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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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Two Face was easy for me. Use the viewpoints to get up and above him, pounce when you have the chance, then just kick the shit outta him. I got him KO'd before any of his goons even realised what was happening.

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I had a hard time with Two-Face also. I spent the majority of the time taking out his goons before I realized they kept respawning. Once I had that bit figured out (actually once the game told me that when I died) it was pretty easy to get past Two-Face.

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Restarted the game today, and realised the man in front of you in Line A, as you go to walk into Arkham City, is Deadshot.

Its the little things like that, which keep me playing this again and again :wub:

...aaaaaaaaaand here's why i didn't want to come into this thread. Ugh.

But yeah, only a couple hours in but ny god, this is lovely.

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Beat it today!

I liked the Clayface reveal, made the last boss fight a little more interesting at least rather than BEAT UP JOKER AND A BILLION GUARDS. Ra's Al Ghul being behind it all made a lot more sense to me than Strange. But in the end, I'm not sure how much I enjoyed it. It was good fun, but the percentage of fight to stealth really started to bore me towards the end. They needed to take that into account with the city and street environment. Overall, good game, better than the last, but not quite as amazing as I was expecting. I'm guessing with a third one probably in the works, they'll take it the last way they can go and make it all out Gotham City, not just a part of it?

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Fuck Mr. Freeze and his wife. Both goddamn doors are locked.

I had problems with this even when I found the way in. I'll just say that you'll be wanting to head to the back of the building, it's not a door.

If you want MORE info:

Behind, in the water there is a boat - you'll be able to see the wall from there. You'll need to throw down an iceflow, pull yourself to the wall and destroy it with the gel.

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Already did that. That door is locked. Says I need to clear the area of all enemies. Except there are no enemies. Maybe if I reload the game today and it won't do that to me. Pretty frustrating, though.

Edited by Fuck Tristy
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So I ended up getting the game because Ive been incredibly bored without any game to play, as fun as punching civilians into the water in AC Brotherhood story was. I did save money, as well. Yes. That $5 savings is going towards something special...

I assume downloading the Catwoman DLC is the better starting point, yes?

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So I ended up getting the game because Ive been incredibly bored without any game to play, as fun as punching civilians into the water in AC Brotherhood story was. I did save money, as well. Yes. That $5 savings is going towards something special...

I assume downloading the Catwoman DLC is the better starting point, yes?

Oddly enough, not really. It fits into the canon, but it's really just not needed at all. Her part in the story just feels like it's there to break up the big story and can quite often irritate. Especially seeing as after the epic final boss fight, you then have another small irritating Catwoman mission left. It just feels wrong.

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Ended up downloading the DLC last night <_<

Thus far Im on my way to Mister Freeze, stopped there since it was getting late. At the moment, I sort of like the Catwoman missions breaking up the Batman story, though Im sure once I get to the end Ill feel differently.

Being in the city feels soooooo different than AA. I WANT to hunt down the Riddler trophies and such, but it is so massive that I keep focusing more on the story. That and some of the Riddler stuff I just dont get. The pressure plates or whatever on sides of buildings, trophies (I think) trapped under small domes with wires leading to barrels with question marks on them. I dont think all that well under normal circumstances, let alone when Im in a video game :angry:. Would I be able to go back after I complete the story or would I need to start a new game up for that?

Thus far, though, it is pretty nice. Feels weird playing on the Xbox since I got AA through Steam, but it feels pretty good. Forgot you can use the batclaw to tear down grates and stuff at first. Also like some of the combos you can upgrade to. The voice actress for Harley Quinn I cant really tell a difference from the original either, plus Harley Quinn doesn't look half bad in the new outfit.

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Yeah, you can continue to do the trophies and stuff, I think. After I finished the Catwoman DLC I was left with the open world and the ability to wander around, so I assume you can. Don't know if you can do the side quests though.

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I did a couple side quests, or at least I think I did. I stopped a mugging or something, then I did the flare from the roof thing, and then I found someone at the top of a radio tower or something.

Im glad I pay so much attention to the game :shifty:

EDIT: It is so easy to get sidetracked in the game. I keep looking around to see if there are any Riddler trophies I can mark for later, or Ill be close enough for a side mission where Ill feel the need to just do it now.

Edited by Vitamin E
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This game is far too addicting. Luckily I havent been TOO stumped yet, though there were spots where it took me a few tries before I figured out what to do.

Only 15% completion thus far, though, so Im hoping that means there is still a lot of the story left rather than the riddles and stuff taking up a majority of the remaining percent.

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He said pulling up doesnt do anything. He just bombs and then falls in the lava before he gets to him

Tell him to follow the trail that the ghost leaves, basically. Divebomb at the dips and pull up for the hills.

You also have to eventually dive into a warp tunnel thing instead of just trying to go further at the end (which will kill you).

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