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Red Dead Redemption

King Ellis

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Ok the Master Hunter II missions are nuts. Hunting legendary animals. Wolves sucked, Boars were easy but Cougars are fucking ridiculous. I pity the fool who tries to hunt Khan the legendary jaguar. :crying:

Always hide in the broken down houses when hunting the Legendary animals. For the cougar there is Tanner's Reach, just shoot out the windows and the door, they can't get in.

Also going by what Maxx said, make sure you stay in the designated area when killing these animals. If you leave the area(the area, not just the red circle) you will have to start over

Oh I never left the area, that legendary boar just refused to show up. So I attempted to wipe out his species entirely :shifty:

Yeah I've had a friend who was saying something about that also, idk maybe just try it again later.

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Ok the Master Hunter II missions are nuts. Hunting legendary animals. Wolves sucked, Boars were easy but Cougars are fucking ridiculous. I pity the fool who tries to hunt Khan the legendary jaguar. :crying:

No way! Get on a horse and it's simple as shit. I did them all.

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A woman was getting raped in the middle of town. I ran up and shot the guy. She was so happy and jumped up to thank me. As she did so I noticed my bounty went up to $5. As she went to give me a hug the law showed up and shot us both dead in the street :lol:

Similar thing happened to me, I saved a girl from being raped, and get all sorts of bad rep cos I shot and killed the would be rapist. Next time, I'm leaving her to fend for herself!

Not done much today. Done the first mission for N W Dickens (or whatever the lad's called) and got attacked by cougars. Fun times.

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Which is weird because I've seen a guy drag a woman to the floor and pull out a knife on her about three or four times, and each time I kill him I get positive rep, and the cops don't mind.

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It seems a little random. I've had both happen to me, I'm starting to wonder if perhaps there's a certain point you have to reach before you'll gain rep for it. I think it's probably something like, shortly after the Knife has been drawn you can shoot him.

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Which is weird because I've seen a guy drag a woman to the floor and pull out a knife on her about three or four times, and each time I kill him I get positive rep, and the cops don't mind.

This is my result, as well.

However, all results should be like what srar has experienced as women are whores and clearly evil.

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Whenever that happens, because I am so afraid to lose rep and honor, I just pull out my knife or lasso and knife or lasso the shit out the guy. I once killed a guy by dragging him from my horse for the longest time.

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I have to say that I absolutely love the bandana. With the other Rockstar games, I had to limit my fucking around to unsaved sessions - but here I throw on the bandana, rob a few people and do some other stuff and I get to keep the money and everything else I've picked up without any kind of honor loss.

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Man, how the fuck am I supposed to find a Boar? I go to the area marked where they apparently are and I just get killed by Cougars over and over again.

some animals only come out during certain times of day, so just camp until you find the right time.

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The trick with the woman being attacked it seems, is whether or not the attacker has actually hit her or brought out a knife, if either of those has happened, shoot the bastard, if neither happens, wait as long as you can, or lasso the guy if your morals won't let you stand by and let it happen :shifty:

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I have punched and lassoed would-be rapists and not had a problem. I was irked earlier when I found a lawman who was under attack by two bandits. I lasso one and drag him to the lawmen, who procedes to shoot the everloving shit out of the guy, costing me money. Anyway, I circle around to go after the other bad guy and the lawman runs out in front of me, and I had no choice but to bump into him - he didn't die or anything, but it counted as an assault, so I got a bounty and couldn't finish off the submission. Horrible.

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