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Piranha 3D


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I saw the trailer for this whilst waiting for Inception. I was like 'meh' until Christopher Lloyd popped up on screen. Then Ving Rhames took a boat propeller to the Piranha. Now I kinda want to see this.

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I think everything about it turned me on to it. Adam Scott is playing totally deadpan in the ads, which is gorgeous. Naked breasts in 3D. And Richard Dreyfuss REPRISING HIS ROLE FROM JAWS IN EVERY WAY EXCEPT THE NAME.

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That's not the point I was making.. at all. >_<

I like slasher/killer/disaster/animal killing films if the people dieing are trying to figure out what the hell is going on, or if they're clueless as to what is happening.

But here it's clear what's going on and they're just being dumbasses regardless.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My review (some spoilers):

Boobies (a lot). Asses (a lot). Gore (a hell of a lot). Gianna Michaels cameo. Ving Rhames. Christopher Lloyd being awesome. In 3-D.

In all seriousness, this movie is understandably campy, and as such, it's quite fun. While I'm sure the scientifically inclined will rip apart the premise of the movie, if you don't dwell on it, you don't really ruin any of your fun. The acting was all decent-to-good with a few people that were excellently cast (Jerry O'Connell). The piranhas look...well...I really haven't decided how I think the piranhas look. The CGI in some spots is pretty bad. The 3-D in some spots is pretty gimmicky, but that was pretty much to be expected.

Nudity fans, there's LOTS of it, including a pretty long scene with two fully nude(!) women swimming around underwater to classical music.

Gore fans, there's a lot of it. A hell of a lot of it. I know this next part is going to sound odd, but the gore and how it is executed makes up a lot for the weak points of the movies because while there are some over the top gory things that probably wouldn't actually be able to physically happen in real life, the scene when the piranhas finally attack the part of the lake with spring breakers is pretty horrifying in the destruction the little devils cause to the human body.

As for plot(lol), it's pretty fairly basic and cookie cutter, but on a personal level, that's okay. True, I often find myself desiring more, but when I went to see Piranha 3D, I knew I wasn't in for an Inception-esque plotline. And if any of you go to see it, you won't be either.

Final verdict, though: I really felt as if the premise just simply couldn't support the weight of 90 minutes of running time. This is apparent through a bunch of brief shots and scenes that focus more on boobies and asses than anything else. Even with that end-game in mind, I still enjoyed the movie for what it was, and don't really think the ten bucks I dropped on it was better spent anywhere else.

Edited by HeartlineTwist
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So it's basically JAWS with lots of tiny fish, but with the added campyness of Anaconda?

... it looks so fucking stupid but I can't help but want to watch it.

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I may have seen Piranha on TV once, I seem to remember an older flick with them in it, I've just not seen it start to finish.

Guess I'll be watching it at some point then :shifty:

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