a second playthrough.

Which will give you some bonuses like 25% experience gain, 50000 of each minerals and you can select one of your team's special abilities as your own.

Edited by SJay068
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Yeh level 30 is highly unlikely i ended up on about level 26/27 but started a new game continuing from that on insanity...haven't gotten round to doin much kept dying and those appearences i doubt i will fork out microsoft points for minor changes in clothes and what looks like ducktape strapped over Jack's eyes :P

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Got myself the Alternate Appearance Pack, I hope they make the other ones soon. April 6 I'll get Kasumi and I'll start a new game for the 5th time again --> MaleShep/Paragon/Soldier like every other time. Can't really be bothered with Biotics/Tech and Renegade to be honest.

And 2 days remain until the Countdown to an Epic BioWare Community Event has ended. :o

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finished the game yesterday as a male Paragon. Hooked up with Jack and got to level 29 during the final mission. I think the only way to hit level 30 on the first playthrough is to import a level 60 character and start at level 5 instead of 3. I got to 59 after beating the game twice with my female Shepard. I had no desire to play the whole game again just to get 2 extra levels here.

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I thought Kasumi was pretty good, different combat style and more/better dialogue than Zaeed. Zaeed just sucked overall to me. Kasumi was fun but still should of had a full dialogue wheel, I like that she's atleast useful during the final mission. I also got the alternate apperance pack just because I had just enough points just sitting there. This 2nd playthrough I got with Miranda, while Tali was first. Miranda is quite the looker for 35.... and Kasumi had some funny comments for my hook up with Miranda.

even as renegade the whole game, I just can't rationalize helping the Illusive Man. it just seems more fun to tell him to fuck off.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

I FINALLY got round to getting this; loving it so far. I found the first game had some beyond brilliant parts and some utterly dull parts, so far this has been all good. I've not done a lot, just the main story points on OMEGA station and the Normandy crash-site DLC. When I go back on later I'll do a couple more side-quests and then resume the search for team members.

Speaking of team members I'm already spoilt for choice on who to take with me in my squad. Garrus will be with me always, simply for bein my favourite character from Mass Effect and for being bloody awesome. With the other slot, I like Miranda, and Jacob and want to give Zaaed a go. Then I've heard some other of the characters are awesome as well. It's a nice selection headache though.

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The only downside to the series for me is that after playing ME2, I don't really feel like playing ME1 again, mostly because all I can think of when playing through ME1 is "Man, I can't wait to finish this so I can play this guy/girl in ME2..."

And that's not saying that ME1's a bad game in any way - just that ME2 is that much better.

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