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Smackdown vs Raw 2011


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Per Stephenson, in WWE Universe you cannot defend any of the default unlocked titles (WWE, WHW, IC, US, Tag, Womens, Divas) anywhere but on PPVs.

Just seems like another one of those head-scratching decisions that was made solely so they'd have something to fix next year. Much like the ability to edit downloaded CAWs.

Argh... that's really, REALLY stupid. Really stupid. That will be the "only 10 appearances total for CAWs" of this year. So fucking stupid... especially with belts that change hands on TV all the time like US and IC.

Has there been any actual discussion about how Universe mode works? I know they say they take into account matches you have played to set up a PPV, but does it run through a calendar? Do you play a certain amount of matches for one Raw, then do the same for Smackdown, until the end of the month? Or has this all been hush-hush, and we'll find all kinds of zaney restrictions on it once we buy it?

You play through a calendar. I think it's four matches per Raw/Smackdown then six matches on PPV.

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About the title defenses being only on PPV, you can still have title matches - just skip forward to the next PPV and select who you want to have in title matches. It doesn't really effect me because most of the time in SvR, my title matches happen at...PPVs lol. So I personally see no issue to it but I can understand how others would find it to be a problem.

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There will be workarounds, I'm sure, you could probably just manually switch titles whenever you want anyway, but it's one of those things that just makes me roll my eyes at this series. Every year there's some restriction that makes absolutely no fucking sense.

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Yeah, the game's been in development for 18 months, pretty sure they could've figured out how to make titles defendable in the fancy exhibition mode. Never been a problem before and it really can't be THAT complicated. I seriously hope they patch it... but they won't.

I think you can turn WWE Universe mode off and just play normally

Which defeats the entire purpose of WWE Universe.

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Yeah, the game's been in development for 18 months, pretty sure they could've figured out how to make titles defendable in the fancy exhibition mode. Never been a problem before and it really can't be THAT complicated. I seriously hope they patch it... but they won't.

It sounds like more of a preference of the developer/WWE than something that they actually wanted to get in. I just saw that Cody Rhodes' entrance is up. He has the current music but everything else is old. Hopefully they update that in a patch or DLC.

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I just saw that Cody Rhodes' entrance is up. He has the current music but everything else is old. Hopefully they update that in a patch or DLC.

Happens fairly often, don't expect them to change it though, that definitely goes in the "next year" file.

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I just saw that Cody Rhodes' entrance is up. He has the current music but everything else is old. Hopefully they update that in a patch or DLC.

Happens fairly often, don't expect them to change it though, that definitely goes in the "next year" file.

Yeah, it's the Booker T/Rob Conway/Johhny Nitro thing where the person has a complete 180 in terms of their character and appearance midway through the year after all the motion capture was done for the game, leaving them to only be able to put the tron and music up for use.

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Ugh. They just had to go and do something silly like that with WWE Universe mode. It's not a deal breaker, but it really is a stupid decision. I just can't imagine what they were thinking when they came up with that idea. "Hey guys, let's make it so title matches only can happen on PPV" "Great idea chief" "Love it boss".

As was said, it can be worked around so that you simulate up to PPV's, and you can always edit the matches, but still it seems that the very least they could have given us the secondary titles for Smackdown and Raw shows. AH fuck.

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In my opinion title matches only on PPV's is a good idea. Remember back to SD!2 in season mode. Every week there was a title match, usually with a new champion. I think the main reason they set it up for PPV's only is to cut back on frequent title changes.

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I don't agree simply because if it's our game that we pay sixty bucks for, we should have title changes as frequently or infrequently as we'd like. I just don't believe in restrictions that really have no reason to be in place.

Also, my copy of Smackdown 2 seemed to have title matches rarely on my season modes. Probably just coincidence, but I always remember being disappointed that there wasn't more title matches.

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I'd rather see title matches limited to PPVs only (which is pretty accurate for the era, and especially for this time of the year with the multitude of PPVs) than having WWE title matches main eventing NXT because the game isn't smart enough to figure out how frequently defenses on TV should happen.

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Right, but from what I'm gathering, you're able to change the matches on the shows if you don't like them. Just because the computer is dumb enough to put Cena/Orton for the WWE on Superstars doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Them making title matches PPV exclusive is stupid. Plain and simple.

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Well it seems like WWE is putting on a PPV every week so we'll have plenty of chances to defend the titles. But really, if that's our biggest complaint so far (and it appears that way from what little I've seen about the game and reading this thread) then this has major potential to be the best Smackdown game yet and a huge jump in the right direction.

What I'm more concerning about is Zero, what do you mean when you say only 10 total appearances for CAWS. Was that for the story designer last year? I didn't get a copy of last years, just rented it and I never touched story mode.

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