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Superman: Man of Steel ***SPOILERS***


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The only thing that really bothered me was how they turned a Jewish myth of the Golem into Jesus Christ.

Hell, not even Jesus Christ but Creationism Christ to boot.

"We will win because we are evolution!"

"Father son and ghost!"

how many times was clark set up in the cruxifixtion pose? It got pretty bad.

His being born in a way no one else had in centuries making his birth unique even was christ like. It weighed the movie down.

You're looking far too much into that. I can see it now you've said it but I never once thought of that while watching the film.

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The only thing that really bothered me was how they turned a Jewish myth of the Golem into Jesus Christ.

Hell, not even Jesus Christ but Creationism Christ to boot.

"We will win because we are evolution!"

"Father son and ghost!"

how many times was clark set up in the cruxifixtion pose? It got pretty bad.

His being born in a way no one else had in centuries making his birth unique even was christ like. It weighed the movie down.

You're looking far too much into that. I can see it now you've said it but I never once thought of that while watching the film.

I could find you many more examples in the film. But like I said it was really rife with them. Like how he used heat vision. SO ripping off the bible.

ok... that one not so much. But there is a lot of christian imagery here.

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Good Movie. Even thought the 3D actualy was worth it (they have no screenings without it here right now). I don´t know to much about the superman heriatage and obviusly Invincible builds a lot on the core Idea of Superman... but this felt so much inspired by Invincible to me. So much fun.

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Despite Tkz ruining this for me!!! :( :( :( I really enjoyed it. Man, were the cast amazing. Like I thought everyone was spot on, especially Kevin Costner, man is that guy the all American dad. I cared about Superman and I want another one. Not perfect, but definitely a step in the right direction.

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Ended up going to see it last night and I really enjoyed it. I like (most of) the Reeve movies, but they never felt like anything great nor anything that would get me excited to see the next movie. Granted, I haven't read any comic books (yet) so I've only seen the movies and Smallville, but I've always enjoyed Superman more than most superheroes out there.

I was confused when the movie went from the ship crashing to Clark working on the boat as I thought there was some technical issue. I thought having the flashbacks scattered throughout the movie worked better than just having the first twenty minutes dedicated to showing him growing up. Made the moments in his life seem like they actually mattered when coupled with the situations he was in.

It was interesting to see Krypton as well, since I've never seen anything actually go into such detail. Has Krypton been described/shown in the comics at all other than the quick Jor-El/Zod stuff?

Michael Shannon was a fantastic Zod, I enjoyed Amy Adams (if I had one gripe it would maybe be she was too soft-spoken, but I'm not sure if that's really a bother for me), Fishburne was nice as Perry, Crowe was good... Really just enjoyed the entire cast.

Cavill as Superman I'm looking forward to. I know someone mentioned how Superman is supposed to have that spark or something and that this movie didn't really feel like he did, but I would put it down to it being the first movie in a new vision. It set up him actually becoming Superman really well and his struggle between his birth world and his home world.

It's interesting to see them not go the route of him keeping his secret from Lois, but I think I like it. The Reeve movies seemed to make that far too big of an issue (what with him constantly wanting to tell her, telling her, wiping her memory, etc), so I'll be glad to not have that be a thing in these movies. I am looking forward to see Cavill play the Daily Planet Clark Kent, just to see if Clark and Superman are made to be more different than just a pair of glasses or what.

The final fight... I loved the ending to it. Seeing him struggle to prevent Zod from killing the humans with his heat vision and deciding the only way to do so is to kill him... Really amazing I thought. The movie was a good starting point to shape up Superman into what he is destined to become, and I can't wait for the sequel. I would definitely rate this higher than any other Superman movie.

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Love you more babe. KISS.

Man, I liked this film, but I'm trying really hard not to think too much about some things.

Like why an advanced civilization that can harness a black hole, has mastered space travel, planet terraforming and are just generally SUPER intelligent... somehow get destroyed entirely and don't even think to listen to Jor-El. Or just, you know, run away when their planet blows up.

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They were quite stubborn people. Their intelligence, ironically, made them rather narrow minded. That's the way I've always interpreted it, at least.

I've never seen Krypton depicted like that before, and I must say... anyone else feel like it was Stars Wars there? I was just waiting for a lightsaber duel!

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I was hoping for Brainiac to make an appearance on Krypton similar to on Superman: TAS. By that I mean he is the supercomputer that convinces the Kryptonians to ignore the warnings of Jor-El.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Movies about a week into its run in Australia. Saw one review that loved the movie, the acting and basically everything until near the end. They said the final act was overlong and overblown and ended up costing the movie a bit. Gave it 2.5 stars(not sure if that's out of 4 or 5). I'll probably see it myself, next weekend, when the initial crowd rush dies down some more. Rather looking forward to it. :)

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