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L.A. Noire

Gene Kiniski

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As tedious and as long as it may take to get to each point yourself, I really enjoy driving in the game. Partly because it is fun destroying shit, and also because I like the feel of being a cop and busting through traffic in a hurry or driving more on the safe side.

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There's no more badass feeling in this game then calmly driving and then hitting the lights and siren to speed off to a call. Honestly, I would've liked to have seen more done with the side missions - maybe situations where you have to talk down a domestic dispute - not just "shoot this person or somehow manage to get the shot fired off into the air in time" route.

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There's no more badass feeling in this game then calmly driving and then hitting the lights and siren to speed off to a call. Honestly, I would've liked to have seen more done with the side missions - maybe situations where you have to talk down a domestic dispute - not just "shoot this person or somehow manage to get the shot fired off into the air in time" route.

Pretty much. If I need to get to a destination that isnt urgent, I tend to drive without the sirens. If I need to drive somewhere where shooting is occurring, I haul ass. Either way I crash into shit, but that's half the fun. As is backing up and hitting the emergency brake to spinout and then drive forward in one smooth motion.

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The one thing that really annoyed me about this game was how vague the interrogations were. You're given very minimal notes on what the difference would be between calling someone on lying and doubt, because when you actually select Lie, then half the time the very question changes via the dialogue between Cole and the suspect after selection.

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The difference between the two, is whether you have evidence to prove their lying, or whether your calling them a liar based on their reaction/gut feeling.

Admittedly, I fuck that up a lot too, by either selecting the wrong clue, or not realising I have the evidence to prove their lying.

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The difference between the two, is whether you have evidence to prove their lying, or whether your calling them a liar based on their reaction/gut feeling.

Admittedly, I fuck that up a lot too, by either selecting the wrong clue, or not realising I have the evidence to prove their lying.

And that's what Benji's saying. And I agree. The initial question leads me to believe I have something in the evidence to consider them lying, however, once I accuse him it goes into a whole mother directon with the dialogue and my evidence wouldn't fit anymore.

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The difference between the two, is whether you have evidence to prove their lying, or whether your calling them a liar based on their reaction/gut feeling.

Admittedly, I fuck that up a lot too, by either selecting the wrong clue, or not realising I have the evidence to prove their lying.

That's what I mean though. A lot of the time when you can call for a Lie, the actual question changes that you're meant to give evidence on.

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Just finished Homicide desk. Got 4 stars on the last case. Shit loads of vehicle damage fucked me over for the last star, since I got all the evidence found.

Is it possible to arrest the killer at the end? I figure not since the captain says it will all be hushed up which is hard to do if you've got a guy in the cells, but after everything we've been put through I was really looking forward to collaring the prick. It was pretty obvious about halfway through that it was the barman from the temp agency, I'd noticed a few of them saying that it was the temp guy who was on the night of the murders, so I figured I'd run into him eventually and be able to confront him, not remembering that I'd already met him on a previous play session >_>

I like the game a lot more now I'm proper into it, but there are still some annoyings things. I'd thought that it'd stop holding your hand so much after you got a few cases under your belt, but it's still giving me way too much guidance. Like, without spoiling things, I'm supposed to deduce a location from a letter, and while I'm thinking about it Cole comes out and explicitly states where we've got to go, and I'm like well thanks Rockstar for giving me all of five seconds to think about it before you just give in and push me forward. The parts where you need to open a book or rotate something the correct way are cool, but by this point in the game you should be expected to do these things by yourself, rather than a big sign in the corner popping up telling you what to do.

I also wish there was more closure in the cases, a lot of the stuff just gets forgotten about once you've arrested the perp in a given case. A lot of the time you're not even given a clear indication that the guy you arrested was actually the right guy, just that he's been agreed to have been guilty. I realise thats the case a lot of the time in real life, but it'd be nice just to know to wrap things up. For example:

In one of the Dahlia cases the guy from Heroes, Hugo something was arrested for killing his wife, fine. It's later revealed that it was actually the barman who did all the murders, fair enough. So why was Hugo running from the cops? Why did he have bloody shoes that he was trying to burn? He's CLEARLY been up to something, and he looks pissed at gettting caught when you charge him, not pleading innocence, so what did he actually do? Are we to believe that the actual killer framed every single one of the other suspects?

It's nothing that ruins the game, it just feels like it all happened for the sake of giving you something to do, which is just weird.

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I've heard that a lot of loose ends get tied up as you move along in the game, and on the topic of the people running..

That really bothered me too - almost everyone who got caught had evidence in their houses, and no one acts shocked.. hell most of the time they nearly flat out admit it "That bitch got what she deserved!". Just seemed really off to me.

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So did anyone who didn't like GTAIV pick this up? If so, how'd you enjoy it? Is it worth getting if I wasn't so keen on Heavy Rain or the last few GTA games? I liked Red Dead if that's at all helpful. I want to get a new PS3 game, but I'm just still not sold on this yet.

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So did anyone who didn't like GTAIV pick this up? If so, how'd you enjoy it? Is it worth getting if I wasn't so keen on Heavy Rain or the last few GTA games? I liked Red Dead if that's at all helpful. I want to get a new PS3 game, but I'm just still not sold on this yet.

I got very bored with GTAIV very quickly. LA Noire is pretty good, I think.

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I'm definitely enjoying this, but I can only do a couple of cases in one sitting without getting bored, as it feels a bit samey. Maybe that's just how it is early on, but there's only so much searching around an area/trying and failing to read people I can do in one day. :shifty:

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I'm definitely enjoying this, but I can only do a couple of cases in one sitting without getting bored, as it feels a bit samey. Maybe that's just how it is early on, but there's only so much searching around an area/trying and failing to read people I can do in one day. :shifty:

Thats kind of how I felt too after the first 6 cases. Just that it wasnt going to chagnge this formula up too much, and I could already sense the bad guy in each case well before the big "reveal" would come around.

I will say although at an angle the faces are a little.. strange, from straight on watching skin wrinkle as they raise their eyebrows or a nose twitch or something like that.. really incredible.

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Yeah, i can defenetly see it getting tomuch, right now i am playing on a one case per day basis wich feels great. It´s more like watching a TV show, giving up some parts of it for the interactivety of a game. I hope they do a second season.

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