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Batman: Arkham City

Johnny Latino Heat

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I've read it takes 50 hours to do everything. In fact, that's the only gripe I've heard from any of the reviews I've read, that there's perhaps too much to do. Yeah, getting your money's worth out of a video game... the horror.

I can kind of get what they're saying, seeing as there's apparently 400 "Riddler challenge rooms".

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Fuck. Id be perfectly happy with the 30 hours, let alone 50, if that would be a majority of main story gameplay. Reason Im not getting Arkham on release is I dont think it is worth spending $60 on a game that I will play once for the story and then never touch again unless I want to have fun with the modes of beating up bad guys. Gameplay that lasts that long would make me feel less dirty spending close to that price.

Im incredibly excited for the game because I LOVED Arkham Asylum, I just want to have my cake from the day old shelf at half price and eat it, too <_<.

Edited by Vitamin E
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Spoiler about Riddler Challenges.

There are 400 Riddler Challenges, but admittedly it is a bit cheap to say that, as things like 20x combo and glide for 150 meters are challenges.

That is not to say there aren't Riddler Challenge rooms, I've in fact been killed in one, and a lot of them are puzzles, which is really all kinds of cool.

So far, I haven't seen any things to scan like in Arkham Asylum. It seems to be all trophies. I only have 87 of the 400 though, so I'm not 100% sure.

Instead of Riddler Challenge maps, you can scan trophies that seem unattainable at the time and get them on your map that way.

Catwoman has her own trophies.

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Guest Yello Mit

There is scannable Riddler challenges. The side-mission where the medical team from the medical centre (the place you first see Harley) are missing. Go there and The Riddler is there on a big screen and the first scannable Riddler challenge is the organ at the back of the centre.

Hope that helps.

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So, I go to the local midnight launch, grab the game, happy golucky. Get home, open the case, update the game on Ps3, and start looking for the Catwoman DLC voucher. I find it!

.... Without a key printed on it -.-, nowhere to be found on any item in the box and all the other DLC stuff is in there, too.

When did games start being like fast food? Do I have to start opening the boxes in front of the store to make sure this stuff is there? It's the third time it's happened in the last three years for me. Kind of frustrating.

Edited by Ekiyashi
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So it appears I can still get all the goodies from the the pre-order on eb games, even though the game has been released already. That's pretty sweet.

  • Batman Arkham City Steel Book Case
  • Joker Carnival Challenge Map DLC
  • 70's Batsuit skin DLC
  • Batman Under the Red Hood DVD (Blu Ray for PS3)

Shame I finally got Under the Red Hood a month or two ago.

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There is scannable Riddler challenges. The side-mission where the medical team from the medical centre (the place you first see Harley) are missing. Go there and The Riddler is there on a big screen and the first scannable Riddler challenge is the organ at the back of the centre.

Hope that helps.

Yeah, I found this last night.

I figured as much, since it was weird having the scanning for such little purpose before this.

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OK so, finished the game. Spoilers ahoy.

OK, that was a pretty damn awesome ending. My only hatred is, how do they do a third now? Strange is Dead, Talia is Dead, and most importantly, Joker is Dead. I know they could probably just have someone else as the main villain, but it wouldn't feel the same.

Clayface as Joker was an awesome twist though :D

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Like that the titans were phased out, but what's up with all the one-armed thugs? Can't deny that I enjoyed Mr. Hammer though.

If you look at the wall in the Museum, you see a advertisement for Hammer and Sickle, the conjoined twins from Russia. Joker has Hammer, Penguin has Sickle.

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Jesus Christ, it's only been out for a couple hours.

I've had it since Tuesday :)

Yeah, I know... but wow. It took me two weeks to get through the last game and I was unemployed at the time! Granted, I had to share with the wife, but still. Two days!?

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