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Superman: Man of Steel ***SPOILERS***


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Doomsday should never appear in a movie, ever, for several reasons, one of which is given how destruction happy they were with this one, they'd have to obliterate an entire country if they had Superman and Doomsday fight.

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What would he bring to the film that Zod and friends did not? He was a half thought out character created just for an event to drive sales, which itself was terribly planned and horribly convoluted and retconned quickly afterwards.

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Him killing Zod sets a precedent for him never doing it again though. I get that it's his one rule, but you kind of need to introduce that rule somehow. It's the same as complaining that Superman isn't trying to take the fight elsewhere or trying to save people... Zod wants to destroy everything. If you take him to a corn field, he's just going to fly through a ton of buildings and destroy more to get back there.

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I do agree with a solid amount of his criticism. One thing I'd point out though;

Superman is the one to go to the non-populated place because it's on the other fucking side of the planet and there's no way the military chopper could get there in time.

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Oh man, I didn't know this thread was gonna have spoilers in. Everything else had been kept in spoiler tags, so I thought it was safe to just see what people though of it. :(

Shit, I was just about to come in and edit the title to mark it as such after I got out of my shower but got sidetracked looking at other shit. :(

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It's cool. I used to get annoyed when people complained about spoilers in The Walking Dead thread, I just assumed as people had spoiler tagged everything so far it was safe. I think both of those things would've surprised me as well.

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The only thing that really bothered me was how they turned a Jewish myth of the Golem into Jesus Christ.

Hell, not even Jesus Christ but Creationism Christ to boot.

"We will win because we are evolution!"

"Father son and ghost!"

how many times was clark set up in the cruxifixtion pose? It got pretty bad.

His being born in a way no one else had in centuries making his birth unique even was christ like. It weighed the movie down.

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