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The 2010 NFL Thread


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CINCINNATI (AP)—Chad Ochocinco(notes) has apologized for his costly tweets.

The NFL fined the Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver $25,000 on Tuesday for violating its restrictions on using social media sites before, during and after games. He’s the first player disciplined under the policy adopted one year ago.

He wouldn’t discuss the fine with reporters on Wednesday, but addressed it on his Twitter account, where he apologized to commissioner Roger Goodell.


“Dad again I apologize 2 you for my tweet, as my father I understand you’ve to discipline, can we try timeout next time please :)” he tweeted before practice.



In an earlier posting, he apologized to the league and said he wouldn’t do it again. He also noted that it was the first time his tweeting had cost him money.

The NFL adopted a policy last August allowing players to use social media networks, but not around game time. Players, coaches and football operations employees can use Twitter, Facebook and other social media up to 90 minutes before kickoff, and again when traditional media interviews are finished after the game.

They’re not allowed to use cell phones, computers or other electronic equipment during the restricted time.

Ochocinco met some of the Philadelphia Eagles during warmups before their preseason game on Friday night in Cincinnati. He then tweeted the names of players he met and added, “I love prw-game warm up.” The message was posted less than 90 minutes before kickoff.

Ochocinco played the first half along with the other Bengals regulars and got his helmet knocked off after he was hit while trying to make a catch. When he was out of the game, he tweeted: “Man Im sick of getting hit like that, its the … preseason … 1day I’m gone jump up and start throwing hay makers.”

The flamboyant receiver has regularly tested the NFL’s restrictions during his 10-year career, resulting in an array of fines from the league.

Last season, he was fined $20,000 for taking a dollar bill onto the field as a pretend bribe while officials were reviewing one of his catches. He was fined $30,000 for donning a mock poncho and sombrero next to the bench following a touchdown catch in another game.

He has been regularly fined for on-field celebrations, which he has toned down. They’ve included a river dance, pretending to perform CPR on a football, and using an end zone pylon as a golf club. He also donned a mock Hall of Fame jacket on the sideline.

Bengals coach Marvin Lewis said Wednesday that he has even tighter restrictions on players using social networking at Paul Brown Stadium.

“I think the social part for them is different now,” Lewis said. “Things have changed. It’s what they like to do, it is how they communicate. I don’t think you can sit there and act stupid and act like it doesn’t go on, because it does. But when they are here to do the meetings and so forth, that is our time here. You have time when you are not here to do what you need to do.”

Lewis noted that Ochocinco’s teammates are accustomed to his antics.

“The rest of the guys don’t care what Chad is doing,” Lewis said. “People make more perception of Chad outside of this building. All 40 or 30 of you (media) could go right to his locker and everybody would not even have a second take. It’s just Chad doing something stupid again, and that is what it is going to be.”

Lewis also had a little fun with Ochocinco’s latest promotion—a honey-nut oat cereal called “Ochocinco’s” that will be sold locally beginning next month.

“It’s not on the Bengals’ training table, you can quote me on that,” Lewis said.


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Kerry we don't need you. If you google "Extreme Warfare" we're the second result. We got there through 6 years of hard work.

Oh, and I watched the Ravens-Giants preseason game last night. One team was really bad and the other looked really good. Generally the 3rd preseason game is the closest example to how a team is going to perform in the regular season, so it left me feeling pretty confident.

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I don't really know where to put this, and I don't want to be like the Aussies and fill up the lounge with bullshit news stories but this is hilarious, and involves football.


Can't believe that. Insane.

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So is there a clip on Suh trying to twist Delhomes head off like a bottlecap? I didn't see it

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Suh should have been tossed from that game since he flagrantly went with the face mask and also committed an unnecessary roughness penalty within seconds of each other. That doesn't even bring up that he was not so subtly attempting to kill a man. Jim Rome's burn on that hit was awesome though.

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Jim Rome is a little bitch, that is all.

Oh now wait, is it bad that I kind of feel that the attitude Suh is showing (the aggressivenes/putting it all out there) is a good thing ?

Aggressiveness is good, but if he does something like that again he'll be deemed "dirty" and you can bet more than one O-Linemen will gun for his knees if he seriously injures a QB with some flagrantly illegal play.

EDIT: The NFL is now reviewing the play in question.


Edited by naiwf
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Jim Rome is a little bitch, that is all.

Oh now wait, is it bad that I kind of feel that the attitude Suh is showing (the aggressivenes/putting it all out there) is a good thing ?

No, it was actually fairly smart too because I'm sure every QB in the league saw it so when they face the Lions, they'll have that image in the back of their mind when Suh is coming after them.

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It was over the top, but fuck it, this team has been lacking killer instinct for years. My concern is that Suh earns a reputation as a dirty player and becomes the target of officials much like a cornerback that is constantly picked on for pass interference calls (ala former Lion DB Bryant Westbrook).

The defense is still going to be in a bad way. Our LBers are awful, there is no depth there at all, and the secondary is pretty much shit other than Louis Delmas. Oh by the way, our best LBer and best player in the secondary are both suffering from groin injuries (Delmas and Levy).

On the other hand, the offense has looked pretty good thus far. Stafford has looked much more comfortable and poised compared to a year ago, he seems to have a better command of the offense. He has plenty of weapons around him, so there isn't any reason that he can't come out and have a good season. Oh yeah, the offensive line actually looks like a real offensive line instead of the shitty patch work lines we've trotted out the last few years.

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