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UFC 2010

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I'm not going to lie, I'm a little underwhelmed by the demo, and although I was pumped to buy this a few weeks back, it's now on the back-burner a little bit, especially with Red Dead and Alan Wake coming up. Granted, I only had three matches thus-far, but it doesn't seem to be as ball-clenchingly fun as the first game.

Maybe I need to have a few more goes, but apart from the menu screen being a hell of a lot better, there's nothing that's really grabbed me so far.

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you should be able to atleast defend them though you dont get given a chance too

Hold back on the right stick to catch him, then knee that fucker in the face.

Cheers Ruki (Y) Worked when i was Shogun but i lost a split decision :( But finally won my first fight on expert got rocked early in the 1st against Shogun but worked a bit of ground and pound and just conservative standup keeping the distance and hitting a few shots to the head. 2nd Round come out guns blazing, Shogun went for a powerful left hook, moved back hit a right hook left uppercut combo and knocked him out :D

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Tip of the Day: In UFC Undisputed 2010, anyone who quits / leaves an online match early will be given a loss as well as a "Did Not Finish" on their records.

This is awesome, I probably lost 20 wins last year because of that.

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Pissed me off that last year i'm glad there adding the loss and perecent on DNF. I mean i can understand at times when connections are laggy and/or crashes but when people leave because your gonna get submitted or knocked out it's annoyin

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So what are your tactics against the cpu opponents on the demo? For me on expert, it looks like this:

against Machida: Push forward constantly, don't let Machida dictate the pace and keep moving away. Accept the fact that you'll probably get taken down once or twice, but just try to get out and keep pressing forward.

against Rampage: Sway, sway, SWAY! Highly effective against Rampage since he basically just stands and brawls. Watch out for the clinch though, can be a bit tricky. Pretty successful when taking him down too.

against Shogun: Avoid his damn submissions! When standing up and striking, he's not all that impressive, but when he starts clinching and shooting, you're in for a tough ride. And there's really no point in taking him down either since he reverses everything. He's a beast.

against Rashad: He's like Shogun light, and pretty easy to beat if you mix your Rampage strategy with your Shogun strategy. Sway away and try a takedown or two since Rashad isn't at all as good on the ground as Shogun.

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Good thing I'm buying it new then, opposed to those CHEAPSKATE EVIL VILE MONEY-GRUBBING KILLERS OF THE GAME INDUSTRY HORRIBLE SOULLESS people who buy used games. Man, way to kill the gaming industry guys.

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Good thing I'm buying it new then, opposed to those CHEAPSKATE EVIL VILE MONEY-GRUBBING KILLERS OF THE GAME INDUSTRY HORRIBLE SOULLESS people who buy used games. Man, way to kill the gaming industry guys.

It's 5 bucks on top of a price that is lower than new that the game companies don't make a single dime off of.

Have we gotten anymore news on this after the demo came out, Do we expect any more news before the game comes out?

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