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Yeah, Shibata looked impressive, but the guy he faced is like, 6-16 I think, and hasn't won in over 3 years, so it's not all that big an accomplishment. I'll reserve judgment until he fights an actual fighter with some ability. I downloaded the entire show, but skipped forward to the Shibata fight and deleted it. Just absolutely nothing on here interested me at all.

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Looking at the report, the highlights were Dida vs. Takaya, which was short, but apparently an amazing slugfest and Ribeiro giving Ueyama a one on one grappling lesson. Speaking of Ribeiro, he's probably the best fighter that hasn't fought in the UFC or Pride. He would definitely be a threat to either Lightweight titles.

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I know absolutely nothing about Shibata other than in a random cult fed on EWR that I ran probably 3-4 years ago with only monthly shows I had Shibata go on a monsterous 35 month winning streak which saw him slowly rise from lower midcard to title holder and pushed my company from mid-range Cult to the cusp of Global. So for that I will always "pop" for his name, good to hear he looked impressive.

Edited by Big Red Fury
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News from the past week...

According to the official iN DEMAND website, UFC 71 on Saturday, March 26 will feature a Light Heavyweight title main event rematch between champion Chuck Liddell and challenger Quinton "Rampage" Jackson.

The show is being dubbed UFC 71: Liddell vs. Jackson on the iN DEMAND website and has been rumored for a while on other MMA websites and message boards the past few weeks.

More on this as it comes in.

credit: MMA News

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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Also, it looks like Tito Ortiz is moving again, from UFC 70 to 71, and now apparently to UFC 72. Rashad Evans vs. Tito Ortiz, coming soon!... We think.
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I know Tito can be perceived as quite the tool sometimes, but TUF 4 showed that he definitely plays up his "bad boy" type persona for when it's time to hype a fight. He's actually a pretty down to Earth guy who cares greatly about the sport and is extremely passionate, especially he's teaching and training with others. He loves the fans of the sport too, even if there was a backlash from his flaky antics a few year ago.

Actually, I haven't heard anybody hate on Tito for a while.

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Tito is a nice guy who is a good ambassador for the sport, but I think Rashad will win the fight. He's a better pure wrestler, more athletic, and faster... it comes down to how he handles the pressure.

As for the Arona fight... I have a feeling he'll be avenging the PRIDE 33 loss for his teammate.

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Tito is a nice guy who is a good ambassador for the sport...


Also, does Dana White hate Diego Sanchez? He's been rip roaring through everyone and still hasn't gotten a title shot. I can't really figure out why, actually, unless he's some massive prick when the camera is off or something.

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Why don't you think Tito is a good ambassador for the sport?

Main reason for Diego not getting a shot:

UFC 60 - Superfight between Hughes/Gracie

UFC 63 - Title Match, Hughes d. Penn (GSP dropped out due to injury, Penn lost to GSP by Split Decision in the #1 contenders match)

UFC 65 - Title Match, GSP d. Hughes

The Ultimate Fighter - Serra wins automatic title shot

UFC 67 - St. Pierre drops out due to injury, rescheduled for UFC 69

UFC 68 - Hughes d. Lytle, earns rematch

UFC 69 - GSP vs. Serra, Diego vs. Kos for basically next shot after Hughes

So as you can see, there hasn't been any time to give Diego a shot. St. Pierre/Penn were contenders before he was ready, and thanks to TUF, Serra is taking the shot before Hughes got his rematch leaving this the only real option for the UFC. And the slow build for Diego has been good.

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I dunno, he just irks me. With all his antics a few years back and his long hiatuses and arguements and disagreements, he really didn't give the impression that he cares much about the sport, and was more or less just looking after himself. He seems a bit better now and was defenitely more into TUF then Ken Shamrock, but even then you can make the arguement that he's trying to establish a legacy beyond himself more then making a legitimate attempt to be an ambassador to the sport. It's just a difference of perspective/personal opinion, I just don't buy him as Saint Tito.

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All his antics in the cage are purely show. TUF is more who he is. He is one of the best personalites they have for draws and one of the nicest to fans. He actually cares. His long hiatus, if you can really call them that, were from 33-40 (a little over a year), and 51-59 (a little over a year). And there was the small spat in between 40-44 about his contract where people said he was ducking Chuck, and then that's when Randy came down to fight Chuck for the strap, where the UFC were building Chuck as the next big thing and Randy owns him. Then Tito stepped up to fight Randy to find out who the undisputed champ was, Randy owned him, and then finally they got Chuck/Tito, where to his credit, Tito stood with him. Without Tito and his antics, I don't think the UFC is anywhere near where it is today. His fight his Ken the first time was a HUGE step forward for the UFC.

I don't put much into his contract holdouts, because this is a business, and when you look at your pay check and you are the #1 reason the UFC just made all that money, it was sort of a Nash/WWE situation back when he was about to become big and Michaels made a lot more than him for a fraction of the work. You start to step back and go, "I'm risking my health for this money? While Lorenzo, Dana, and Frank rake in huge paydays? And I give him credit for that, because in the long run it probably helped Randy and Chuck too.

That's my only real beef with the UFC right now. They are getting tons and tons of buys, yet opening fighters are getting 4-6,000 bucks. Which is ok, and I'm not saying they should be racking up 25,000 a fight to show, but as a fighter how can you make a living from that? You may fight 3 times a year for the UFC under contract to them preventing you from working elsewhere... making 18,000 trying to train full time, although many train part-time while trying to find work elsewhere. Overall they do a good job of taking care of their fighters, so I can't complain too much, because at least we don't have a Don King out there YET, but I'm sure they are coming.

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You're not wrong, he's done a lot for the sport, I just wonder if most of that happened accidentally while he was trying to help himself.

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The payouts for top fighters, that probably accidently happened while trying to get his payday, I'll probably agree that. But the rest, I think he has the best interest of the sport in mind, because he does stand to benefit a lot from it if it does. But that's the case in any sport that's trying to break free you could say, even though he is trying to help it, he is trying to help it because he stands to benefit from it.

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About the Diego title shot situation, he gets asked after every fight what's next and if he's looking for a championship bout and each time he just seems like he doesn't overly keen on fighting for the belt. Maybe it's because he doesn't want to seem to demanding, since he is one of the most humble fighters (not the brightest, though) and wants to keep his rep for UFC management in tact, doesn't want to be a hassle (though I'm sure Dana White would love Diego, a TUF product, to take the belt). Maybe he figures "hey, I can keep winning these fights, I'll get my shot when I get it" or maybe generally just doesn't feel like he's ready for it yet.

I mean, when you see guys like GSP and Hermes Franca getting on their knees and begging for title shots after fights, while Diego seems more like "nah, it'll happen when it happens"... If he was dying for a shot, I'm sure we'd hear about it. Whenever there is anybody dying to be the #1 contender that badly, you'd here it somewhere on the net. And Diego hardly ever mentions the Welterweight title. Unless I've missed it.

Personally, I think he'll steamroll over Kos. Chances are it's going to be GSP/Hughes III before you know it.. Unless Matt Serra shocks everybody... Then I can see Diego getting a shot. Because after Hughes gets his shot again, it'll have to be Diego. Nobody else is really worthy of the #1 contendership after that.

Edited by Enter Blue Guy
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So I got a magazine from the college I graduated from today and inside they showed Joe Lauzon. I knew I seen him before when I was watching him defeat Jens Pulver and sure enough, he graduated from the same school I did during the same year I did, 2006. I don't recall taking any classes with him, but he majored in the same thing I did and have seen him around before but I just couldn't pin point it to actually being in the same college as he did. That's pretty cool that they would put a full article on him in the magainze (taking about his upcoming part of TUF 5 and beating Pulver on PPV).

Yeah this really means nothing, but it's pretty cool to "know" someone in UFC.

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It was announced on the "Beatdown" radio show on Sherdog.com by writer Josh Gross that Chute Boxe stand-out Mauricio "Shogun" Rua has signed a new unique fight contract.

In what has to be considered another sign that there is a deal between DSE (Dreamstage Entertainment) and the Fertitta brothers (Frank and Lorenzo, UFC owners) involving the future of PRIDE, Shogun signed a new contract that calls for two fights under the PRIDE banner, and two for the UFC.

Nothing much other than that was mentioned, but that's another huge coup for the UFC if true. Not only do they have Quinton "Rampage" Jackson and "Lyoto" Ryoto Machida to spice up their Light Heavyweight division, with Rashad Evans and Keith Jardine rising up the ranks and now Mauricio "Shogun" Rua added to the mix, Chuck Liddell's future just got a lot busier.

Credit: MMA News.com

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