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UFC 2010

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Gaaaaaaay. I just fucked up Cane with Thiago Silva for two of the three rounds on the ground and standing. In fact, I probably won all three.

At the end, my camp celebrates, he looks disappointed. Two judges had it at 28-28 and the other 29-28 in HIS favour. Majority draw, but I should've won. These judges suck more than the ones in the real thing. >_>

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Beat James Wilks in the Rubbermatch by TKO in the 1st round, then went on to beat Marcus Davies in UFN Co-Main Event by TKO in the 3rd round started playing with him as i kept rocking him whenever i hit him in the body so did a running knee to the chest he went into the cage and right hook to the liver and he goes down.

Said Davies shouldn't have tried to stand up with me but he's a tough guy, then called out Karo Paryisan for our 3rd fight after the 2nd round he rear naked choked me in the 2nd round. Improved my Sub and Takedown defence significantly learnt to do the transition from open guard to side control and from sidecontrol to mount so hopefully they'll help.

Noticied Andrei Arlovskis always in the Co or Main event of an UFN card :P So another headline fight against Karo Paryisan at UFN 62

Edited by davidmarrio
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I'm wondering is it possible to learn all the moves within a camp? also when will the announcer stop saying I'm a boxer and street fighter ?

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I'm wondering is it possible to learn all the moves within a camp? also when will the announcer stop saying I'm a boxer and street fighter ?

I'm a boxer and a street fighter for some reason as well they go on about it

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Right now doing career as Lightweight . Working on increasing my muay thai clinch then will focus on the ground game. what are some good gyms that focus on muay thai ?

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ATT's pretty good and Blackhouse.

I hate submissions..... seriously i want the buttons back :( Still can't shine had a few exhibition matches i need help. I had nearly full energy got took down and submitted easy despite having good submission defence my guy

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I wish the buttons option was in as well. i have gotten a few submissions. Make sure your submission offense is pretty high. I wok the body the first round by the second one body kick rocks them and knocks them down. or I do a throw to side control and it rocks them then I slap on an armbar and I press in the right stick and hold it for a bit and release. if I have enough stamina I'll sink the armbar in. Pressing in only seems to work on the armbar though can't get it to work for other submissions so I'm forced to shine and even though i think I'm doing good my guy just releases the hold

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it's the actual defending that's the problem now as i normally only attempt when there stamina is low or rocked.

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do you go into a fight with low conditioning or high fatigued ? I'm thinking that's what is happening to me because I'm not fatigued but my condition is 70 and I've lost 8 fights in a row. For some reason my conditioning not getting better. I may retire this fighter early and delete him because something is off with him not sure what. He's got great power and good punching skills but when i try to stand up i get murdered. he has 70 in sub offense and has only subbed 3 people. is clinch is his best and i use it a lot in fights but usually I will work the clinch throughout the fight only to caught late in the third with a sub or ko

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Karo Paryisan is a cunt....lost a decision to him so went 0-3 against him just a bitch to fight. I got a lot of takedowns yet i lose 30-27 and even a 30-26 even though it was a close fight.

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I finally beat Werdum. That guy is seriously difficult. He kept taking me down but only went for one submission which I got out of. I was able to land maybe 1-2 punches before he clinched. I finally ducked a left and landed one of my own. Turns out that earned me a title shot so I've got Carwin next which should be fun.

Also oddly hard to fight is Stefan Struve. I could not defend against his takedowns. I had no problem against Brock but Struve was like superhuman.

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after losing to Karo went on a tear beating Martin Kampmann by TKO 2nd round, Amir Sadollah by KO in the 1st round and submitting Matt Hughes in the 1st round. Got offered a chance to fight on PPV but chose to fight a ranked 7th Anthony Johnson. Controlling 1st and 2nd round then Anthonys power became too much scored a flash KO.

Overall record 18-6-0 will edit in my UFC record if i can find it. There anyway of finding out who you've beaten so far etc on career mode?

Fighting Dan Hardy on the UFC 163 undercard as well. Could have fought Josh Koscheck in headlining a UFN card but thought this was a safer bet

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If it were possible, this game makes me hate Boring Jay Penn even more... took me like four tries to beat him in career mode...

Oh, and I think I have the unofficial record for fastest sub in online play. 30 seconds with an omoplata with my main edit, against someone playing as Arlovski.

The fight was literally Arlovski shoots, gets the takedown, I go for the Omoplata, submission.

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Kenny 'The King' Cruz is having a mediocre career for me. Not doing horrible, but not amazing at the same time. My record as it stands is 11-5, 2 of those losses being to Efrain Escadero. The S.O.B keeps catching me in submissions after I pummel his ass. I will hopefully be getting some revenge in my next fight, which will be my third fight in this series against Efrain.


*deep breath* Ah, sweet success. It was a great fight though, went to the 2nd round. I spent most of the first trying to keep a bit of distance from him, to avoid getting taken down. It was pretty cool too, Joe and Goldberg were talking about how I was trying to avenge my last fight in which I lost, and went on to talk about how they suspect my gameplan should be to avoid the ground completely, and quickly get in and out. He managed to pull me into guard a couple times, but I managed to keep getting back to my feet and kept it standing. 2nd round, it seemed like he came out knowing the ground wasn't an option as he wanted to bang more. After blocking a flurry of shots and being backed towards the cage, I unleashed a newly-learned flying knee and sent him crumpling into the middle of the octagon. Great ending, great feeling. But he's still 2-1 on me.

EDIT 2: Fucking Joe Lauzon. Triangle choked me out with 5 seconds left in the first. Your next.

EDIT 3: Luckily got another rematch with Efrian to blow off some steam. And blow off some steam I did, KOing him with GnP in the 1st.

Kenny Cruz vs Efrian Escudaro series - 2-2

Kenny Cruz vs Joe Lauzon series - 1-0 Lauzon, I will murder his ass. But first, I gotta get through Nate Diaz. Oh boy.

EDIT: Oh boy for Diaz, he got KTFO'd in the 1st. Signed my first Main Event on UFN, against Joe Stevenson. Worry? K-Cruz don't worry. (H)

EDIT: WHO'S JOE DADDY, BITCH?! :shifty: And on a random note, Joe Rogan is twice the size of me. :(

I love how this game somehow knows who you want to call out, I'm guessing based on whats happened to you. Joe Lauzon, your head is mine bitch. Annnd Dana gives me my PPV debut. Lauzon is so dead. | Time for the fight, I've worked out like I'm Brock on steroids and cocaine, and I'm ready to tear this kids head off :shifty: Now if I fucking lose...


(post is getting a bit long with all the editing, it's all in the spoilers)

Earned another spot on a PPV from that awesome victory, though no KO of the night. Signed to fight Clay Guida, over Diego, Cole Miller, & BJ Penn, purely because Guida is awesome and I want to fight him.

EDIT: Awesome fight with Guida, late into the second round. Ended with an awesome sway spree, I barely swayed a hook from Guida and threw a counter back, which he swayed and followed up with a counter uppercut which I swayed and caught him with a dirty hook for the KO win. Signed against Cole Miller now whos running an impressive 27-7-1 record, should be interesting.

EDIT: Mike Goldberg said it best, LEFT HAND FINISHES THE FIGHT! Reversed a transition attempt straight into mount postured up and one left hand later, the King is movin on up. Oh BJ, BJ, BJ, you're next.


EDIT: Sorry Guida, I had to hurt somebody.

EDIT: I am taking your head off BJ. Razorblades in wristbands, check. It's on.

(post is doing it's 'getting long' thing again :shifty: check it in spoilers if your interested by a..)


That revenge KO against BJ has earned me a title shot, and how beautifully this career unfolds for me as who's the current champion? Why, the only guy who has a win over me that I haven't avenged.. yet. Ross Pearson, paybacks a bitch. He does have a good record going though, 21-5.

EDIT: Make that 21-6 for Ross Pearson, and 22-7 for your NEEEEEEEEW LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD... KENNY 'THE KING' CRUUUUZ!

First challenger; Gray Maynard

EDIT: Wow, totally underestimated Gray, he put up one hell of a fight and has one hell of a chin. I just couldn't knock him out no matter what I tried it seemed. He took me to my longest fight yet, 3:00 of the 3rd round before I rocked him with a hook and caught him on the way down with a headkick for the KO, which looked sick. One hell of a fight though. Cole Miller is set for me next.

EDIT: Cole Miller surprised me pretty bad in the 2nd round too, knocking me down 3 times, then catching a kick and punching through my block and knocking me down. Somehow managed to get him mounted after all that though and drop a single elbow from mount and he went out. His right eye was gruesome looking though, looked like I tore it out.

Frankie the Edgarnator wants my belt next. | But Frankie the Edgarnator can't have my belt, or so says my right hook as he stands up.

EDIT: And so begins my move up to Welterweight. Bye bye Lightweight title. If I could request a match to decide who the new champ would be, it'd be Cole Miller vs Gray Maynard.

(you know the drill. here marks Kenny Cruz moving up to Welter)

Debut is set to be made against Thiago Alvez, lets do this.

EDIT: I apparently practiced my mount comboing while I was training or something because I was brutal in the mount in this fight. Dropping everything from hooks to elbows to straights, high and low. Bloodied him good and had him KOed by 10 seconds left in the first.

John Fitch steps up next. Lets hope I can get a one punch like syck down there.

EDIT: FUCK YOU JOHN FITCH, piece of shit triangle me after I had him rocked and attempted a sub, almost got it, and he slaps in a triangle and wins. Bullshit, fresh from the fucking bull. My god damn sub defense is 100 and he still fucking got it.

Dan Hardy fell victim to my stress relief.

Paulo Thiago felt the aftershock.

Here Fitch, have an upper. Uppercut knockout that is, motherfucker. Die.

Marcus Davis is up next, ranked at #2. I'm going to assume GSP is after that at the top of his mountain :shifty:

1st round KO after I swayed an uppercut and connected with a counter hook. Looks like his grenade was a dud. ;)

GSP's records an intimidating one, 27-4. Lets make it 27-5 and strip that belt


Ending my night after that annoying loss to GSP. My career is sitting at a slightly tarnished 30-9 record. Fuck GSP.

Edited by Closed and Moved to Archives
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