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UFC 2010

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I need to go down a difficulty or two to get used to it. Used to haul ass on Expert now just getting battered and on the one below it as well. It's a sad day for David :(

As soon as i typed that i finally got a win knocking Rampage out :D He went for an overhand right, did the sway to my right and bang right hook lights out Rampage!!!

Edited by davidmarrio
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Yeh gonna drop down to experienced to get used to it i just seem to get bullied on the fence and just get tossed around like a ragdoll. Just gonna have to tutorial it when it comes out.

Major asskicking of Rampage with Shogun battered him standup got him in the clinch threw a couple of knees took him down, elbows to the face he got up then just mad left hook, right straight, overhand right combo rocks him and knocks him out

Edited by davidmarrio
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The game is certainly different this year. I like it but as someone said earlier the strikes look like they have no impact. Leg kicks look and sound weak as hell. The ground game is more confusing and they removed the visual cue that you've postured up. Now you have to tell if the guy beneath you is holding you or not. I mean the game plays great and I'm still looking forward to it but it's going to take some getting used to.

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I think that's the big thing, the changes are all positive, its just going to take time to get used to. Overall, I'd say the game is WAY harder this year. even on experienced it was a challenge.

Sway system isn't my favorite, I doubt I'll use it much in the long run.

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Submissions annoy me. Just too hard. I also can't get used to the sway system. Otherwise I'm liking it.

One problem. When I get to mount the other guy has me pulled down. How can I get out of his grip so I can ground and pound him?

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