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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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Aww, I posted stuff with a bunch of links and spoilers and it didn't look very good in the end, so I just edited it out. Info about Nightwing and such.

I think I'm going to preorder this at Gamestop, commercial says I can get the Robin maps, Joker's carnival and 2 skins for Robin. Really looking forward to this, the double Line Launcher just further psyched me up.

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I got this game today and I must say it's pretty damn awesome. Some majorish spoilers I guess about the beginning and how things work.

I was surprised how it started. You begin kicking ass as Bruce Wayne of all things.

The City itself is fucking huge.

Riddler Challenges are interesting so far. Some are move rewarded (like 20x combo), and some are some really interesting puzzles.

The amount of sidequests are awesome so far too. So far there's Riddler Challenges, finding old Titan forumla with Bane, The Deadshot thing, Flying Challenges, and Zsasz's phone thing.

This feels like the Mario Galaxy 2 to Mario Galaxy so far.

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This feels like the Mario Galaxy 2 to Mario Galaxy so far.

You're going to have to explain this to me, seeing how I have Mario Galaxy and Arkham Asylum, but neither MG2 nor this. :shifty:

I'm basically saying it took the original concept, which was already very well done, and has made it better.

Story Mode is picking up. Major spoilers:

Joker has infected Batman with blood that will kill him, Mr. Freeze can make the anecdote, but it will take some complex enzyme. Apparently, Ra's Al Ghul's body has this enzyme, so I am trying to find his body.

Penguin was absolutely badass I must say.

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I heard if you get the Catwoman DLC and install it before starting it, the game starts off playing as her.

Didn't want to do any DLCs before the game is officially released.

Apparently the DLC is actually intended to be played first, as that's where it fits in the canon.

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Guest Yello Mit

I seriously cannot wait for this game. I pre-ordered it a couple of weeks ago. Batman Arkham Asylum is one of my favourite game of all time, but by the looks of this game, it'll get surpassed.

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Which place should I buy it online which would be most likely to have the game to me on Friday?

Might just go out and buy it in the shops on Saturday, but don't really wanna order it from somewhere where it will end up coming along after the weekend, especially as that is primarily the time I can sink some hours into the game.

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Which place should I buy it online which would be most likely to have the game to me on Friday?

Might just go out and buy it in the shops on Saturday, but don't really wanna order it from somewhere where it will end up coming along after the weekend, especially as that is primarily the time I can sink some hours into the game.

Two or three times before, my friend has ordered games from the GAME website and gotten them the day before street release, so that's where I ordered mine from.

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I couldn't decide on preordering and didn't. I still really want to play this. Amazon always has same day delivery for big games like this. I might just pick it up at Gamestop.

I've heard gameplay for fast players is around 12 hours while players that do everything around 30. that sound pretty good and much better than X-Men Destiny.

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I've read it takes 50 hours to do everything. In fact, that's the only gripe I've heard from any of the reviews I've read, that there's perhaps too much to do. Yeah, getting your money's worth out of a video game... the horror.

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