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Donald Glover as Spider-Man?


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I would actually really like to see this. I love the guys chemistry with the guy who plays Abed on Community, and they're are probably the main reason I like the show so much. It would be different and it would give the guy some more recognition than he may have at the moment. I wouldn't care if they turn Spiderman into a black guy. It's not like Spiderman has had to deal with the horrible, horrible traumas of living in white skin or anything.

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mcburnett summed up the race issue quite well on Twitter:

If a white guy can play a prince from Persia, then a black dude can definitely play a kid from Queens.

See also; Mickey Rourke as Ghengis Khan. It would be nice if this could work both ways from time to time, though in this case, honestly, I disagree. The Peter Parker character is white, and while I get the argument "nothing about the character says he needs to be white"....the character is. The Prince Of Persia argument, really doesn't apply - it just says "if we can cast the wrong guy for this role, we can cast the wrong guy for another as well".

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mcburnett summed up the race issue quite well on Twitter:

If a white guy can play a prince from Persia, then a black dude can definitely play a kid from Queens.

See also; Mickey Rourke as Ghengis Khan. It would be nice if this could work both ways from time to time, though in this case, honestly, I disagree. The Peter Parker character is white, and while I get the argument "nothing about the character says he needs to be white"....the character is. The Prince Of Persia argument, really doesn't apply - it just says "if we can cast the wrong guy for this role, we can cast the wrong guy for another as well".

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The Peter Parker character is white, and while I get the argument "nothing about the character says he needs to be white"....the character is.

But even Stan Lee himself has said the character could be anyone, a white kid, a black kid, Asian, etc., because he's so easy to relate to. Peter Parker has traditionally been drawn white, but as was pointed out earlier, Nick Fury and Kingpin were traditionally white as well, until they weren't.

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To be fair Kingpin has only ever been black in the film Daredevil, where as Nick Fury has had a striking resemblance to Samuel L Jackson since 2002 in the Ultimate Universe.

But I suppose that isn't the point really as a fictional character they have their pasts retold identities tweaked and changed quite often and there is nothing to say Spider-Man can't be black, in fact I think Donald would make a marvellous Peter Parker i fully support the idea.

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Danny Glover as Uncle Ben and Mel Gibson as Aunt May, I'd say.

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Danny Glover as Uncle Ben and Mel Gibson as Aunt May, I'd say.

But who is Joe Peschi gonna be?

As long as the actor who plays Spidey is a good actor, then he can be whatever race they want, just so long as he makes me believe he's Peter Parker and isn't Toby McGuire. There was a rumour going around about the kid from the Percy Jackson film taking the role, he'd be good I recon

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Stan Lee's take on the matter

Donald Glover's Internet campaign to be considered for the role of Peter Parker in the Spider-Man reboot movie has reached Stan Lee, who has given his official opinion on the matter. If you don't know what we're talking about, the controversy stems from the fact that Glover is African-American.

Lee said via video, " I certainly think he should have a chance to audition" and noted that the white characters Kingpin and Nick Fury were played by African-American actors in film. But he added that might not work in the case of Spider-Man.

"Everybody seems to be familiar with Spider-Man, so I say that it isn't that it's a racial issue - it's just that it might be confusing to people. But that's a matter for the people at Marvel to take into consideration. I certainly don't want to weigh in on it in any way, except to say I think Glover is a fine actor."


There's also a video with Stan Lee talking about it via the link

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Even if Glover doesn't get the role or doesn't get to audition, can't we find a better choice than Jamie Bell, or any of the other vanilla wonders that were on the shortlist?

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I'll say about this idea what I said about it at another board:

If it actually happens, then 'm going to write a Shang-Chi, Master of Kung-Fu movie. Except in this he'll actually be a white martial artist turned rapper who is a fan of The Wu-Tang Clan and Shang-Chi is his rap name. And Fu Manchu will be an Afghan warlord turned record producer.

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